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‏اللغة: English
McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader

McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

sects. kl.—Clad, clip, clown, clean, close, cackle, pickle. klz, klst.—Cackles, cackl'st, buckles, buckl'st. kld, kldst.—Cackled, cackl'd'st, buckled, buckl'd'st.

lf.—Elf, Ralph, shelf, gulf, sylph, wolf. ld.—Hold, mold, bold, cold, wild, mild, field, yield. ldz, ldst.—Holds, hold'st, gilds, gild'st, yields, yield'st. lz, lst.—Fills, fill'st, pulls, pull'st, drills, drill'st. lt, lts.—Melt, melts, tilt, tilts, salt, salts, bolt, bolts. mz, mst.—Names, nam'st, hems, hem'st, dims, dim'st. md, mdst.—Named, nam'd'st, dimmed, dimm'd'st.

nd.—And, lend, band, blonde, fund, bound, round, sound. ndz, ndst.—Lends, lend'st, hands, hand'st. ndl.—Handle, kindle, fondle, trundle, brindle. ndlz, ndlst.—Handles, halldl'st, kindles, kindl'st. ndld, ndldst.—Handled, handl'd'st, kindled, kindl'd'st.

nks, nkst.—Banks, hank'st, sinks, sink'st. nkd.—Banked, clank'd, winked, thank'd, flank'd.

nz, nst.—Wins, win'st, tans, tan'st, runs run'st. nt, nts.—Hint, hints, cent, cents, want, wants. nch, nchd.—Pinch, pinch'd, blanch, blanch'd. ngz, ngd.—Hangs, hang'd, rings, ring'd. nj, njd.—Range, ranged, hinge, hinged.

pr.—Prat, prim, print, prone, prune, pry, prank. pl.—Plant, plod, plum, plus, apple, cripple. ps, pst.—Nips, nip'st, taps, tap'st, mops, mop'st. pt, pts.—Adopt, adopts, adept, adepts, crypt, crypts.

rj, rjd.—Merge, merged, charge, charged, urge, urged. rd.—Card, cord, curd, herd, ford, ward, bird. rdz, rdst.—Cards, card'st, herds, herd'st, cords, cord'st. rk.—Bark, jerk, dirk, cork, lurk, work. rks, rkst.—Barks, bark'st, lurks, lurk'st. rl.—Marl, curl, whirl, pearl, whorl, snarl. rlz, rlst.—Curls, curl'st, whirls, whirl'st, twirls, twirl'st. rld, rldst.— Curled, curl'd'st, whirled, whirl'd'st, snarled, snarl'd'st. rm.—Arm, term, form, warm, storm, worm, sperm. rmz, rmst.—Arms, arm'st, fbrms, form'st. rmd, rmdst.—Armed, arm'd'st, formed, form'd'st. rn.—Barn, warn, scorn, worn, earn, turn. rnz, rnst.—Turns, turn'st, scorns, scorn'st. rnd, rndst.—Turned, turn'd'st, scorned, scorn'd'st. rt.—Dart, heart, pert, sort, girt, dirt, hurt. rts, rtst.—Darts, dart'st, girts, girt'st, hurts, hurt'st. rch, rchd.—Arch, arched, perch, perched.

sk.—Ask, scab, skip, risk, skum, bask, husk. sks.—Asks, tasks. risks, whisks, husks. skd, skst.—Asked, ask'st, risked, risk'st, husked, husk'st. sp, sps.—Gasp, gasps, rasp, rasps, crisp, crisps.

spd.—Gasped, lisped, crisped, wisped, cusped. st, sts.—Mast, masts, nest, nests, fist, fists. sw.—Swim, swell, swill, swan, sweet, swing, swam. str.—Strap, strip, strop, stress, strut, strife, strew.

tl.—Rattle, nettle, whittle, bottle, hurtle, scuttle. tlz, tlst.—Rattles, rattl'st, nettles, nettl'st. tld, tldst.—Rattled, rattl'd'st, settled, settl'd'st. ts, tst.—Bat, bat'st, bets, bet'st, pits, pit'st, dots, dot'st. tw.—Twin, twirl, twice, tweed, twist, twelve, twain. tr.—Trap, trip, trot, tress, truss, trash, try, truce, trice. vz, vst.—Gives, giv'st, loves, lov'st, saves, sav'st.

zm, zmz.—Chasm, chasms, prism, prisms. zl.—Dazzle, frizzle, nozzle, puzzle. zlz, zld.—Dazzles, dazzled, frizzles, frizzled. sht.—Dashed, meshed, dished, rushed, washed. shr.—Shrank, shred, shrill, shrunk, shrine, shroud, shrew. thd.—Bathed, sheathed, soothed, smoothed, wreathed. thz, thzt.—Bathes, Bath'st, sheathes, sheath'st.

