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قراءة كتاب Ossian in Germany Bibliography, General Survey, Ossian's Influence upon Klopstock and the Bards

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Ossian in Germany
Bibliography, General Survey, Ossian's Influence upon Klopstock and the Bards

Ossian in Germany Bibliography, General Survey, Ossian's Influence upon Klopstock and the Bards

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

nor place of publication is mentioned, and the lament has no possible connection with the preceding philosophical treatise.

Von Deutscher Art und Kunst. Einige fliegende Blätter. Hamburg, pp. 1–70: Auszug aus einem Briefwechsel über Ossian und die Lieder alter Völker. pp. 113–8: Nachschrift.

The author of the essay is Herder. It is reprinted in No. 40 of the Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, pp. 3–50, 76–80. Cf. also Herder’s Sämmtliche Werke, ed. Suphan, Vol. 5, pp. 159–207.

Reviews: Frankfurter gelehrte Anzeigen, 1773, pp. 529–31. Anhang zu dem 13. bis 24. Bande der allg. deutschen Bibl., 2. Abth., pp. 1169–74 (1777).

Neue Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften, Vol. 14, i, p. 188: Notice of an English verse rendering of Fingal, Rivington, 1772.

Almanach der deutschen Musen auf das Jahr 1773. Leipzig. (Gedichte.) p. 137: Ich wüsste nicht warum.

Reprinted from the Wandsbecker Bothe, 1771, e. g.

1774. Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Zweyter Theil. Leipzig. pp. 193–205: A beautiful translation in rhythmic prose by Goethe of The Songs of Selma as far as p. 213, l. 30 (Tauchnitz). p. 206: Translation of a short extract from Berrathon, p. 374, l. 5–p. 375, l. 1.—pp. 151–3: (Oct. 12.) Description of the world of Ossian, beginning: “Ossian hat in meinem Herzen den Homer verdrängt.”

Goethe had made a translation of The Songs of Selma in Strassburg and given it to Friederike Brion. Cf. Weimar edition, Vol. 37, pp. 66–77, which gives the entire songs to the end (p. 214, Tauchnitz). Also Stöber, 1842.

An Ossianic imitation based upon Goethe’s translation is contained in a letter by Theodor Körner to Fritz Henoch, dated Freiberg, 1809. Cf. Theodor Körner. Zum 23. September 1891. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1891. p. 58; also National–Zeitung, 1891, No. 525 (Sept. 13). For a comparison of Goethe’s translation with that of Lenz, cf. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Literaturgeschichte, 1896, pp. 108 and 110.—On p. 214, Vol. 8, of the Goethe–Jahrbuch, we are told that the Lament of Armin was translated from Werthers Leiden into French verse by A. P. Coupigny in the year 1795; the beginning of the free translation is quoted, which, however, is not the Lament of Armin, but Berrathon, p. 374, ll. 5–8. In the Ausgabe letzter Hand the portions mentioned are found on pp. 166–75, p. 176, pp. 125–6 resp. of Vol. 16 (1828), in the Weimar edition, Vol. 19, pp. 165–75, 175–6, 124–5. For other editions, reprints, etc., of Werthers Leiden cf. Goedeke’s Grundriss, 2d ed., Vol. 4, p. 650.

Allgemeine Theorie der Schönen Künste ... von Johann George Sulzer. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1771–4. Vol. 2, pp. 865–73: Critical article on Ossian with a number of quotations from Denis’s translation.

For other editions cf. 1775, 1779, 1787, 1793.

Die Deutsche Gelehrtenrepublik ... Herausgegeben von Klopstock. Erster Theil. Frankfurt und Leipzig, p. 178: Epigram in praise of Ossian. Cf. infra, p. 91.

Versuche über die Geschichte des Menschen von Heinrich Home. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Vol. 1. Leipzig, pp. 322–65: Discussion of the manners of the ancient Celts and Scandinavians, with numerous quotations from the poems of Ossian.

The translation was made by A. E. Klausing. Cp. 2d ed., 1783, English reprint, 1796. Vol. 2 appeared in 1775.

