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قراءة كتاب An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether.
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![An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether. An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether.](
An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether, by Matthew Turner
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Title: An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether.
Author: Matthew Turner
Release Date: June 5, 2004 [EBook #12522]
Language: English
Transcribed by David Ross <[email protected]> from an undated edition, c. 1761.
Project Gutenberg E-Text of
An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether.
By Matthew Turner (d. 1788?)
Printed by J. WILKIE, at the Bible in St. Paul's Church-yard.
The Publisher of the following short Account of the AETHER having prepared, and successfully made Use of it in his private Practice, for several Years, has at length determin'd to endeavour to extend it's Utility, by thus making it public; as he knows of no one who has ever published it's medicinal virtues; or offered it to Sale in it's Perfection; or given the Criteria by which they who are unacquainted with it might distinguish the Genuine from the Spurious: And he doubts not but every candid Person who examines it, will agree with him, That it carries with it the strongest Marks of a valuable Addition to the Materia Medica, and therefore ought to lie no longer in Obscurity.
This truly extraordinary Chemical Preparation is not a new
Discovery, having been known and esteemed, as a valuable
Curiosity, by many of the greatest Chemists and Philosophers, both
Ancient and Modern; particularly by Sir Isaac Newton [Footnote:
Quere 31st, at the End of his Optics.], and the Honourable
Mr. Boyle [Footnote: Treatise on the Producibleness of Chemical
Principles.], who both mention it in their Works, tho' not by this
Name: And therefore before any Thing is said of it's Virtues as a
Medicine, it may not be improper to explain the Nature of it, and
enumerate a few of it's remarkable Properties, considered as a
Curiosity in Chemistry, in which Light chiefly it has hitherto
been view'd by those who have been acquainted with it.
It is a kind of ETHEREAL OIL, produced by the Decomposition of the Vinous Spirit by Means of the Vitriolic Acid, and differs essentially both from Vinous Spirits and Essential Oils in several Respects, tho' it agrees with them in some, as will appear hereafter: But as the Vinous Spirit may be decomposed by means of all the three Mineral Acids, viz. the Vitriolic, the Nitrous and the Marine, and as these all act differently on the Spirit, they will, of Course, produce three different Kinds of AETHER, which, from the Name, of the Acid employ'd in making them, are term'd Marine, Nitrous, or Vitriolic: the last only is the Kind here understood, it's Properties being more singular and extraordinary, and, as an AETHER, more perfect than either of the others; the Reason of which seems to be, that the Vitriolic Acid is a much stronger Agent on the Spirit, and more perfectly decomposes it, than either the Nitrous or Marine.
It is the most light, most volatile, and most inflammable, of all known Liquids: It swims upon the highest rectified Spirit of Wine as Oil does upon Water, and flies away so quickly as hardly to wet a Hand it is dropped upon; from which Properties it probably has obtained it's Name. It is so readily inflammable, as to take Fire at the approach of a Candle, before the Flame touches it. Any Electrified Body will also produce the same Effect.
It is one of the most powerful Solvents known in Chemistry: It is neither acid nor alcaline, and therefore is perfectly free from that saline Acrimony with which all the common Volatile Spirits abound: It has a greater Affinity with Gold than Aqua Regia has, altho' it will not dissolve it in the Mass, or whilst in it's Metallic Form; but if you add AETHER to a solution of Gold in Aqua Regia, it presently takes all the Gold from it's former Solvent, keeping it perfectly dissolved and suspended, without the least Precipitation; and becomes of a yellow Colour: The AETHER, thus saturated with the Gold, does not mix with the Aqua Regia, but may readily be separated from it by simple Decantation, and thus a true and safe Aurum potabile is readily prepared for those who want such a Medicine. The Union of these two Substances is very remarkable, one being the heaviest solid Body we know, the other the lightest Liquid.
The AETHER is remarkably cold, when dropped upon the Hand, and it affects the thermometer in an extraordinary Manner; for if the Ball of either a Mercurial or Spirituous Thermometer be immersed in it, the Spirit or Mercury immediately sinks considerably, tho' both the AETHER and the Thermometer have stood a sufficient Time together to be brought to the temperature of the Room, before the Experiment was made. The Thermometers dipt into Water, or Spirit of Wine, in the same Manner, suffer not the least Alteration.
They who chuse to see a further Account of the singular Effects which this curious Fluid produces, may peruse what Doctor Frobenius, a German Chemist, has published concerning it, in the Philosophic Transactions for the Years 1733 and 1741.
But the most valuable Qualities of the AETHER are it's medicinal ones; it having been found by repeated Experience to be an excellent Remedy in most nervous Diseases; particularly in FITS of all sorts, whether Epileptic, Convulsive, Hysteric, Hypochondriac, or Paralytic: In habitual HEAD-ACHES, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, PAINS IN THE, STOMACH, WINDY DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES, HOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA, PLEURITIC PAINS, and DEAFNESS, all which Diseases have, in a singular Manner, been removed by it; and that the Publisher may contribute all the Assistance he can in extending the use of this Medicine, the following Methods of applying, it are given, which have been attended with Success.
Particular Directions for using the AETHER.
In the HEAD-ACH.
A fit of the Head-ach is almost instantly removed by applying the AETHER externally to the Forehead, by means of a bit of Linen Rag, in the Manner hereafter directed for it's external Application. Or it may be applied to any other Part of the Head where the Pain lies, being first shaved, if necessary. If the Pain is violent, a Dose of it should be also taken inwardly. In stubborn Cases it will likewise be serviceable to snuff a little of the AETHER up the Nostrils, either alone or mixed with equal Parts of Lavender Water,