قراءة كتاب Hero-Myths & Legends of the British Race

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Hero-Myths & Legends of the British Race

Hero-Myths & Legends of the British Race

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2


XII. Black Colin of Loch Awe 248 XIII. The Marriage of Sir Gawayne 265 XIV. King Horn 286 XV. Robin Hood 314 XVI. Hereward the Wake 334   GLOSSARY AND INDEX 353


Robin Hood and the Black Monk (William Sewell) Frontispiece
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“The demon of evil, with his fierce ravening, greedily grasped them” (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 4
Beowulf replies haughtily to Hunferth (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 12
Beowulf finds the head of Aschere (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 22
Beowulf shears off the head of Grendel (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 26
The death of Beowulf (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 40
The dream of the Emperor (Byam Shaw) 46
The Queen’s dilemma (Byam Shaw) 60
They filled the great vessel of silver with pure water (Byam Shaw) 70
“Havelok sat up surprised” (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 78
“Havelok again overthrew the porters” (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 82
“With great joy they fell on their knees” (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 88
Olaf and Sigrid (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 98
Howard leaves the house of Thorbiorn (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 106
“The silver rolled in all directions from his cloak” (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 110
“Thorbiorn lifted the huge stone” (J. H. F. Bacon, A.R.A.) 116
Charlemagne (Stella Langdale) 120
“Here sits Charles the King” (Byam Shaw) 124
“Ganelon rode away” (Byam Shaw) 130
“Charlemagne heard it again” (Byam Shaw) 144
Aude the Fair (Evelyn Paul) 154
“Day by day Cathleen went among them” (W. H. Margetson, R.I.) 162
