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قراءة كتاب Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
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Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
how to become a medium.
Game of Fortune,
The Album Writers Friend, 275 Select Autograph Album Verses (new).
50 Choice Conundrums or Riddles, with answers (new).
Thirteen Magical Experiments,
Eleven Parlor Games,
Magic Music,
Order of the Whistle,
Game of Letters, and many others.
To introduce our goods and get new customers, we will send the whole lot to any address, freight paid, on receipt of 15c.; 2 lots for 25c.; 5 lots, 50c. Stamps taken. STAYNER & CO., Providence, R. I.
AGENTS make 100 PER CENT and win $748 CASH Prizes on my Corsets, Belts, Brushes and Medicines. Sample free. Territory. Dr. Bridgman, 373 B'way, N. Y.
with Type, Ink, Reglets, Cards, Roller, and Case, complete, for $1.25.
GIANT Self-inker PRINTING PRESS $5 With Script type outfit, Pack Sample Visiting Cards & Catalogue, 6c. W. C. EVANS, 50 N. 9th St., Phila., Pa.
SEND for free Catalogue of Books of Amusements, Speakers, Dialogues, Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Fortune Tellers, Dream Books, Debates, Letter Writers, etc. DICK & FITZGERALD, 18 Ann St., N. Y.
$5 A DAY SURE! $2.15 samples Free. Horse owners buy 1 to 6. 20 other specialties. Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich.
"MEDICATED CREAM" is the ONLY KNOWN, harmless, pleasant and absolutely SURE and infallible cure. It positively and effectively removes ALL, clean and completely IN A FEW DAYS ONLY, leaving the skin clear and unblemished always, and clearing it of all muddiness and coarseness. It is a true remedy to cure and NOT a paint or powder to cover up and hide blemishes. Mailed in a plain, sealed wrapper for 30c., or 2 for 50c. by George N. Stoddard, Druggist, 1226 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
MOTHERS Be sure and use "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for your children while Teething.
FREE NEW SAMPLE BOOK of Silk Fringed, Envelope & Hidden Name CARDS, 348 Scrap pictures, Songs, Tricks, Games & how to make $10. a day. Send 2c. for postage. CROWN CARD CO. CADIZ, OHIO.
100 PARLOR GAMES, all the latest. Fancy Parties described, Parlor Magic, Tricks, Forfeits, Conundrums and many valuable hints on How to entertain Friends. Price 25c. Ford Pub. Co., Albany, N. Y.
PRINTING OUTFIT 15c COMPLETE, 4 alphabets rubber type, typeholder, bottle Indelible Ink, Ink Pad and Tweezers. Put up in neat box with directions for use. Satisfaction guaranteed. Worth 50c. Best Linen Marker, Card Printer, etc. Sets names in 1 minute, prints 500 cards an hour. Sent postpaid 15c; 2 for 25c. Cat. free. R. H. INGERSOLL & BRO. 65 Cortlandt St. N. Y. City.
TEN cts. with name, or name, town & state, 15c. Self-Inking Pen & pencil stamp. Our Pet printing outfit has 110 letters & figures & makes any name, only 15c. AGENTS LATEST GOODS. Stamps of all kinds.
Rubber Stamp Co. Factory E 14, New Haven, Conn.
1892 Sample Cards 2c. World Card Co. 31 Green Cin'ti D.
Will Do It. Our Beard Elixir will force a Mustache in 20 days Full Beard in 30. Sample package, postpaid, 15c.; 2 for 25c.; one dozen, 75 cents. Agents wanted. Wesson Mfg. Co., 5 E St., Providence, R. I.
PILES INSTANT RELIEF. Cure in 15 days. Never returns. No purge. No salve. No suppository. Remedy mailed free. Address J. H. REEVES, Box 3290, New York City, N. Y.
Binding "Golden Days"
Covers for Binding
Volume XI,
Stamped in gilt and black lines, will be sent by mail, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of
These covers can only be attached properly by a practical book-binder.
With the cover will be sent a handsome title-page and complete index. Address.
Springfield, Mass.
32 Page book of agent's sample cards. Just out. Finest ever issued. Send 2 cents for Postage to Mammoth Oleographs Free. Haverfield Pub. Co., Cadiz, Ohio.
$13,338 Paid
For 149 Old Coins. Save all you get, coined before 1878, and Send 2 stamps for illustrated list. Shows the highest prices paid. W. Von Bergen, 87 Court St., Boston, Mass.
IF you wish to advertise anything anywhere at any time, write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. No. 10 Spruce St., New York.
Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea, without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It never Fails. We Guarantee a complete cure in every instance. 48 page book free. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O.
DOUBLE Breech-Loader $7.99.