قراءة كتاب A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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‏اللغة: English
A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

whiche of synners haste made full often and dayly makest holy sayntes. And gyue them also thy drede & clennes of herte with the ryuer of teeres in all spirytuell consolacyon. Make them to fele & vnderstande the swetnes of thy blessyd presence / & the grete attendaunce of thy holy angelles about hem at theyr celebracyons. Receyue mercyfull Ihesu this hyghe & holy sacryfyce to the comfort of all yt ben on lyue & deed / & wouchesauf this daye yt it be to vs & to all them a synguler refresshynge & feest / that we so releued wt this brede of lyue & lambe Inmaculate / borne of the blessyd virgyn Mary may Ioye in thy laude & glorye eternally. Thou saydest by thy holy mouth. The brede yt I shall gyve / my body it is / for the lyf of the worlde. Who that eteth me / he shal lyue for me / & he abydeth in me / & I in hym. I am the brede of lyf that came downe from heuen. He that eteth of this brede shall lyue without ende. Now swete brede of lyfe make both them & vs fele thy swetnes & loue forsakynge all vanytees. Come in to our soules / & clense vs goostly & bodely / sanctefye vs Inwarde & outwarde / & be a contynuell defence of soule & body / so that we may come to thy kyngdome / there to be fedde of the with a meruaylous & vnspekable sacyete. Where after we shall neuer haue hongre ne thurst / seynge the than / not as we now do / in mysteryes & of ferre home / but thenne shall we see the face to face in glorye with thy fader in vnyte of the holy goost by all worldes Amen.

pilcrow Pater noster. Aue maria.

pilcrow Here foloweth a prayer to all sayntes / examyned and pardonned.

pilcrow Ad sanctam mariã.

G Aude mater saluatoris
felix fide flos decoris
Mundique solacium
Nunc letare celi choris
In hoc festo & languoris
Nostri sis remedium

pilcrow Ad sanctos angelos.

Gaude michael î hac die
Gabriel raphaelque messie
Angelorum ordines
Vos precamur nobis pie
Sitis causa melodie
Supra celi cardines

pilcrow Ad Patriarchas
et prophetas.

Gaude ventre prosecratus
O baptista mire natus
Sacer degens seculo
Patriarchis sociatus
Et prophetis. vite flatus
Fac finire iubilo

pilcrow Ad Apostolos et

Gaude petre cû sodali
Paulo. cristo speciali
Lucens orbis climata

Et caterna generali
Vestra sita loco tali
Nos cû eis adiuua

pilcrow Ad martires.

Gaude thoma spes ãglorum
Et georgi tutor horum
Cum Edwardo nobili
Tu laurenti rege lorum
Vt tuamur poli chorum
Cum fauore stephani

pilcrow Ad. s. confessores.

Gaude presul o martine
Nicholae. hugo. line.
Posce nobis graciam
Erkenwalde que birine
Iam cû tuis augustine
Da supremo gloriam

pilcrow An. s. virgines.

Gaude virgo katherina
Margareta. magdalena
Cum brigitta. brigida
Anna. fides. et cristina
Nos seruãdo nûc diuina
Gens celorum iubila


versicle. Letamini in domino.

response. Et gloriamini.


C Oncede quesumus omnipotentes deus. vt intercessio sancte dei genitricis marie sanctarumque omnium celestium virtutum. et beatorum patriarcharum. prophetarum. apostolorum. euangelistarum. martirum. confessorum. atque virginum. et omniû electorum tuorum nos vbique letificet. vt dum eorum merita recolimus patrocinia senciamus. Per eundê christum dominum nostrû. Amen.

pilcrow Here folowen the seuen degrees of humylyte.

pilcrow Caste thy syght downwarde / and shewe mekenesse / bothe in thy herte and body.

pilcrow Beware of hyghe speche & clamorous / and see that thy wordes be fewe well sette & resonable. Be not lyght for to laugh / but vse euer sadnesse.

pilcrow Be stylle & kepe sylence / tyll nede requyre that answere must be hadde. Kepe well the comyn rule as the holy place hath vsed.

pilcrow Thynke the moost vylest of all other / & so pronoûce thyself. Knowlege the vnworthy & not profytable to ony thynge / & to byleue in dede.

pilcrow Make ofte confessyon of thy synnes / and that with greate contrycyon. Kepe pacyence in thy obedyence at all thy paynes & trouble.