1775. The Works of Ossian. Volume 2. Darmstadt. Cf. Vol. 1, 1773.

Die Gedichte Ossian’s eines alten celtischen Helden und Barden. 3 vols. Düsseldorf.

German prose translation by Edmund von Harold. Cp. 2d ed., 1782, reprint, 1795. Cf. Rheinische Beiträge, 1778, 1780–1.

Review: Anhang zu dem 25.–36. Bande der allg. deutschen Bibl., 5. Abth., pp. 3008–11, (1780).

Iris. [Herausgegeben von Johann Georg Jacobi.] Düsseldorf. Vol. 3, pp. 163–92, Vol. 4, pp. 83–105: Ossian fürs Frauenzimmer. Fingal, ein alt Gedicht von Ossian.

A prose translation of the first two books of Fingal by Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, 1751–92; the remaining books appeared in the following volumes, e. g. under 1776.

Allgemeine Theorie der Schönen Künste ... von Johann George Sulzer. Vol. 2, pp. 377–87: Ossian.

A reprint of the first edition of 1774, e. g. (Vol. 1 of the reprint had appeared in 1773.)

Dr. Samuel Johnson’s Reisen nach den Westlichen Inseln bey Schottland. Aus dem Englischen. Leipzig, pp. 189–93: Dr. Johnson’s diatribe against the authenticity of the poems of Ossian.

Translation of A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, London, 1775.

Review: Zugabe zu den Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen, 1776, pp. cccxxi–vi.

Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen, Gotha. pp. 318–9: Notice of the controversy between Dr. Johnson and Macpherson, with a translation of a letter in reference to same published in the St. James Chronicle.

ASMVS omnia sua SECVM portans, oder Sämmtliche Werke des Wandsbecker Bothen, I. und II. Theil. Bresslau.[9] p. 123: Ich wüsste nicht warum?

Cf. Der Wandsbecker Bothe, 1771.—For other editions and reprints cf. Goedeke’s Grundriss.

Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose by J. and A. L. Aikin. Altenburgh, pp. 34–42: Selama, an Imitation of Ossian.

A very close imitation in rhythmic prose (English). The names are borrowed from Ossian and there is nothing to distinguish this from one of Macpherson’s productions.

Notice: Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek, Vol. 26, i, p. 282 (1775).

1776. Iris. Berlin. Vol. 5, pp. 87–107, Vol. 6, pp. 335–53, Vol. 7, pp. 563–80, Vol. 8, pp. 812–30.

Lenz’s translation of the last four books of Fingal; for the first two cf. Iris, Vols. 3 and 4, 1775.—A reprint of the six volumes appeared in Düsseldorf and Berlin, 1775–6.—For a criticism of the translation cf. Zeitsch. für vergl. Litteraturgesch., infra, 1896.

Review: Anhang zu dem 25. bis 36. Bande der allg. deutschen Bibl., 6. Abth., p. 3425 (1780).

Litteratur der Poesie von Christian Heinrich Schmid. Erster Theil. Leipzig. pp. 295–303: Article on Ossian. Cp. Theorie der Poesie, 1767, Zusäzze, 1769.

Deutsches Museum. Leipzig. pp. 62–6: Fingals Höle. Mit einem Kupferstich.

A description of Fingal’s Cave, not an Ossianic poem, as Nicolai, Herrigs Archiv, Vol. 58, p. 155 (1877), would lead us to suspect.

Ibid., pp. 763–9: Hellebeck, Eine Seeländische Gegend. An E.F. ... v. S. ... und seine Emilia. Von Friedrich Leopold Grafen zu Stolberg.

Friedrich Stolberg (1750–1819) was strongly influenced by Ossian and not a few of his poems show traces of this influence. This particular poem has been included here, because the dependence upon Ossian is striking. On pp. 764–6 he relates the story of Fingal’s courtship of Agandecca and the latter’s death (Fingal, Bk. iii, p. 236, l. 6–p. 238, l. 5), like the remainder of the poem in hexameters.—Cp. Gedichte, 1779.

1776–7. Litterarische Monate. Ein Journal von einer Gesellschaft zu
