قراءة كتاب Dreaming of Dreaming Poetry by Peter E. Williams

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Dreaming of Dreaming
Poetry by Peter E. Williams

Dreaming of Dreaming Poetry by Peter E. Williams

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

a little… tiny… flame thrower ???

of course you didn’t !!!
you’re not that stupid,
and even if you did
you weren’t serious.
she’d know that.

you’d never even tried
to make one yourself
but you’d heard it somewhere…
that you can make one
from an aerosol can and a flame

and she could even reach that freezer
if she just stands on a chair


try telling her parents
try telling her
you weren’t serious
you didn’t even know
if it would work

try living with the memory of that scared little face
all covered with bandages
never the same again


but don’t worry
it was just a dream
it didn’t really happen at all, did it ?

just keep telling yourself
it was all just a bad, bad dream.

Lovely Passenger

Here I sit,
on my bus,
seated behind
a vision divine.

She is young
and beautiful.
But mostly she is
a nubile,
young thing.

She looks
a little tired,
but young at heart.

She sneezes.
Will I say
" Bless you" ?
Perhaps not.

Oh, I pine for
the days when
she may have been mine.

She is truly
a vision of
loveliness, divine.


This morning,
on my bus,
travelling to work,
I passed a woman
sitting in her car.

She was very attractive,
I recall from
my two second glance.

lovely face,
and such nice,
long, black hair.

and did I crave for her ?
lust for her ?


desires for her ?

beg for
sex ?

why, no.
You do believe me, don’t you ?

Looking Good

She has:
Terrific tits,
Beautiful boobs,
Loverly lungs,
Magnificent mammaries,
Nice nipples,

a cute arse!

Circular Poem

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear,

oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

From Attitude to Gratitude

No longer do I have
the sheer luxury of
a do nothing,
be nobody,
go nowhere job.

It’s good to have some real work to do.
But now, of course,
I have to work with
crappy computers and
a card file system that
have stood still in time.

As the world evolved
and got ready for
the next millenium,
we are stuck here in
a 70s time warp
with nothing but
dusty old shelves
and compactii
and junk
that belongs in a museum
to work with.

And still,
to get results
with antique systems
can give me
a feeling of self worth.

I do indeed lead a lucky life.
After all, I have a job
(with good conditions
and people too).

I keep my job,
and try my darndest
to do a good and honest job.
Because that is what
makes life worth living.

Good friends,
and the satisfaction
of knowing that I will live
to enjoy life another day.


Do I believe in God ?
That depends on what you mean by God.

Do I believe in life after death ?
That depends how you define life,
how you define existence.

Do I have a soul ?
I don’t know how you define a soul,
but I suspect that I do.

I believe that there is something to look forward to
after death.

I believe that in some way, in some "place" the
souls of "good men" end up and exist together.

I don’t know what or where it is,
But I'm looking forward to it - one day,
one eternity - perhaps.

Remembered Turf

I’ve got the password
and I’m into the system.

It’s precipitating wet stuff
out of the sky,
but I’m warm and
dry in here.

And tiM was blown away
by his wet suit,
the other day at the coast…

And now I’m just listening
to some jazzy kind of music,
playing on the stereo,

as we remember the amazing
turf sculptures
in Civic,
in some abandoned
bank office building,
now reclaimed as art space
for the common man.

One Tuesday in February

It’s a beautiful day to be alive!
I have just stepped outside the building
on my lunch break
with a can of Coca-Cola
and now I can quietly relax
and enjoy sitting on a bench
in the sunshine and sit
and quietly sip on my drink.

The quietness is interrupted
by a helicopter flying overhead
for a moment.

A few more sips
and the caffeine
and chemical cocktail
begins to work,
to give me a "rush"
– or perhaps just a nudge.

One quick ten minute walk
around the buildings
and I’m half way
back to my building.

I’m a little puffed
but feeling good.
Better start heading back
to my office soon.

One Wednesday in March

I walk outside into the glorious day.
The sun shines brightly,
another lunch time,
another can of coke.

Sweet as honey.
Sickly sweet.
I find time to sit
in the shade,
enjoy the beautiful day
and sip the sweet nectar.

Such a change from
the stuffy offices –
air conditioned and
closed and
controlled climate.

My Brother. Oh brother...

I have a brother
who thinks that he understands
all about my condition.

But, deep down
I think that
he thinks that
my condition is
all caused by a combination of:

low self-esteem,
not thinking positively,
bad diet, and
a guilty conscience

(presumably about either
not working hard enough,
seeing prostitutes, or
forgetting birthdays, or
some crap like that).

He has lots of good intentions
but basically he can’t
come to terms with
the fact that
I earn a good salary
(not unlike him)

but I spend all my money
(basically on myself)
with not much to show for it,
and he has a wife and
four kids to support.

If I mention on the phone
that I have to go down the street
to buy a few groceries,
then he will gladly spend
half an hour telling me about
his favourite recipe, and
what ingredients to buy to make it
(and how good it will be for me) -
even though I tell him that
I could not be less interested in his recipe.

Oh brother!

Religion, sex, etc.

I have some …
shall I say
unconventional views on religion.

I was touched by a Christian "anecdote",
for lack of a better thing to call it,
where, the story goes
that a man talks to god and
says (basically)

"throughout my life
I have been walking along a beach,
and I saw two sets of footprints,
yours and mine.

But in the worst times of my life
I only saw one set of footprints.

Why did you abandon me God ?"
And God replies
" At those times,
I had not abandoned you,
I was carrying you!

You see I never abandoned you,
I was always there for you."

That story always gets me right there.


But basically
I don’t call myself a Christian.

I don’t know if I believe in God,
but I believe that
