قراءة كتاب A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

class="correction" title="text reads 'brebe'">breke out of suche comunycacõn & talkynge & talke of god & of his vertues / or elles departe & gyue ye to some goodly & goostly occupacõn. What soeuer befall the or ony other of thy frendes gyue no charge of it / yf it be prosperyte reioyse not therof / yf it be trouble or aduersyte be not sory for it. But take or acompte all suche thyngs as nought & euer prayse & thanke god / gyue charge as moche as yu mayst to ye wele & prosperyte of thy soule flee places of moche speche as moche as yu canst. For it is moche better one to kepe his tonge than to speke. After complyn speke no worde tyl the masse be done the next daye folowynge without a grete cause requyre. Whan yu seest ony thynge yt dyspleaseth the / see yf the faute be in thyself & than haue compassyon / yf it be not / thynke that it may be & so lete all thynges be to the as it were in a glasse to see thyself. Grutche not ayenst ony persone without thou see that yu may profyte what soeuer cause yu haue. Afferme neyther denye nothyng ouerthwartly / but lete thy nay or ye or thy doubte be powdred euer with salt / that is to saye / lete hem be spokan with discrecion & pacyence. Be euermore ware of mockynge & of scornynge. Yf yu be lyght of contenaûce see it be but selde / haue thy comunicacion but wt fewe persones & shortly behaue thyself so in all thy sayenge that yu speke not rather in a doubte than men sholde take auctoryte or groûde of thy sayenge. The seconde yu mayst obteyne in this wyse. Gyue thyself with grete deuocyon to praye & lete thyn herte agree with yt yu sayest both daye & nyght. Remembre also dylygentely that thou ymagyne the state of them / in whose remembraûce yu makest thy prayer. These thre haue alwaye in thy mynde / what yu were / what yu art / & what yu shalt be. By reason of thy body / yu were foule slyme of the erthe / & now thy body is the hous of fylte & derte / & herafter it shall be wormes mete. Also ymagyne ye paynes of them yt ben in helle & how that payne shall neuer haue ende / & how they suffre all these paynes for a lytell delectacõn & pleasyr in synne. Also ymagyne the Ioye of paradyse / & how that shal neuer be fynysshed & how shortly and soone it may be goten. Than thynke what sorowe & waylynge may be to them yt for so lytell a thynge here haue lost so grete Ioye contynuell. And whan yu hast ony thynge that doth dysplease the / or elles yu dredest to haue it / thynke & yf yu were in helle yu sholdest haue that / & all that yu woldest not haue / & so shalt yu suffre all thynge for crystus sake & his loue. Also whan yu hast ony thynge that pleaseth the / or elles that yu desyrest to haue / thynke & yf thou were in paradyse yu sholdest haue it & all other thynges that thou woldest desyre. Also whan there falleth ony fest of ony saynt thynke on hym what payne he suffred here for goddes sake & how shorte his payne was. Than thynke how greate Ioye he hath in heuen for that whiche is euerlastynge. And soo thou mayst thynke that the trybulacion or tourmentynge of the good men is soone gone. And in lyke wyse the Ioye of euyll men fadeth anone. but good men with theyr trybulacyon here geteth eternall glorye. And euyll men with theyr ouermoche Ioye here geteth euerlastynge payne. Furthermore whan yu art accombred wt slouth & lackest deuocõn / take this wrytynge & ymagyne dilygently all these thynges rehersed. Than thynke of the tyme yt yu lesest in vayne ydelnes / & thynke yt they that ben in helle wolde gyue all the worlde for so moche tyme to redeme theyr synnes yf they myght haue it. Whan yu hast ony trouble / thynke that they yt ben in paradyse shall neuer haue suche trouble. And whan yu hast ony spirytuell consolacyon or comforte / thynke yt they that ben in helle shall euer lacke that. Whan thou goost to bedde or to thy rest / thynke what yu hast thought / what yu hast sayd / what yu hast done that daye. And how prouffytable yu haste spende thy tyme / the whiche was gyuen the to spende it vertuously / to obteyne euerlastynge lyf. Yf yu haue spended it well / gyue praysynge to god. And yf yu haue spended it euyll / wepe & be sory for it. And the next daye yf thou may / dyfferre not to be confessed. Yf yu haue sayd or done ony thynge that greueth thy conscyence sore / ete no mete vntyll yu be shryuen & yu mayst. Now for a conclusyon / ymagyne in thy mynde two cytees / one full of trouble & mysery whiche is helle / an other full of Ioye and comforte whiche is paradyse. And how to one of these two ye must nedes come. Than thynke in thyself what thynge sholde cause the to do euyll / or what thynge sholde drawe the fro god. And I trowe yu shalt fynde none suche. I am certayne yf thou kepe well all these yt ben wryten here. The holy goost wyll be with the & teche ye to kepe them parfytly. Wherfore kepe well all these preceptes & cõmaûdementes & leue none behynde. Rede them twyes in the weke / on wensdaye & saterdaye. And as yu fyndest thou hast done as it is wryten. Gyue praysynge to god / whiche is euer pyteous & mercyfull in worlde withouten ende Amen.

pilcrow A deuoute prayer for relygyous people / or for theym that entre in to relygyon. Remembrynge the termes / and to do theym in dede.

I Hesu my maker & sauyour to thy wyll and ordynaûce I commytte me euery houre. Besechynge the entyerly for grace & mercy / so that I may be one of them that shall be saued. Teche me good lorde thy commaundementes to fulfylle / and to do that I come fore / eschewynge all euyll. Gyue me grace to loue the and to drede the aboue all thynge. Remembrynge thy grete benefettes / and euer to gyue the thankynge. And to kepe euer charyte / obedyence / pacyence / sylence / with humylyte / demynge euer the best / saye well / telle the trouthe / and neuer to lye. Lothe to offende / sory for my synne / and to helpe whan nede is / & to serue the euer deuoutly with mekenes to haue mede. Of ye trespaces of other to haue compassyon / wt good coûsell example & frendely consolacyon / & to do after good prechynge & holy sayntes lyues / kepynge my tonge & conscyence clene & to flee bacbytyng & stryues / & to gyue none occasyon of greuaûce neuer grutchyng / & flee ydelnes / & to praye for the deed & quycke alwaye be my besynes Takynge hede to my charges / & do to them with good wyll / gladde to be correcte of eche creature / & to leue myn owne wyll. And euer to be ware to excuse my synne / & to trust in myn owne wytte. Remêbrynge yt I come to relygyon for to do penaûce for synne / & repugne ayenst it / & to crye for mercy to the Ihesu & to
