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قراءة كتاب The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Volume 01, No. 11, November, 1895 The Country Houses of Normandy

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‏اللغة: English
The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Volume 01, No. 11, November, 1895
The Country Houses of Normandy

The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Volume 01, No. 11, November, 1895 The Country Houses of Normandy

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

themselves of the merits of our conclusions must see the building; but it is not necessary to go to Boston in order to realize that here we have a remarkably beautiful structure, and many of its features can be fully enjoyed and appreciated in photographic views. In another column will be found a notice of a very attractive and unusually satisfactory handbook of the library, with numerous illustrations from the photographs of Mr. E.E. Soderholtz. Further than this, we wish to call particular attention to the set of photographs which is advertised on the front cover of this number. As a photographer of architectural subjects Mr. Soderholtz certainly has no superior in this country, and in this collection the subjects and manner of presentation are equally worthy of the highest praise.

Wanted Draughtsmen's Addresses.

We intend issuing, the coming year, a number of interestingly illustrated announcements of new architectural publications and importations. We want to send these to every architectural student and draughtsman in the United States and Canada. If you are not on our subscription list, send us your residence address for our circular mailing list. Address a postal card as below, putting simply your address on the back. If you are in an office, have the other fellows put their residence addresses on the same card. We prefer to address mail matter to your residence, as there is less danger of miscarriage. Do not get the idea that by sending your address you are ordering something you will be asked to pay for. All the expense, except the postal card, is on our side. If we can't get out announcements interesting enough to attract your attention and occasionally secure an order, it will be our loss. Address:—

Bates & Guild,
6 Beacon Street,
Boston, Mass.

For Circular List.

LXXXV. Manoir de Vitanval, Ste. Andresse, Normandy.

Manoir de Vitanval, Ste. Andresse, Normandy.

Brochure Series Competition No. 2.

The first lot of drawings in the competition for a design for the advertising page of The Boynton Furnace Co., in The Brochure Sseries, was due on December 10, and eleven designs were received.

The judges have awarded the prize to Mr. Edwin R. Clark of Lowell, Mass., and his design appears in this issue as the advertisement of the Boynton Furnace Co., on page xi. The reasons for the award may be a guide to others engaged in similar work, and consequently we reproduce several of the other designs for comparison with Mr. Clark's.

It must be remembered that the first consideration in this problem is the effectiveness as advertising matter of the design submitted—its artistic merits, although important, are distinctly secondary to this quality. The medium in which it is to be used and the clientage to which it is intended to appeal must also be constantly borne in mind.

Design by Edwin R. Clark.

Design by Edwin R. Clark.

Mr. Clark submitted three drawings, a second one of which is given herewith. The first is superior in giving a more positive effect to the page and in being a more unusual treatment than the second. Although both are drawn with skill and are admirable in technique, the type of design and ornament used in the second have come into such common use that if for no other reason than this the first would be preferable.