ngz, ngst.—Hangs, hang'st, brings, bring'st. ngd, ngdst.—Hanged, hang'd'st., stringed, string'd'st. nks, nkst.—Thanks, thank'st, thinks, think'st. nkd, nkdst.—Thanked, thank'd'st, kinked, kink'd'st. dth, dths.—Width, widths, breadth, breadths. kld, kldst.—Circled, circl'd'st, darkle, darkl'd'st. kl, klz.—Circle, circles, cycle, cycles. lj, ljd.—Bilge, bilged, bulge, bulged, indulge, indulged. lb, lbz.—Alb, albs, bulb, bulbs. lk, lks, lkst, lkdst.—Milk, milks, milk'st, milk'd'st.

lm, lmz.—Elm, elms, whelm, whelms, film, films. lp, lpd, lpst, lpdst.—Help, helped, help'st, help'd'st. lv, lvz, lvd.—Valve, valves, valved, delve, delves, delved. lch, lchd.—Belch, belched, filch, filched, gulch, gulched. lth, lth —Health, healths, tilth, tilth

mf, mfs.—Nymph, nymphs, triumph, triumphs. gth, gths.—Length, lengths, strength, strengths. rb, rbz, rbd, rbst, rbdst.—Curb, curbs, curbed, curb'st, curb'd'st. rf, rfs, rfst, rfdst.—Dwarf, dwarfs, dwarf'st, dwarf'd'st. rv, rvz, rvst, rvd, rvdst.—Curve, curves, curv'st, curved, curv'd'st. rth, rths.—Birth, births, girth, girths, hearth, hearths. rp, rps, rpd, rpst, rpdst.—Harp, harps, harped, harp'st, harp'd'st. rs, rst.—Nurse, nursed, verse, versed, course, coursed.

thr.—Thrash, thresh, thrift, throb, thrush, thrust, throng, three, thrive, thrice, throat, throne, throve, thrill, thrum.

thw.—Thwack, thwart.


Errors to be Corrected.

To TEACHERS.—In the following exercises, the more common errors in articulation and pronunciation are denoted. The letters in italics are not silent letters, but are thus marked to point them out as the representatives of sounds which are apt to be defectively articulated, omitted, or incorrectly sounded.


Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct Fa-t fa-tal Sep-er-ate sep-a-rate reel re-al temp-per-unce tem-per-ance ras-cul ras-cal up-pear ap-pear crit-ic-ul crit-ic-al tem-per-it tem-per-ate test'ment tes-ta-ment mod-er-it med-er-ate firm'ment fir-ma-ment in-ti-mit int-ti-mate


Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct Ev'ry ev-er-y sev'ral sev-er-al b'lief be-lief prov-i-dunce prov-i-dence pr'vail pre-vail ev-i-dunce ev-i-dence r'tain re-tain si-lunt si-lent trav'ler trav-el-er mon-u-munt mon-u-ment flut'ring flut-ter-ing con-ti-nunt con-ti-nent tel'scope tel-e-scope con-fi-dunt con-fi-dent


Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct D'rect di-rect rad'cal rad-i-cal d'spose dis-pose sal'vate sal-i-vate van'ty van-i-ty can'bal can-ni-bal ven-t'late ven-ti-late mount'n moun-tain ju-b'lee ju-bi-lee fount'n foun-tain rid-cule rid-i-cule vill'ny vil-lain-y


Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct Des'late des-o-late rhet-er-ic rhet-o-tic hist'ry his-to-ry in-ser-lent in-so-lent mem'ry mem-o-ry croc-ud-ile croc-o-dile col'ny col-o-ny com-prum-ise com-pro-mise ag'ny ag-o-ny anch-ur-ite an-cho-rite balc'ny bal-co-ny cor-per-al cor-po-ral ob-s'lete ob-so-lete ob-luq-quy ob-lo-quy wil-ler wil-low or-ther-dox or-tho-dox wid-der wid-ow cun-di-tion con-di-tion pil-ler pil-low pus-i-tion po-si-tion mead-er mead-ow tug-eth-er to-geth-er fel-ler fel-low put-a-ter po-ta-to win-der win-dow tub-ac-cur to-bac-co


The most common mistake in the sound of u occurs in words of the following kind: as, crea-ter or crea-choor, for crea-ture; nat-er or na- choor for na-ture, etc.

Incorrect Correct

Lec'-ter lec'-choor lec'-ture fea'-ter fea'-choor fea'-ture mois'-ter mois'-choor
