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قراءة كتاب The Spirit and the Word A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational Interpretation of the Word of Truth

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‏اللغة: English
The Spirit and the Word
A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational Interpretation of the Word of Truth

The Spirit and the Word A Treatise on the Holy Spirit in the Light of a Rational Interpretation of the Word of Truth

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

And recovering of sight to the blind.
To set at liberty them that are bruised,
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

This is directly connected with the "Spirit of the Lord Jehovah" in Isa. 61: 1, 2.

In the second chapter of Acts we have a direct connection with Joel 2. These are two of many such connections that bind together and identify the Spirit of the Lord of the Old Testament with the Holy Spirit of the New. In both Testaments we find God working by his Spirit. The Old Testament gives three lines of work performed by the Spirit:


(1) In Gen. 1:2 we are told: "And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters." The word "moved" carries the sense of "hovered" or "brooded." The previous condition of the world was "waste and void," or a "formless waste." In some way the Spirit of God fashioned this formless waste into the multiplicity of contrasts that followed. It bound together those elements that were homogeneous, and separated the heterogeneous and so prepared the way for the dividing the light from the darkness that followed. The mode of the operation we do not know, but the fact of the operation is clearly revealed.

(2) "By his Spirit the heavens are garnished" (Job 26:13). The expression could be better translated, "The heavens are made fair," or beautiful. That is, he set the constellations in their order. He gives one illustration when he says: "His hand hath pierced the swift serpent." Reference is here made to the beautiful constellation of "Serpens," or Draco, of graceful and striking appearance.

(3) God's Spirit made me man; 'twas the Almighty's breath that gave me life. This higher life that was given to man by an inbreathing of the Spirit distinguishes man (homo) from all other animal species.


(1) Gen. 6:3. God tells Noah: "My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh: yet shall his days be a hundred and twenty years." Here the work of the Spirit passes from the form of omnipotence to one of pleading or striving. The Spirit no more impresses his will upon the material universe, but expresses (rolls it out) to a rational creature. By the preaching of the faithful Noah the Spirit plead with the antediluvians to do right and escape the destruction that was coming upon a corrupt and wicked world. From this time onward the Spirit comes on men in various ways, qualifying them with supernatural power for the performance of special duties. (See Num. 11:25; Judg. 3:10; 1 Sam. 18:10; 10:11.)

(2) But we find no case of the Spirit falling on man to cleanse him from sin, or to confer upon him a special blessing. Later on in the prophets the Spirit becomes a revealing and inspiring Spirit. (See Isa. 61:1; Ezek. 2:2; Zech. 7:12; 4:6.) As a result of this revealing power, we have the great facts of the New Testament set forth in detail. The life, nature, character and mission of the world's Redeemer stand forth in beauty and symmetry.


The idea of holiness is not usually associated with the Spirit in the Old Testament. The term "Holy Spirit" occurs but three times in it. David prays (Ps. 51:11): "Take not thy holy Spirit from me." Isaiah says (63:10): "They rebelled and grieved his holy Spirit;" and again (63:11) he asks: "Where is he that put his holy Spirit in the midst of them?" It is, however, called "good Spirit" twice (Neh. 9:20; Ps. 143:10).

It is mainly in reference to Messianic days that we find this ethical and personal relation to the Spirit of God.

These three relations of the Spirit are in perfect harmony with God's law of progressive development in the world. We find him at first working upon a chaotic material universe; second, upon society, and, third, upon the individual character.

The work of the Spirit upon the material universe makes it a fit dwelling-place for man. His work upon society makes man fit to dwell in the universe, and his work upon the individual character makes man fit for a righteous and holy fellowship with similar characters.



There are two hundred and sixty-four references to the Spirit in the New Testament. But in many of them there is no allusion to the Holy Spirit. In many places the expressions "the Spirit," and "the Holy Spirit," should be rendered "Spirit" and "holy Spirit," or frequently "a holy Spirit." The passages in this chapter are arranged in two columns: Column I contains the passages in which the definite article is to be found in the Greek. These should always be translated "the Holy Spirit." Column 2 contains the passages where the definite article is not found and which may be often—but not always—translated "a holy Spirit." The use of the article is often governed by other parts of speech. Where the Spirit sustains a universal relation to mankind, the word is italicized.


3:16. He saw the Spirit of God       1:18. She was found with child of
descending as a dove, and coming     the Holy Spirit.
upon him.
                                     1:20. That which is conceived in
4: 1. Then was Jesus led up of the   her is of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit into the wilderness to be
tempted of the devil.                3:11. He shall baptize you in the
                                     Holy Spirit, and in fire.
10:20. For it is not ye that
speak, but the Spirit of your        12:28. If I by the Spirit of God
Father that speaketh in you.         cast out demons.

12:18. I will put my Spirit upon     22:43. How then doth David in the
him.                                 Spirit call him Lord.

12:31. The blasphemy against the
Spirit shall not be forgiven.

12:32. Whosoever shall speak
against the Holy Spirit, it shall
not be forgiven him.

28:19. Baptizing them into the
name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


1:10. Coming up out of the water,
he saw ... the Spirit as a
dove descending upon him.

1:8 He shall baptize you in the
Holy Spirit dove descending upon

1:12. Straightway the Spirit
driveth him forth into the

3:29. Whosoever shall blaspheme
against the Holy Spirit hath never

12:36. David himself said in the
Holy Spirit.

13:11. It is not ye that speak,
but the Holy Spirit.


2:26. It had been revealed unto      3:16. He shall baptize you in
him by the Holy Spirit.              [the] Holy Spirit and in fire.

2:27. He came in the Spirit into     4:18. The Spirit of the Lord is
the temple.                          upon me.

3:22. The Holy Spirit descended in   10:21. He rejoiced in [the] Holy
a bodily form, as a dove, upon       Spirit.
                                     11:13. How much more shall your
4:1. Jesus ... was led in the        heavenly Father give [the] Holy
Spirit in the wilderness.            Spirit
to them that ask him?

4:14. Jesus returned in the power    1:15. He shall be filled with
of the Spirit into Galilee.          [the] Holy Spirit.

4:1. Jesus, full of the Holy         1:35. [The] Holy Spirit shall come
Spirit, returned from the Jordan.    upon thee.

