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قراءة كتاب The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 478, February 26, 1831

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction
Volume 17, No. 478, February 26, 1831

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 478, February 26, 1831

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

Majorca, of the house of Arragon, as being exactly that sum.

(To be continued.)


(For the Mirror.)

What is the German's Fatherland?

On Prussia's coast, on Suabia's strand?

Where blooms the vine on Rhenish shores?

Where through the Belt the Baltic pours?

Oh no, oh no!

His Fatherland's not bounded so.

What is the German's Fatherland?

Bavaria's or Westphalia's strand?

Where o'er his sand the Oder glides?

Where Danube rolls his foaming tides?

Oh no, oh no!

His Fatherland's not bounded so.

What is the German's Fatherland?

Tell me at length that mighty land.

The Swilzer's hills, or Tyrolese?

Well do that land and people please,

Oh no, oh no!

His Fatherland's not bounded so.

What is the German's Fatherland?

Tell me at length the mighty land.

In noble Austria's realm it lies,

With honours rich and victories?

Oh no, oh no!

His Fatherland's not bounded so.

What is the German's Fatherland?

Tell me at length that mighty land,

Is it what Gallic fraud of yore,

From Kasier2 and the empire tore?

Oh no, oh no!

His Fatherland's not bounded so.

What is the German's Fatherland?

Tell me at length that mighty land,

'Tis there where German accents raise,

To God in heaven their songs of praise.

That shall it be

That German is the home for thee.

This is the German's Fatherland,

Where vows are sworn by press of hand,

Where truth in every forehead shines,

Where charity the heart inclines.

This shall it be,

This German is the home for thee.

This is the German's Fatherland,

Which Gallic vices dares withstand,

As enemies the wicked names,

Admits the good to friendship's claims.

This shall it be,

This German is the home for thee.

God! this for Fatherland we own,

Look down on us from heaven's high throne,

And give us ancient German spirit,

Its truth and valour to inherit.

This shall it be,

The whole united Germany.


Of the author of this song some account was given in a preceding number of the Mirror. It was written on the same occasion as the Patriot's Call, when Napoleon invaded Germany, and was intended to tranquillize all petty feelings of jealousy between the separate German states. The translator believes that Messrs. Treuttel and Würtz published this song in an English dress some few years since; he has, however, never seen a copy of that work.



(From the "Quarterly" Review, of "A Year in Spain." Unpublished.)

The author takes his seat about two in the morning in the cabriolet or front part of a diligence from Tarragona, and gives many amusing particulars concerning his fellow travellers, who, one after another, all surrender themselves to slumber. Thus powerfully invited by the examples of those near him, the lieutenant catches the drowsy infection, and having nestled snugly into his corner, soon loses entirely the realities of existence "in that mysterious state which Providence has provided as a cure for every ill." In short, he is indulged with a dream, which transports him into the midst of his own family circle beyond the Atlantic; but from this comfortable and sentimental nap he is soon aroused by the sudden stopping of the diligence, and a loud clamour all about him.

There were voices without, speaking in accents of violence, and whose idiom was not of my country. I roused myself, rubbed my eyes, and directed them out of the windows. By the light of a lantern that blazed from the top of the diligence, I could discover that this part of the road was skirted by olive-trees, and that the mules, having come in contact with some obstacle to their progress, had been thrown into confusion, and stood huddled together, as if afraid to move, gazing upon each other, with pricked ears and frightened aspect. A single glance to the right-hand gave a clue to the mystery. Just beside the fore-wheel of the diligence stood a man, dressed in that wild garb of Valencia which I had seen for the first time in Amposta: his red cap, which flaunted far down his back, was in front drawn closely over his forehead; and his striped manta, instead of being rolled round him, hung unembarrassed from one shoulder. Whilst his left leg was thrown forward in preparation, a musket was levelled in his hands, along the barrel of which his eye glared fiercely upon the visage of the conductor. On the other side the scene was somewhat different. Pepe (the postilion) being awake when the interruption took place, was at once sensible of its nature. He had abandoned the reins, and jumped from his seat to the road-side, intending to escape among the trees. Unhappy youth, that he should not have accomplished his purpose! He was met by the muzzle of a musket when he had scarce touched the ground, and a third ruffian appearing at the same moment from the treacherous concealment of the very trees towards which he was flying, he was effectually taken, and brought round into the road, where he was made to stretch himself upon his face, as had already been done with the conductor.

I could now distinctly hear one of these robbers—for such they were—inquire in Spanish of the mayoral as to the number of passengers: if any were armed; whether there was any money in the diligence; and then, as a conclusion to the interrogatory, demanding La bolsa! in a more angry tone. The poor fellow meekly obeyed: he raised himself high enough to draw a large leathern purse from an inner pocket, and stretching his hand upward to deliver it, said, Toma usted, caballero, pero no me quita usted la vida! "Take it, cavalier; but do not take away my life!" The robber, however, was pitiless. Bringing a stone from a large heap, collected for the repair of the road, he fell to beating the mayoral upon the head with it. The unhappy man sent forth the most piteous cries for misericordia and piedad. He might as well have asked pity of that stone that smote him, as of the wretch who wielded it. In his agony he invoked Jesu Christo, Santiago Apostol y Martir, La Virgin del Pilar, and all those sacred names held in awful reverence by the people, and the most likely to arrest the rage of his assassin. All in vain: the murderer redoubled his blows, until, growing furious in the task, he laid his musket beside him, and worked with both hands upon his victim. The cries for pity which blows at first excited, blows at length quelled. They had gradually increased with the suffering to the most terrible shrieks; then declined into low and inarticulate moans; until a deep-drawn and agonized gasp for breath, and an
