قراءة كتاب Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850

Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 1



"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.

No. 40. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1850 Price Threepence.
Stamped Edition 4d.


NOTES:— Page
Translations of Juvenal—Wordsworth 145
Dedication to Milton by Antonio Malatesti, by S.W. Singer 146
Pulteney's Ballad of "The Honest Jury," by C.H. Cooper 147
Notes on Milton 148
Folk Lore:—High Spirits considered a Sign of impending Calamity or Death—Norfolk Popular Rhymes—Throwing Salt over the Shoulder—Charming for Warts 150
Notes on College Salting; Turkish Spy; Dr. Dee: from "Letters from the Bodleian, &c.," 2 vols. 1813 150
Minor Notes:—Alarm—Taking a Wife on Trial—Russian Language—Pistol and Bardolph—Epigram from Buchanan 151
Calvin and Servetus 152
Etymological Queries 153
Minor Queries:—Countess of Desmond—Noli me tangere—Lines in Milton's "Penseroso"—"Mooney's Goose"—Translation of the Philobiblon—Achilles and the Tortoise—Dominicals—Yorkshire Dales 153
Tobacco in the East 154
"Job's Luck," by Coleridge, by J. Bruce 156
Eccius Dedolatus 156
Replies to Minor Queries:—Hiring of Servants—George Herbert—Lord Delamere—Execution of Charles I.—Charade—Discursus Modestus—"Rapido contrarius Orbi"—"Isabel" and "Elizabeth"—Hanap—Cold Harbour 157
Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c. 159
Books and Odd Volumes Wanted 159
Notices to Correspondents 159
Advertisements 159



Mr. Markland's ascertainment (Vol. i., p. 481.) of the origin of Johnson's "From China to Peru," where, however, I sincerely believe our great moralist intended not so much to borrow the phrase as to profit by its temporary notoriety and popularity, reminds me of a conversation, many years since, with the late William Wordsworth, at which I happened to be present, and which now derives an additional interest from the circumstance of his recent decease.

Some mention had been made of the opening lines of the tenth satire of Juvenal:

"Omnibus in terris, quae sunt a Gadibus usque

Auroram, et Gangem pauci dignoscere possunt

Vera bona, atque illis multum diversa, remotâ

Erroris nebulâ."

"Johnson's translation of this," said Wordsworth, "is extremely bad:

"'Let Observation, with extensive view,

Survey mankind from China to Peru.'

"And I do not know that Gifford's is at all better:

"'In every clime, from Ganges' distant stream,

To Gades, gilded by the western beam,

Few, from the clouds of mental error free,

In its true light, or good or evil see.'

"But", he added, musing, "what is Dryden's? Ha! I have it:

"'Look round the habitable world, how few

Know their own good, or, knowing it, pursue.'

"This is indeed the language of a poet; it is better than the original."

The great majority of your readers will without doubt, consider this compliment to Dryden well and justly bestowed, and his version, besides having the merit of classical expression, to be at once concise and poetical. And pity it is that one who could form so true an estimate of the excellences of other writers, and whose own powers, it will be acknowledged, were of a very high order, should so often have given us reason to regret his puerilities and absurdities. This language, perhaps, will sound like treason to many; but permit me to give an instance in which the late poet-laureate seems to have admitted (which he
