قراءة كتاب A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

src="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@16779@16779-h@images@pilcrow.png" alt="pilcrow" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}img"/> To all people be thou subgette for thy maysters sake / thyn owne wyll forsake it / and loue it in no wyse.

pilcrow And euer kepe the from synne / for fere of hym aboue. Amen.

pilcrow Here folowen the seuen degrees of obedyence.

pilcrow The fyrste is to do that is cõmaûded of thy souereyne without grutchynge.

pilcrow The seconde is to make none excepcyon / neyther of the tyme / neyther of the dede that is to be done.

pilcrow The thyrde is to be gladde & cherefull in thy herte to do suche dedes cõmaûded without ony cõpulcyon / settynge a side all beestly condycyons.

pilcrow The fourth is to be quycke in suche dede doynge & leuynge all other occupacyons for that tyme or ony maner of excuse.

pilcrow The fyfthe is to do suche thynges with all thy myght and power / thynkynge that thy rewarde shall be grete.

pilcrow The sixte is to do them also with al mekenesse bothe in spyryte and gesture.

pilcrow The seuenth is to contynuye suche obedyence for the ende of thy lyf / euer folowynge thy mayster Ihesu cryste / that was moost obedyent for thy synne vnto deth Amen.

pilcrow The seuen degrees of pacyence thou mayst beholde here.

pilcrow To euyll done to the or aduersyte / make no resystence. pilcrow Do no euyll for euyll / ne gyue an euyl answere. pilcrow Loue thyn enmye / & do good for euyl to hym in recompence. pilcrow Grutche not ayenst aduersyte / but take it as swete as encence. pilcrowAccõpt it for best medycyne / and be gladde in thy payne. pilcrow Thanke god therfore / & loke for more with all benyuolence. pilcrow And whan thou hast no grutchynge in these / thenne meyst thou be fayne.

pilcrow The .xv. degrees of charyte.

pilcrow These make parfyte charyte after Poules epystle. pilcrow Be pacyente contynuelly for ony aduersyte. pilcrow Lyberall to the nedy / & do good for euyll. pilcrow Of other mênes welfare. enuye not ne be heuy pilcrow Lette not by thy crokednesse good werkes to multeplye. pilcrow Swelle not inwarde by malyce yf thy nyghbour prospere. pilcrow Loue to be in lowe degree / & loth to be hye. pilcrow To labour for other as thyself do thy vtter deuour. pilcrow Be not moued for ony cause to vêgeaûce or to yre. pilcrow Thynke none euyll to another for ony prouocacyon. pilcrow Ioye thou not in wyckednesse but sorowe yu rather. pilcrow Be gladde in trought & ryghtwysnesse & hate dyssymulacyon. pilcrow For suche ryght bere aduersyte or ony trybulacõn. pilcrow To yt the chirche techeth the put ful credulyte. pilcrow That god hath promysed trust it well without defalcatyon. pilcrow In hope abydynge his rewarde and euerlastynge glorye. Amen.

pilcrow A lytell Instruccõn for them that shall entre in to religyon / drawen out of the longe rule of saynt Iherom that he wrote to saynt Eustochiû &c.

L Oue god aboue all thynge / & thy neyghbour as thyself. In these two is fulfylled all ye lawe & cõmaûdementes of god & parfyte charyte wtout whiche can noman or woman be relygyous & come to heuen / & the whiche had among
