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قراءة كتاب A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

the mayde / suffred payne & passyon vndr Ponce Pylate. Crucefyed / deed / & buryed / he lyghted downe to helles. The .iij. daye he arose frõ deth to lyue. He flyed vp in to heuens. He sytteth at the ryght syde of god the fadr almyghty From thens he is to come to deme both quycke & deed. I trowe in ye holy goost / holy chirche vnyuersall / comunynge of sayntes / forgyuenes of synnes ayen rysynge of flesshe / & euerlastynge lyf. Amen. Hope is truste by the mercy of god to be saued. And it standeth in the grace of our lorde & our good werkes. pilcrow Charyte is the ende & the perfeccion of all the cõmaûdementes of god / and it standeth in the loue of god aboue all thynges / & thy neyghbour as thy self

pilcrow These ben the seuen vertues ayenst the seuen vyces.

pilcrow Mekenes ayenst pryde.

pilcrow As in boostynge / despysynge / scornynge / hyghe herte / fayrnes / connynge / strengthe / vertue / pryde of kynne / vayne glory / dispyte of other / ypocresy.

pilcrow Pacyence ayenst Wrathe.

pilcrow As fyghtynge / chydynge / hurtyng / betyng / warryeng / cursynge / grutchynge / desyre of vengeaûce cruelnes &c.

pilcrow Charyte ayenst Enuye.

pilcrow As gladde of an other euyll fare / & to be heuy & sory of theyr welfare / bacbytynge / sowynge of dyscorde / scornynge / and suche other.

pilcrow Largenes ayenst Couetyse & Auaryce.

pilcrow In wynnynge / in byenge / in sellynge / in metynge / in waynge / gyle / trechery / sacrylege / symony / vsury / theeft / receyuynge of stolen goodes / wronge withholdynge of ony dute to the the chirche &c.

pilcrow Good occupacyon ayenst Slouth.

pilcrow As ydelnes / delyte in slepe / neclygent to cõne ye lawes of god / vnlusty to ye seruyce of god / myspendynge of tyme / dyspayre / wanhope & suche other.

pilcrow Abstynence ayenst Glotony.

pilcrow As in moche etynge & drynkynge / brekynge of faste / desyrynge of delycate metes & drynkes &c. pilcrow These ben the fyue goostly wyttes. Mynde / reason / wyll / ymagynacyon / vnderstandynge. pilcrow These ben the fyue bodely wyttes. Herynge seynge / smellynge / tastynge / and touchynge.

pilcrow Chastyte ayenst Lechery.

pilcrow As in thought / wyll / werke / in syght / in felyng in prouokyng / or synne ayenst kynde wt many other pilcrow The .vij. goostly dedes of mercy. Teche / coûsel chastyte / comforte / forgyue / suffre / & praye for thy enemyes. pilcrow The .vij. bodely dedes of mercy. Fede the hongry / gyue drynke to the thursty / clothe the naked / herborowe the herbourles / comforte the seke / vysyte prysoners / burye the deed.

pilcrow These folowynge ben the .vij. gyftes of the holy goost / that euery man sholde desyre to haue and kepe. Wysdome / counsell / knowynge / pyte / vnderstandynge / strength / and drede of god.

pilcrow These folowynge be the .iiij. cardynall vertues pilcrow Temperaûce. Is a meane betwix to moche & to lytell / & it standeth in takynge suffycyently yt nedeth & in refusyng yt is to moche or to lytel vtterly

pilcrow Ryghtwysnes / is a paynge of a dute to eche thynge yt it duly longeth vnto / as to god praysyng & thãkyng / to thy neyghbour loue & charyte / & to thyself besynes to fulfyl goddes wyl & his cõmaûdementes

pilcrow Prudence or Wysdome. Is a vertue yt departeth good from euyll / & it standeth in chesynge good & refusynge euyll.

pilcrow Strength maketh ony myghty and hardy to do grete thynges for the loue of god & in suffrynge pacyently aduersyte / and mekely takynge prosperyte.

pilcrow These ben the .vij. sacrementes of holy cherche Baptysme / wedloke / the sacrament of ye awter / cõfirmacõn / ordre / penaûce / & the last enoyntynge. pilcrow Here folowen the .x. cõmaûdementespilcrow
