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قراءة كتاب Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 1, November, 1849-May, 1850 A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

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‏اللغة: English
Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 1, November, 1849-May, 1850
A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 1, November, 1849-May, 1850 A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

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الصفحة رقم: 1



"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.



Abbey of St. Wandrille, 382. 486.
Abdication of James II., 39. 489.
Aberdeen, Burnet prize at, 91.
Aboriginal chambers near Tilbury, 462.
A.(B) on emancipation of the Jews, 475.
Accuracy of references, 170.
Addison's books, 212.
Adolphus on a recent novel, 231.
Advent bells, 121.
Adversaria, 73. 86.
Aelfric's colloquy, 168. 197. 232. 248. 278.
Aelian, translation of, 267. 284.
A.(F.R.) on Sterne's Koran, 418.
—— on a passage in Goldsmith, 83.
—— Queen of Hearts, 320.
Agricola (C.), Propugnaculum anti-Pistorianum, 203.
A.(J.D.) on swords worn in public, 415.
Alban's (St.) Day, 399.
—— law courts at, 366.
Albert (Le Petit), 474.
Alchemy, metrical writings on, 60.
Alexandria (Ptolemy of), 142. 170.
Alfred's (King) geography of Europe, 257. 313.
—— works, 93.
Alicui on Becket's grace-cup, 143.
—— on Bishop Barnaby, 132.
All Angels and St. Michael's, feast of, 235.
"All-to-broke," 490.
Allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 351.
Almanack (Poor Robin's), 470.
Alms-basins, ancient, inscription on, 44. 52. 171.
Alms-dishes, ancient inscribed, 87. 117. 135. 254.
Alpha on the origin of slang phrases, 185.
Alsop (Anthony), 215. 219.
Alythes on Belvoir Castle, 246.
America known to the Ancients, 542.
—— Madoc's emigration to, 12. 56. 57. 58. 236. 282.
American aborigines, why called Indians? 254. 491.
—— bittern, 352.
—— Lady, memoirs of, 335.
—— reprints of old books, 209.
—— stamp act; Lord Chatham's speech on, 12. 290.
Ames, new edition of Herbert's, 8.
—— by Herbert and Dibdin, 38.
Ancient alms-basins, 171.
—— armour (Meyrick's), error in, 342.
—— inscribed alms dish, 87. 117. 135.
—— motto, 93.
—— MS. account of Britain, 174.
—— tiles, 173.
Andrews (H.) on Burnet prize at Aberdeen, 91.
André (Petit) on Welsh ambassador, 283.
Anecdotes of books, 73.
Anecdote of the civil wars, 93.
—— of a peal of bells, 382.
Angels' visits, 102.
Anglo-Cambrian on history of landed and commercial policy, and history of Edward II., 59.
—— on Madoc's expedition to America, 57.
Anglo-Saxon "Lay of the Phoenix," 203.
—— MS. of Orosius, 371.
—— word "unlaid." 430.
Anglo-Saxons, devices and standards of, 216.
Annotators, anonymous, identity of, 213.
Annus Trabeatiouis, 105. 252.
Anonymous Ravennas, date of, 124. 220. 368.
Antholin's, (St.,) 189. 260.
Antiquarius on Queen Elizabeth's domestic establishment, 41.
Antinephelegesita on Boduc, 232.
A or An before words beginning with a vowel, 350. 467.
Apocrypha, 401.
Apposition, 384.
A.(P.R.) on yeoman, 440.
Arabic numerals and cipher, 230. 279. 358. 367. 433. 435.
Archaeology, mathematical, 132.
Archaeus on "Under the rose," 214.
—— on Gray's elegy, 389.
Architecture, glossary of terms, 189.
—— introduction to the study of Gothic, 189.
Armada, poem on, 12. 18.
Armagh, etymology of, 158. 219. 264.
A.(R.), "My mind to me a kingdom is," 489.
—— on all-to-broke, 490.
—— on Dr. Strode's poem, 490.
—— on Wotton's poem to Lord Bacon, 489.
Arun on autograph mottoes of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Harry, Duke of Buckingham, 252.
—— on change of name, 337.
—— on a curious monumental brass, 370.
—— on early statistics, Chart, Kent, 441.
—— on ecclesiastical year, 477.
—— on mercenary preacher, 489.
—— on "M. or N.," 476.
—— on Oliver Cromwell as a feoffee of Parson's Charity, Ely, 465.
—— on St. Martin's Lane, 375.
—— on throwing old shoes at a wedding, 468.
—— on trunck breeches, 489.
Asher (A.) on books by the yard, 168.
—— on genealogy of European sovereigns, 339.
Ashgrove, Duke of, 92.
"As lazy as Ludlum's dog, as laid him down to bark," 382. 475.
"As morse caught the mare," 320.
"As throng as Throp's wife," 485.
Astle's MSS., 282.
"Atlas Novus," Seutter's, 156.
Aubrey (John), 71.
Auctorite de Dibil, 460.
Augustine on American bittern, 352.
—— on origin of calamity, 352.
Augustinian Eremites of York, library of, 83.
Austen (H. Morland) on curious symbolical custom, 363.
—— on the emancipation of the Jews, 401.
Authors and books, (No. 1.) 42.
—— (No. 2.), 102.
—— (No. 3.), 151.
—— (No. 4.), 178.
Authors and books, (No. 5.), 239.
—— (No. 6.), 363.
Authors of old plays, 77. 120.
—— who have privately printed their own works, 469.
Authorship of a couplet, 211.
Autograph mottoes of Henry, Duke of Buckingham, and Richard, Duke of Gloucester, 134. 283. 284. 479.
Ave Pries and Gheeze Yaecoudi, 215. 267.
Avon, derivation of, 285.
A.(W.P.), meaning of Cheshire round, 383.
Aylmer (Bp.), letter to, from Lord Burghley, 12.
Aylmer's (Bishop) letter respecting poem of the Armada, 18.


