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قراءة كتاب Proposals for Building, in Every County, a Working-Alms-House or Hospital as the Best Expedient to Perfect the Trade and Manufactory of Linnen Cloth
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Proposals for Building, in Every County, a Working-Alms-House or Hospital as the Best Expedient to Perfect the Trade and Manufactory of Linnen Cloth
For Building in every COUNTY
As the Best Expedient to perfect the TRADE
Printed by W.G. for R. Harford, at the Sign of the
Angel in Cornhil, 1677.
I. All Poor people and their Children from five or six years old may be employed and maintained; as also all Beggars, Vagrants, &c. restrained and for ever prevented, and so all Parishes eased of that intolerable Burden.
II. Many Hundred Thousand Pounds kept at home, which now every year goes out of the Kingdom for Linnen, whereby our Wealth becomes a prey to other Nations.
III. Much Land improved in every County to great advantage of Landlord and Tenant.
Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the great Wisdom of the whole Nation, now Assembled in Parliament.
Considering the great Complaints of Poverty, the heavy Burdens most Parishes lie under to maintain their Poor, which daily encrease; the Swarms of Beggars, Vagrants and Idle People in City and Countrey; the great, and 'tis fear'd, irrecoverable decay of our Ancient Trade for Woollen Cloth; the vast Charge we are yearly at in purchasing Linnen, &c. from other Nations, whereby our Treasure is exhausted, and our Lands fall for want of being improved some other way, besides planting Corn, breeding for Wool, &c. Which are become of so low a price, as scarce to turn to Account: And understanding, that for remedying thereof, the Improving the Manufactory of Linnen is now under Debate, I have taken the boldness to Offer the following PROPOSAL, which if thought fit to be put in practice, will (in my opinion) infallibly conduce to all the good Ends desired and intended; viz.
That there may be Erected in every County according to its Extent or Populousness, a greater or lesser Working-Alms-House, wherein the Poor may be continually employed in the Manufactory of Linnen Cloth.
The Advantages whereof are evident; For,
I. This Manufactory is an Employment for the weakest people, not capable of stronger Work, viz. Women and Children, and decrepit or aged people, now the most chargeable; as likewise for Beggars and Vagrants, who live idly, and by the sweat of other mens Labours, and can no way so effectually be brought to Industry and Order, as when reduced into to narrow a Compass or Confinement under fitly qualified Rulers, Officers, and Regular Government.
II. These Working-Alm-Houses may raise and supply the Nation yearly with a sufficient Stock of Linnen Cloth (the finest sort excepted) if true measures be taken, and the Design effectually prosecuted; As for example, 1352000 pounds worth of Cloth may yearly be spun in them only, besides what is made in private Families—Thus demonstrated;
1. 'Tis well known by experience, that three quarters of a Pound of Thread worth 12 d. per Pound spinning, will make one Ell of Cloth worth 2 s. per Ell; which Three quarters of a Pound two Spinners may spin in one day; Hence it follows,
2. That 2000 Spinners will spin Thread enough in one day to make 1000 Ells of Cloth, worth 100 l. And working but 260 days in the year, may spin 26000 Pounds worth of Linnen Cloth in a year.
3. Suppose then there be as many publick Work-houses, as there are Counties, which are 52, and in every Work-house, one with another, 2000 Spinners (though in some more, some less) then according to the reasonable measures, there will be the forementioned Sum of 1352000 l. worth of Cloth spun in one year; which is what we undertook to demonstrate.
This or some such prodigious Sum of Money might yearly be raised to the Nation, whereby a Treble Benefit would ensue, First, we might save so much Money now yearly sent out of the Nation for Linnen, which, as computed by very worthy Intelligent persons, has of late cost us more than a Million per Annum. Secondly, By employing those hands, which for the greatest part are idle, it being reasonably supposed that there are at least 100000 Beggars or others who want a lawful Employment. Besides, almost all both Men, Women and Children that can but pull Tire or Tow from the Distaff, or such easie work, may be speedily employed and removed from being chargeable; so that there will be no fear of any Parish in the Kingdom being oppressed, or indeed charged, save only in case of extream Age, or Children in their Infancy, neither of which continues long. And Thirdly, Much land throughout England will be greatly improved by sowing Hemp, Flax, &c.
Obj. It may be objected, That if the House be stockt with so many weak, ancient people and Children, this will cross the great Design, because they will not be capable to spin their quantity of Cloth, nor so fine.
Answ. As to Fineness, it matters not, if but one in five be employed in it to an exquisite degree; for there is enough occasion for courser, for Sacking, Sails, Ticking, Common Table-Linnen, Sheets, &c. And as to Quantity, it may not be the less, because the most laborious thing in Spinning is turning of the Wheel.
Now for the better effecting a Design so profitable and honourable to the Kingdom, I have improved my small Genius to the utmost, notwithstanding I above all Projectors, have been most discouraged: And I know whoever will attempt any thing for publick Benefit, may expect these Three things. (The first is Necessary, the second Customary, and the third Diabolical) viz., To be the Object of wise mens Censure, other mens Laughter, and if advantagious to himself, Envies implacable displeasure; of which last, I have had share to the highest degree that Revenge could express; and this too from a pretended loving Brother, a person of an honest Profession, and of as debauched a Conscience; yet I say, notwithstanding such discouragements, I have spent some time for Publick Advantage, viz. To find out an Expedient both for Ease and quick Dispatch, so as that the weak may do as much as the strong, and the strong much more than before.
As thus; One man may turn 50 Spinning Wheels, which shall serve 100 persons to Spin with at once; so that the Spinners shall have nothing to do but employ both hands to draw Tire from the Distaff. The Demonstration of the Infallibility of this Invention may be easily made when commanded.
As also, An Engine by which 50 men may, without striking a stroke, beat as much Hemp in one day, as 100 shall do in two days.
Besides the Advantage of this Spinning Engine in Ease, Its expedition will also be considerable; For if (as we doubt not) by this help Spinners can earn 9 d. per day, as easie as 6 d. per day without: By that means computing only 1000 Spinners in each of the 52 Work-houses, in one years time will be gained the Sum of 163968 Pounds and upwards, as by Calculation appears; and the Invention for Hemp-beating (which is the hardest work of all) will likewise in its kind be very considerably advantagious.
Obj. 2. But some will be ready to object, and tell us, That we talk of brave things, if words would do the Work; but where's the Money for the Building of such great Hospitals? and providing all Tools and Materials will cost many Thousand Pounds.
I confess here's the Knot, which seems knit by Magick Art; but if it can be untied without cutting or