قراءة كتاب Wage Earning and Education

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Wage Earning and Education

Wage Earning and Education

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@16964@[email protected]#table29" class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">203

30. Average daily earnings in photoengraving, stereotyping, electrotyping, and lithographing occupations, 1915 205


Diagram   Page
1. Boys and girls under 18 years of age in office work 103
2. Men and women 18 years of age and over in clerical and administrative work in offices 104
3. Per cent of women earning each class of weekly wages in each of six occupations 119
4. Per cent of salesmen and of men clerical workers in stores, receiving each class of weekly wage 121
5. Per cent of male workers in non-clerical positions in six industries earning $18 per week and over 122
6. Per cent that the average number of women employed during the year is of the highest number employed in each of six industries 123
7. Distribution of 8,337 clothing workers by sex in the principal occupations in the garment industry 134
8. Percentage of women in men's and women's clothing and seven other important women employing industries receiving under $8, $8 to $12, and $12 and over per week 136
9. Percentage of men in men's and women's clothing and seven other manufacturing industries receiving under $18, $18 to $25, and $25 and over per week 138
10. Average number of unemployed among each 100 workers, men's clothing, women's clothing, and fifteen other specified industries 141
11. Percentages of unemployment in each of nine building industries 180
12. Number of men in each 100 in printing and five other industries earning each class of weekly wage 196
13. Number of women in each 100 in printing and six other industries earning each class of weekly wage 198




The education survey of Cleveland was undertaken in April, 1915, at the invitation of the Cleveland Board of Education and the Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, and continued until June, 1916. As a part of the work detailed studies were made of the leading industries of the city for the purpose of determining what measures should be taken by the public school system to prepare young people for wage-earning occupations and to provide supplementary trade instruction for those already in employment. The studies also dealt with all forms of vocational education conducted at that time under public school auspices.

Types of Occupations Studied

Separate studies were made of the metal industry, building and construction, printing and publishing, railroad and street transportation, clothing manufacture, department store work, and clerical occupations. The wage-earners in these fields of employment constitute nearly 60 per cent of the total number of persons engaged in gainful occupations and include 95 per cent of the skilled workmen in the city. The survey also gave considerable attention to the various types of semi-skilled work found in the principal industries.

Each separate study was assigned to a particular member of the Survey Staff who personally carried on the field investigations and later submitted a report to the director of the survey. Each report was also subjected to careful analysis and criticism from other members of the Survey Staff before it was finally passed upon by the Survey Committee. Mimeographed copies were sent to representatives of the industry and to the superintendent of schools and members of the school board and their criticisms and suggestions were given careful consideration before the Committee and the director of the survey gave their final approval to the publication of the report. The value of the work was greatly enhanced through the ample discussion of the different studies from widely diverse points of view secured in this way. The industrial studies were carried through under the direction of the author of this summary volume.

The Survey Staff and Methods of Work

The reports of the studies relating to vocational education were published in a series of eight separate monograph volumes. The names of the reports and the