B. on ancient motto, 136.
—— on Beaufoy's Ringer's True Guide, 137.
—— on change of name, 246.
—— on Colonel Hyde Seymour, 341.
—— on Elizabeth and Isabel, 488.
—— on form of petition, 44.
—— on Gloucestershire custom, 243.
—— on Miss Warneford and Mr. Cromwell, 157.
—— on Norman pedigrees, 214.
—— on Professor de Morgan and Dr. Johnson, 107.
—— query about St. Wini, 344.
—— query on Selden's titles of honour, 351.
—— on Sir Walter de Batton, 17.
—— on Solomon Dayfolke, 476.
—— (A.E.) on derivation of news, 360.
—— (A.) on Martins the printer, 213.
—— on superstitions in the North of England 294.
—— Twm Shawm Cattle, 453.
Bacon and Jeremy Taylor, notes on, 427.
Baron's Lord metrical version of the Psalms, 202. 243. 261.
Baron Roger, hints for new edition of, 350.
Badger, the, 324.
Bagnio in Long Acre, 194.
Bambridge and Buckridge Streets, 34.
—— Gates, 229.
Bald Head, defence of, 34.
Baldwin's Gardens, 410.
Ballad, Kentish, 247.
Ballads, Homeric of Dr. Magina, 470.
Ballad of Dick and the Devil, 172. 473.
—— of the wars in France, 445.
—— makers and legislators, 133.
Ballpolensis, on Stephen's Sermons, 334.
Balloons, 389.
Baptism, register of Cromwell's, 136.
Barclay's Satyricon, some account of, 27.
Bardolph and Poins, 353.
Barba Lonza, 384.
Barker, W.G.J., on Henry, Lord Darnley, 128.
—— on Bishop Barnaby, 132.
Barnabas, (St.), 136.
Barnaby, Bishop, 53. 132. 254.
Barnacles, 117. 169. 254. 340.
Barrister, a, on origin of the word chapel, 371.
Barry (J. Milner), a note on Robert Herrick, the author of Hesperides, 291.
—— Complutensian Polyglot, 251.
—— M.D., on meaning of palace, 233.
Barryana, 212.
Bartletts Buildings, 115.
Bartholomew Legate, the martyr, 483.
Basse (William,) and his poems, 200. 265. 295. 348.
Bawn, meaning of, 440.
Baxter, (William), 285.
Bayley (W. D'Oyly,) on Barryana, 212.
Bayswater and its origin, 182.
B.(C.) on ancient motto, 104.
—— on Gray's Alcaic Ode, 382.
—— on Cromwell's estates, 421.
—— on shrew, 421.
—— on proverb, God tempers the wind,
