As we can see exemplified in the case of Othello and Desdemona, etc. |
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The kind and not the degree of the love is what gives love its special value |
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And the selection of this kind can be neither made nor justified on positive principles |
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As the following quotations from Théophile Gautier will show us |
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Which are supposed by many to embody the true view of love |
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According to this view, purity is simply a disease both in man and woman, or at any rate no merit |
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If love is to be a moral end, this view must be absolutely condemned |
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But positivism cannot condemn it, or support the opposite view |
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As we shall see by recurring to Professor Huxley's argument |
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Which will show us that all moral language as applied to love is either distinctly religious or else altogether ludicrous |
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For it is clearly only on moral grounds that we can give that blame to vice, which is the measure of the praise we give to virtue |
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The misery of the former depends on religious anticipations |
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And so does also the blessedness of the latter |
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As we can see in numerous literary expressions of it |
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Positivism, by destroying these anticipations, changes the whole character of the love in question |
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And prevents love from supplying us with any moral standard |
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The loss sustained by love will indicate the general loss sustained by life |
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We must now examine what will be the practical result on life in general of the loss just indicated |
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To do this, we will take life as reflected in the mirror of the great dramatic art of the world |
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And this will show us how the moral judgment is the chief faculty to which all that is great or intense in this art appeals |
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We shall see this, for instance, in Macbeth |
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In Hamlet |
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In Antigone |
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In Measure for Measure, and in Faust |
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And also in degraded art just as well as in sublime art |
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In profligate and cynical art, such as Congreve's |
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And in concupiscent art |
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Such as Mademoiselle de Maupin |