قراءة كتاب A Treatise of Witchcraft
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tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">pSimotha, qErictho, rCanidia, and infinite others beside, whose damnable memory deserueth to be buried in euerlasting obliuion.
But because the reports of these may seeme to carry small credit, for that they come from Poets, who are stained with the note of licentious sfaining, and so put off as vaine fictions; yet seeing they deliuer nothing herein but that which was well knowne and vsuall in those times wherein they liued, they are not slightly, and vpon an imagined conceit, to be reiected: for they affirme no more then is manifest in the records of most approued Histories, whose essence is and must be ttruth, uas straightnesse of a rule, or else deserue not that title. In which wee reade of xMartiana, yLocusta, zMartha, aaPamphilia, bbAruna, &c. And not to insist vpon particulars, there bee infinite numbers ouerflowing euen in these ourcc dayes, since the sinceritie of Christian Profession hath decreased, and beene in a sort ecclipsed in the hearts of men: for the period of the continuance thereof (after it be once imbraced) in his first integrity, either for zeale of affection, or strictnesse of discipline, hath beene by some learned Diuinesdd obserued, to bee confined within the compass of twenty yeares; and then afterward by degrees, the one waxed cold, and the other dissolute: which being so, it is not to be maruelled though the Diuell now begin to shew himselfe in these his instruments, as heretofore, though he cannot in the same measure, in respect of those sparkes of light which yet shine amongst vs. But of this so much now, because I shall haue afterward occasion further to enlarge this poynt.
Againe, the policie of all Statesee haue prouided for the rooting out of these poysonfull Weedes, and cutting of these rotten and infected members; and therefore infallibly prouing their existence and being: for allff penall lawes looke to matters of fact and are made to punish for the present, and preuent in future, some wicked actions already committed. And therefore Solon the Athenian making statutes for the setling of that Common-wealth, when a defect was found, that he omitted to prouide a cautelous restraint, and appointgg answerable punishmẽt for such who had killed their parents, answered, He neuer suspected there were or would be any such. Wherefore to confirme the position set downe, God doth not threaten to cast away his people for murther, incest, tyranny, &c. But Sorcery, Leuit. 20. 6. And Samuel willing to shew Saul the grieuousnesse of his disobedience, compareth it to witch-craft, 1. Sam. 15. 23. The Holy Ghost also manifesting how highly God was displeased with Manasses, maketh this the reason, because hee gaue himselfe to Witch-craft, and to Charming, and to Sorcery, and vsed them who had familiar spirits, and did much euill in the sight of the Lord to anger him, 2. Chro. 33. 6. And for this offence were the ten tribes of Israell led into captiuitie, 2. King. 17. 17. hhThe twelue Tables of the Romans (the ancientest law they haue) by a solemne Embassage (sent for that purpose) obtained from Athens, & accounted as a Library of knowledge, do both make mention of such malefactors, & decree a penaltie to be inflicted vpon them. iiConstantius and Constantinus thinke them worthy of some vnusuall death, as enemies of mankinde, strangers from nature: kkand Iulius Paulus distinguishing the punishment according to the different qualitie of the offenders, pronounceth out of the then receiued opinions, that the better sort found guilty, were to dye (not determining the manner) those of meaner condition either to bee crucified, or deuoured of wilde beasts.
Our ancient Saxon Kings before the llConquest, haue in their municipall Lawes apparantly demonstrated what they conceiued of these so dangerous and diuellish persons. Alucidus keepeth the expresse words of God; Fœminas sagas ne sinite viuere. Suffer not women Witches to liue. Gunthrunus and Canutus will haue them, being once apprehended (that the rest of the people might bee pure and vndefiled) sent into banishment, or if they abide in the kingdome (continuing their lewd practises) executed according to desert. So Athelstane, if they be conuicted to haue killed any, &c. And how the present estate standeth affected toward them, the sundry strict statutes in this case prouided, may giue any, not wedded to his owne stubbornenesse, sufficient and full satisfaction. Wherefore not to erect a Tabernacle, and dwell longer in perswading an vndeniable truth, that there bee Sorcerers and Witches, I leaue these