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قراءة كتاب The Book of Household Management
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
Jelly, apple 1518-19
clear 1396
thick, or marmalade 1395
Bag, how to make 1411
Bottled, how to mould 1414
Calf's foot 1416
Cow-heel, stock for 1412
Currant, black 1531
red 1533
white 1534
General observations on 1386
Gooseberry 1550
Invalid's 1869
Isinglass or gelatine 1413
Lemon 1447
Liqueur 1449
Moulded with fresh fruit 1440
with slices of orange 1455
Of two colours 1441
Open with whipped cream 1453
Orange 1454
Quince 1585
Raspberry 1589
Savoury, for meat pies 521
Stock for, and to clarify it 1411
Strawberry 1484
To clarify syrup for 1415
Jewels 2286
John dory, the 248
To dress the 248
Joints, injuries to 2616
Julienne, soup á la 191
Junket, Devonshire 1631
Kale brose 132
Kegeree 269
Ketchup, mushroom 472
Oyster 490
Walnut 535-6
Kettles for fish 338
Kidney and beefsteak pudding 605
Omelet 1458
Kidneys, broiled 724
Fried 725
Kitchen, distribution of a 62
Essential requirements of the 70
Fuel for the 73
Ranges 65-6
Maid, duties of the 85
Necessity for cleanliness 72
Scullery maid, duties of the 86
Utensils, ancient and modern 69
list of for the 71
Kitchens of the Middle Ages 62
Knives 2177
Kohl Rabi, or turnip-cabbage 1095
Lace collars, to clean 2266
Lady's maid, arranging the dressing room 2246-7
Attention to bonnets 2244
Chausserie, or foot-gear 2245
Dressing, remarks on 2258-9
Duties of the 2213, 2260-2
when from home 2280
evening 2281
Epaulettes of gold or silver 2287
Fashions, repairs, &c 2263
Hairdressing 2248
lessons in 2249
Ironing 2282
Jewels 2286
Linen, attention to 2278
Packing 2279
Rules of conduct 2288
Recipe, bandoline, to make 2255
Blonde, to clean 2265
Brushes, to wash 2250
Combs, to clean 2251
Crape, to make old look like new 2277
Essence of lemon, use of 2274
Flowers, to preserve cut 2289
to revive after packing 2290
Fruit-spots, to remove 2270
Furs, feathers, and woollens 2284
Grease-spots from cotton or woollen materials, to remove 2268
from silks or moires, to remove 2269
Hair, a good pomade for the 2253-4
Hair, a good wash for the 2253
to promote the growth of 2257
Lace collars, to clean 2266
Moths, preservatives against the ravages of 2285
Paint, to remove from silk cloth 2276
Pomatum, an excellent 2256
Ribbons or silk, to clean 2275
Scorched linen to restore 2283
Stains of syrup or preserved fruit, to remove 2273
To remove ink-spots 2271
Wax, to remove 2272
Lamb, as a sacrifice 744
Breast of, and green peas 744
stewed 745
Carving 761
Chops 746
Cutlets and spinach 747
Fore quarter, to carve a 764
to roast a 750
Fry 748
General observations on the 698-702
Hashed and broiled blade-bone of 749
Leg of, boiled 751
roast 752
Loin of, braised 753
Saddle of 754
Shoulder of 755
stuffed 756
Lamb's sweetbreads, larded 757
another way to dress 758
Lambswool, or lamasool 1227
Lamp-cleaning 2178,2311
Lamprey, the 256
Landlord and tenant, relations of 2700
Landrail or corn-crake 1033
Roast 1033
To carve 1063
Lard, to melt 625
Larding 828
Lark-pie 971
Larks, roast 972
Laundry, situation of, and necessary apparatus 2373-4
Maid, cleaning and washing utensils 2386
General duties of the 2372
Ironing 2393-6
Mangling and ironing 2387-9
Rinsing 2379
Soaking linen 2376
Sorting linen 2375
Starch, to make 2391-2
Starching 2390
Washing 2377-8
coloured muslins, &c 2380
flannels 2381
greasy cloths 2382
satin and silk ribbons 2384
silk handkerchiefs 2383
silks 2385
Laurel, or bay 180
Law, general remarks on 2694
Lead, and its preparations 2661
Leamington sauce 459
Lease, breaks in the 2711
Leases, general remarks on 2702-4
Leek, badge of the Welsh 134
Soup 133
Legacies 2751-4
Bequests, &c 2744-9
Legal memoranda 2694-2751
Lemon, anti venomous 455
Biscuits 1743
Blancmange 1442
Brandy 460
Cake 1764
Cheesecakes 1292
Cream 1443
(economical) 1444
Creams 1445
or custards 1446
Dumplings 1294
Essence of 2274
Fruit of the 405
Jelly 1447
Juice of the 456
Mincemeat 1293
Pudding, baked 1295-7
boiled 1298
plain 1299
Rind or peel 460
Sauce for boiled fowls 457
for sweet puddings 1358
Sponge 1448
Syrup 1822
Thyme 458
To pickle with the peel on 455
without the peel 456
Water ice 1557
White sauce for fowls or fricassees 458
Uses of the 1296
Wine 1823
Lemonade 1834
For invalids 1870
Most harmless of acids 1834
Nourishing 1871
Lentil, the 126
Lettuce, corrective properties of the 136
Varieties of the 1123
Lettuces, to dress 1123
Leveret, to dress a 1034
Liaison 461
Lightning, treatment after a person has been struck by 2677
Linen, attention to 2278
Scorched, to restore 2283
Soaking 2376
Sorting 2375
Liqueur Jelly 1449
Liver, and lemon sauce for poultry 462
And parsley sauce for poultry 463
Complaints and spasms 2644
Lobster, the 270
A la mode Française 273
Ancient mode of cooking the 275
Celerity of the 273
Curry (an entrée) 274
Cutlets (an entrée) 275
Hot 271
How it feeds 278
Local attachment of the 277
Patties (an entrée) 277
Potted 278
Salad 272
Sauce 464
Shell of the 272
Soup 195
To boil 270
To dress 276
Lumbago 2645
Luncheon cake 1765
Luncheons and suppers 2147-48
Lungs, respiration of 2453-6