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قراءة كتاب Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)
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Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)
First occasionally Written, among some other
Essays, to a Friend; and now suffer'd to
come abroad as
Of An
Experimental History
By the Honourable ROBERT BOYLE,
Fellow of the ROYAL SOCIETY.
Non fingendum, aut excogitandum, sed inveniendum,
quid Natura faciat, aut ferat. Bacon.
Printed for Henry Herringman at the
Anchor on the Lower walk of the New
Exchange. MDCLXIV.
[Link to the text retaining the original old style long "s"]
Aving in convenient places of the following Treatise, mention'd the Motives, that induc'd me to write it, and the Scope I propos'd to my self in it; I think it superfluous to entertain the Reader now, with what he will meet with hereafter. And I should judge it needless, to trouble others, or my self, with any thing of Preface: were it not that I can scarce doubt, but this Book will fall into the hands of some Readers, who being unacquainted with the difficulty of attempts of this nature, will think itn strange that I should publish any thing about Colours, without a particular Theory of them. But I dare expect that Intelligent and Equitable Readers will consider on my behalf: That the professed Design of this Treatise is to deliver things rather Historical than Dogmatical, and consequently if I have added divers new speculative Considerations and hints, which perhaps may afford no despicable Assistance, towards the framing of a solid and comprehensive Hypothesis, I have done at least as much as I promis'd, or as the nature of my undertaking exacted. But another thing there is, which if it should be objected, I fear I should not be able so easily to answer it, and that is; That in the following treatise (especially in the Third part of it) the Experiments might have been better Marshall'd, and some of them deliver'd in fewer words. For I must confess that this Essay was written to a private Friend, and that too, by snatches, at several times, and places, and (after my manner) in loose sheets, of which I oftentimes had not all by me that I had already written, when I was writing more, so that it needs be no wonder if all the Experiments be not rang'd to the best Advantage, and if some connections and consecutions of them might easily have been mended. Especially since having carelessly laid by the loose Papers, for several years after they were written, when I came to put them together to dispatch them to the Press, I found some of those I reckon'd upon, to be very unseasonably wanting. And to make any great change in the order of the rest, was more than the Printers importunity, and that, of my own avocations (and perhaps also considerabler solicitations) would permit. But though some few preambles of the particular Experiments might have (perchance) been spar'd, or shorten'd, if I had had all my Papers under my View at once; Yet in the most of those Introductory passages, the Reader will (I hope) find hints, or Advertisements, as well as Transitions. If I sometimes seem to insist long upon the circumstances of a Tryall, I hope I shall be easily excused by those that both know, how nice divers experiments of Colours are, and consider that I was not barely to relate them, but so as to teach a young Gentleman to make them. And if I was not sollicitous, to make a nicer division of the whole Treatise, than into three parts, whereof the One contains some Considerations about Colours in general. The Other exhibits a specimen of an Account of particular Colours, Exemplifi'd in Whiteness and Blackness. And the Third promiscuous Experiments about the remaining Colours (especially Red) in order to a Theory of them. If, I say, I contented my self with this easie Division of my Discourse, it was perhaps because I did not think it so necessary to be Curious about the Method or Contrivance of a Treatise, wherein I do not pretend to present my Reader with a compleat Fabrick, or so much as Modell; but only to bring in Materials proper for the Building; And if I did not well know how Ingenious the Curiosity and Civility of Friends makes them, to perswade Men by specious allegations, to gratifie their desires; I should have been made to believe by persons very well qualify'd to judge of matters of this nature, that the following Experiments will not need the addition of accurate Method and speculative Notions to procure Acceptance for the Treatise that contains them: For it hath been represented, That in most of them, as the Novelty will make them surprizing, and the Quickness of performance, keep them from being tedious; so the sensible changes, that are effected by them, are so manifest, so great, and so sudden, that scarce any will be displeased to see them, and those that are any thing Curious will scarce be able to see them, without finding themselves excited, to make Reflexions upon Them. But though with me, who love to measure Physical things by their use, not their strangeness, or prettiness, the partiality of others prevails not to make me over value these, or look upon them in themselves as other than Trifles: Yet I confess, that ever since I did divers years ago shew some of them to a Learned Company of Virtuosi: so many persons of differing Conditions, and ev'n Sexes, have been Curious to see them, and pleas'd not to Dislike them, that I cannot Despair, but that by complying with those that urge the Publication of them, I may both gratifie and excite the Curious, and lay perhaps a Foundation whereon either others or my self may in time superstruct a substantial theory of Colours. And if Aristotle, after his Master Plato, have rightly observ'd Admiration to be the Parent of Philosophy, the wonder, some of these Trifles have been wont to produce in all sorts of Beholders, and the access they have sometimes gain'd ev'n to the Closets of Ladies, seem to promise, that since the subject is so pleasing, that the Speculation appears as Delightful! as Difficult, such easie and recreative Experiments, which require but little time, or charge, or trouble in the making, and when made are sensible and surprizing enough, may contribute more than others, (far more important but as much more difficult) to recommend those parts of Learning (Chymistry and Corpuscular Philosophy) by which they have been produc'd, and to which they give Testimony ev'n to such kind of persons, as value a pretty Trick more than a true Notion, and would scarce admit Philosophy, if it approach'd them in another Dress: without the strangeness or endearments of pleasantness to recommend it. I know that I do but ill consult my own Advantage in the consenting to the Publication of the following Treatise: For those things, which, whilst men knew not how they were perform'd, appear'd so strange, will, when the way of making them, and the Grounds on which I devis'd them, shall be Publick, quickly lose all that their being Rarityes, and their being thought Mysteries,