قراءة كتاب Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)

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Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)

Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

contributed to recommend them. But 'tis fitter for Mountebancks than Naturalis to desire to have their discoverys rather admir'd than understood, and for my part I had much rather deserve the thanks of the Ingenious, than enjoy the Applause of the Ignorant. And if I can so farr contribute to the discovery of the nature of Colours, as to help the Curious to it, I shall have reach'd my End, and sav'd my self some Labour which else I may chance be tempted to undergo in prosecuting that subect, and Adding to this Treatise, which I therefore call a History, because it chiefly contains matters of fact, and which History the Title declares me to look upon but as Begun: Because though that above a hundred, not to say a hundred and fifty Experiments, (some loose, and others interwoven amongst the discourses themselves) may suffice to give a Beginning to a History not hitherto, that I know, begun, by any; yet the subject is so fruitfull, and so worthy, that those that are Curious of these Matters will be farr more wanting to themselves than I can suspect, if what I now publish prove any more than a Beginning. For, as I hope my Endeavours may afford them some assistance towards this work, so those Endeavours are much too Vnfinish'd to give them any discouragement, as if there were little left for others to do towards the History of Colours.

For (first) I have been willing to leave unmention'd the most part of those Phænomena of Colours, that Nature presents us of her own accord, (that is, without being guided or over-ruld by man) such as the different Colours that several sorts of Fruites pass through before they are perfectly ripe, and those that appear upon the fading of flowers and leaves, and the putrifaction (and its several degrees) of fruits, &c. together with a thousand other obvious Instances of the changes of colours. Nor have I much medled with those familiar Phænomena wherein man is not an Idle spectator; such as the Greenness produc'd by salt in Beef much powder'd, and the Redness produc'd in the shells of Lobsters upon the boyling of those fishes; For I was willing to leave the gathering of Observations to those that have not the Opportunity to make Experiments. And for the same Reasons, among others, I did purposly omit the Lucriferous practise of Trades-men about colours; as the ways of making Pigments, of Bleanching wax, of dying Scarlet, &c. though to divers of them I be not a stranger, and of some I have myself made Tryall.

Next; I did purposely pass by divers Experiments of other Writers that I had made Tryall of (and that not without registring some of their Events) unless I could some way or other improve them, because I wanted leasure to insert them, and had thoughts of prosecuting the work once begun of laying together those I had examin'd by themselves in case of my not being prevented by others diligence. So that there remains not a little, among the things that are already published, to imploy those that have a mind to exercise themselves in repeating and examining them. And I will not undertake, that none of the things deliver'd, ev'n in this Treatise, though never so faithfully set down, may not prove to be thus farr of this Sort, as to afford the Curious somewhat to add about them. For I remember that I have somewhere in the Book it self acknowledged, that having written it by snatches, partly in the Counntrey, and partly at unseasonable times of the year, when the want of fit Instruments, and of a competent variety of flowers, salts, Pigments, and other materials made me leave some of the following Experiments, (especialy those about Emphatical Colours) far more unfinish'd than they should have been, if it had been as easie for me to supply what was wanting to compleat them, as to discern. Thirdly to avoyd discouraging the young Gentleman I call Pyrophilus, whom the less Familiar, and more Laborious operations of Chymistry would probably have frighted, I purposely declin'd in what I writ to him, the setting down any Number of such Chymicall Experiments, as, by being very elaborate or tedious, would either require much skill, or exercise his patience. And yet that this sort of Experiments is exceedingly Numerous, and might more than a little inrich the History of Colours, those that are vers'd in Chymical processes, will, I presume, easily allow me.

And (Lastly) for as much as I have occasion more than once in my several Writings to treat either porposely or incidentally of matters relating to Colours; I did not, perhaps, conceive my self oblig'd, to deliver in one Treatise all that I would say concerning that subject.

But to conclude, by summing up what I would say concerning what I have and what I have not done, in the following Papers; I shall not (on the one side) deny, that considering that I pretended not to write an accurate Treatise of Colours, but an Occasional Essay to acquaint a private friend with what then occurrd to me of the things I had thought or try'd concerning them; I might presume I did enough for once, if I did clearly and faithfully set down, though not all the Experiments I could, yet at least such a variety of them, that an attentive Reader that shall consider the Grounds on which they have been made, and the hints that are purposely (though dispersedly) couched in them, may easily compound them, and otherwise vary them, so as very much to increase their Number. And yet (on the other side) I am so sensible both of how much I have, either out of necessity or choice, left undone, and of the fruitfullness of the subject I have begun to handle; that though I had performed far more then 'tis like many Readers will judge I have, I should yet be very free to let them apply to my Attempts that of Seneca, where having spoken of the Study of Natures Mysteries, and Particularly of the Cause of Earth-Quakes, he subjoins.1 Nulla res consummata est dum incipit. Nec in hac tantum re omnium maxima ac involutissimá, in quâ etiam cum multum actum erit, omnis ætas, quod agat inveniet; sed in omni alio Negotio, longè semper à perfecto fuere Principia.

Decorative rule

The Publisher to the

Friendly Reader,

Illuminated H in HereEre is presented to thy view one of the Abstrusest as well as the Gentilest Subjects of Natural Philosophy, the Experimentall History of Colours; which though the Noble Author be pleased to think but Begun, yet I must take leave to say, that I think it so well begun, that the work is more than half dispatcht. Concerning which I cannot but give this advertisement to the Reader, that I have heard the Author express himself, that it would not surprise him, if it should happen to be objected, that some of these Experiments have been already published, partly by Chymists, and partly by two or three very fresh Writers upon other Subjects. And though the number of these Experiments be but very small, and though they be none of the considerablest, yet it may on this occasion be further represented, that it is easie for our Author to name several men, (of whose number I can truly name my self) who remember either their having seen him make, or their having read, his Accounts of the Experiments delivered in the following Tract several years since, and long before the publication of the Books, wherein they are mentioned. Nay in divers passages (where he could do it without any great
