قراءة كتاب Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)

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‏اللغة: English
Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)

Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 10


The one and twentieth Experiment, of the same Changes effected by the same means on the Blew Tinctures of Corn-flowers (249, 250.) And some Restrictions to shew it not to be so general a propriety as one might imagine (251.)

The twenty second Experiment, of turning a Solution of Verdigrease into a Blew, with Alcalizate and Urinous Salts (252, 253, 254.)

The twenty third Experiment, of taking away the Colour of Roses with the Steams of Sulphur, and heightning them with the Steams Condens'd into Oyl of Sulphur per Campanam (254, 255.)

The twenty fourth Experiment, of Tinging a great quantity of Liquor with a very little Ting'd Substance, Instanced in Cochineel (from 255 to 257.)

The twenty fifth Experiment, of the more general use of Alcalizate and Sulphureous Salts in the Tinctures of Vegetables, further Instanced in the Tincture of Privet Berries, and of the Flowers of Mesereon and Pease (from 257 to 259.) An Annotation, shewing that of the three Hypostatical principles, Salt according to Paracelsus is the most active about Colours (from 259 to 261.) Some things Precursory premis'd to three several Instances next following, against the fore-mention'd Operations of Salts (261, 262.)
