قراءة كتاب The Sounds of Spoken English A Manual of Ear Training for English Students (4th edition)

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‏اللغة: English
The Sounds of Spoken English
A Manual of Ear Training for English Students (4th edition)

The Sounds of Spoken English A Manual of Ear Training for English Students (4th edition)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

Baker, Mr W. Osborne Brigstocke, Principal A. Burrell, Dr E. R. Edwards, Miss E. Fogerty, Mr W. W. Greg, Dr H. F. Heath, Dr R. J. Lloyd, Mr R. B. McKerrow, and Prof. G. C. Moore Smith, I am much indebted for useful and suggestive criticisms.


1st November 1905

I am glad to say that it has not been necessary to make any far-reaching changes in the later editions. That the book has aroused interest is evident; and if its readers have not agreed with it in every detail, that is what I fully anticipated and even desired, for its object was to render students more critical in their consideration of the spoken language. To make a dogmatic pronouncement on all points would have been misleading.

This book has now been supplemented by a volume of Specimens of English, in which I have given, in the phonetic transcription, a number of passages ranging in style from the careful and elevated to the colloquial and familiar.

W. R.

December 1910.

[Pg viii]
[Pg ix]


Introduction 1
1. Purpose of the Book 1
2. Different Ways of Approaching the Subject of Spoken English 2
3. Standard Speech 3
The Organs of Speech 6
4. Breathing 6
5. Good Air 7
6. The Vocal Chords 9
7. Voice 12
8. The Velum; Nasalising 14
9. The Mouth Passage; Vowel and Consonant 16
10. Continuants 17
11. Stops 17
12. Place of Closure or Narrowing 18
13. The Epiglottis 18
14. Good Hearing 19
15. Shouting 20
16. The Representation of Speech Sounds 20
17. The Inadequacy of the Spelling; its Causes 21
18. Spelling Reform 23
19. The Need of a Phonetic Alphabet 24
20. The Sounds of Standard English 24
The Sounds considered Separately 28
21. Stops 28
22. Lip Stops 29
23. The Tongue and its Parts 30
24. Teeth Stops 31
25. Front and Back Stops public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@47382@[email protected]#Page_32" class="pginternal"
