قراءة كتاب The Sounds of Spoken English A Manual of Ear Training for English Students (4th edition)

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‏اللغة: English
The Sounds of Spoken English
A Manual of Ear Training for English Students (4th edition)

The Sounds of Spoken English A Manual of Ear Training for English Students (4th edition)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4


26. Continuants; Lip Continuants 35 27. Lip Teeth Continuants 36 28. Teeth Continuants 37 29. The Hushing Sounds 38 30. The Hissing Sounds 40 31. The Lisping Sounds 42 32. The Liquids; the r Sounds 43 33. The l Sounds 46 34. Front and Back Continuants 48 35. The h Sounds 50 36. Vowels 53 37. The a Sounds 53 38. a and ə 55 39. The Front Vowels, æ and ɛ 57 40. ai and au 59 41. Middle and Close e 60 42. The i Sounds 61 43. The Back Vowels; Open o 63 44. Middle and Close o 67 45. The u Sounds 68 46. Sounds in Connected Speech 72 47. Strong and Weak Forms 72 48. Unstressed Lax i 74 49. Assimilation 74 50. Simplification of Consonant Groups 77 51. Stress of the Word 80 52. Sonority; the Syllable 83 53. Stress of the Sentence; Scanning 85 54. Stress 87 55. Pitch 88 Conclusion 89 56. Importance of Ear-Training 89 57. Public Speaking 90 Appendices— I. Exercises
