قراءة كتاب The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 59, December 23, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls

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‏اللغة: English
The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 59, December 23, 1897
A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls

The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 59, December 23, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

we told you, a report current that Germany did not intend to send any ship to Haiti, but that the matter would be settled by arbitration.

Three days after the announcement, two German cruisers entered the harbor of Port-au-Prince, and sent in an ultimatum, which is a government's final decision on a given subject.

The Haitian Government was informed that unless Germany's demands were submitted to within eight hours, the town would be bombarded.

Germany had said that two of her schoolships would visit the West Indies during the winter, and the two vessels which arrived at Port-au-Prince are believed to have been the two in question. They were, however, so fully equipped, and presented such a formidable appearance, that they were quite sufficient to seriously alarm the Haitians.

Word had been sent a few days previously that two German vessels were making all haste to Port-au-Prince, but thinking them the coming schoolships, the Haitians felt no fear. They determined to resist these German schoolboys to the last, and armed themselves to fight their foe.

When the German vessels finally made their appearance, and the Haitians saw for themselves that these so-called schoolships seemed to have just as many seamen and murderous-looking guns as the ordinary man-of-war, their courage oozed out at their finger-tips.

Before the ships came in sight, they had paraded the city, crying "Down with the Government!" in their fear that President Simon Sam might submit.

Now, in face of the two cruisers, affairs took on a new complexion, and when they heard that the town would be bombarded if Germany's demands were not acceeded to within eight hours, the natives' only fear was that the President would not submit.

The foreign residents did not feel any more cheerful than the Haitians.

The members of the French colony took refuge on the French ships in the harbor; the Germans hurried on board their own vessels; the English sought shelter on their trading steamers; and the Americans, having no vessels in the harbor, went to the house of the minister, carrying with them the most valuable of their possessions.

President Simon Sam determined to resist as long as he dared. He sent a request to the commander of the German vessels, for more time to consider.

The German commander refused, and one of the "schoolships" cleared its decks for action, and took up a position close to the Haitian war-vessels.

Clearing the decks for action means that everything possible is removed from the deck, and a clear space left for the sailors to work the ship in.

The Haitians then became convinced that Germany would not be trifled with, and the Government decided to yield.

President Simon Sam had feared that if he yielded too easily, the people would be infuriated with him, and try to put down his Government, so he held out until the cruiser was actually threatening the town, and then submitted. The money demanded by Germany as damages for Lueders, $30,000 in all, was sent on board the German vessel.

The President at the same time issued a notice to the people of Haiti, telling them he had been compelled to yield the rights of Haiti to the superior force of Germany.

The Haitians, besides sending the money, saluted the German flag, and sent a letter of apology to Germany.

Had the Haitians held out, and allowed the Germans to bombard their city, the United States would have been bound to interfere. It is said that the officials of our Government are very glad that the difficulty has been settled without our being forced to take part in it.

Germany seems to be in great luck at this moment.

It is reported that China, not being strong enough to fight the Germans, and drive them out of her country, has decided to give up Kiao-Chou to them.

This rumor has not as yet been confirmed, and it seems hardly to be believed, when we take into consideration the fact
