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قراءة كتاب A Treatise of Witchcraft

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A Treatise of Witchcraft

A Treatise of Witchcraft

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

or else communicated vnto vs in the learned Treatises, and discourses of ancient and late Writers gathered from the same grounds. Andf although this Hellish Art be not now so frequent as heretofore, since the Pagans haue beene conuerted vnto Christianity, and the thick fogges of Popery ouer-mantling the bright shining beames of the Gospel of Iesus Christ (who came to dissolue the workes of the Diuell .1. Ioh. 3. 8.) and were by the sincere and powerfull preaching therof dispersed; yet considering these bee the last times, dayes euill & dangerous, fore-told that should come, 2. Tim. 3. 1. in which iniquity must abound, Mat. 24. 12. and as a raging deluge ouer-runne all, so that Faith shall scarce be found vpon earth, Luk. 18. 8. and the Diuell loosed from his thousand yeares imprisonment, gReuel. 20. 3. enraged with great wrath walketh about, and seeketh whom he may deuoure .1. Pet. 5. 8. Because he knoweth hee hath but a short time, Reu. 12. 12. Before I enter into the particularity of the narration intended, it shall be materiall to set downe some generall propositions, as a handfull of gleanings gathered in the plentifull haruest of such learned men, who haue written of this argument, whereby the erronious may be recalled, the weake strengthened, the ignorant informed, and such as iudge aright already, confirmed: and among many other these as chiefe, all which you shall see exemplified in the following Discourse.

a. Augustinus de diuinatione Dæmonum: & de Ciuitate Dei. lib. 7. cap. 35. Plinius historia naturalis lib. 30. cap. 1.
b. Augustinus de Ciuitate Dei. lib. 21. cap. 14.
c. Iustinus in Epitome Trogi Pompeij. lib. 1.
d. Lactantius de origine erroris. lib. 2. cap. 17. And citeth the testimony of Sibilla Erithræa for proofe hereof. Gratianus Decretorum part. 2. causa 26 quæst. 2. Canone sine saluatore, & inuentas esse has artes προς απ..ην ἔλεείνων ἀνθρώπων τῶν ῥᾳδίως ὑποκλεπτομένων εἲς ταύτα ὑπο τοῦ διάβολου. affirmat Cedrenus in historiæ compendio.
Additional note
e. Probationes ex quibus legitimũ est Iudicia fieri, tres necessariæ planè dici & indubitatæ possunt 1ª veritas notorij & permanentia facti. 2ª confessio voluntaria eius qui reus factus est, atque peractus. 3ª certorum testium firmorumque testimonium: his & 4ª addi potest violentæ præsumptiones de Rodinus de Dęmonomania lib. 4. cap. 2.3.4.
f. The Oracles of the Pagans in all places of the world, whẽ Christ was borne, were silenced, and the Diuell became mute: so that Augustus Cęsar demanding of Apollo by his messengers, sent to Delphos, had this answer returned, παῖς ἑβραῖος κελεται &c. in sence thus much, An Hebrue Childe commandeth me to leaue this place, and returne againe to hell. From hence therefore you must depart from our Altars, without resolution of any questions propounded. Eusebius de præparatione Euangelica, lib. 5. cap. 8. Theodoretus de Græcorum affectionum curatione qui est de oraculis μετὰ την τοῦ σωτῆρος ἥμων ἐπιφάνειαν ἀπέδρασαν οἳ τηνδε την ἐξαπάτην τοῖς ἀνθρώποις προσφέροντες, Vide & Suidam in Augusto, & Athanasium de incarnatione verbi.
g. De hac ligatione & solutione Diaboli plenissimè August. de Ciuitate Dei, lib. 20 cap. 8.

The first Proposition.

IT is a Quære, though needlesse, whether there be any Witches: for theya haue some Proctors who plead a nullitie in this case, perswade themselues, and would induce others to be of the same minde, that there be no Witches at all: but a sort of melancholique, aged, and ignorant Women, deluded in their imagination; and acknowledge such things to be effected by them, which are vnpossible, vnlikely, and they neuer did; and therefore Magistrates who inflict any punishment vpon them, be vnmercifull and cruell Butchers. Yet by the way, and their good leaue, who take vpon them this Apology, all who are conuented vpon these vnlawfull action, are not strucken in yeares; but some euen in the flower of their youth be nuzled vp in the same, and convicted to be practisers thereof; neither be they ouerflowed with a blacke melancholique humor, dazeling the phantasie, but haue their vnderstandings cleere, and wits as quicke as other: Neither yet be they all women, though for the most part that sexe be inclinable thereunto: (as shall afterward be shewed, and the causes thereof) but men also on whose behalfe no exception can be laid, why any should demurre either of their offence or punishment for the same. Wherefore for this point, and confirmation of the affirmatiue, wee haue sundry pregnant and euident proofes.

First testimonies Diuine and Humane: Diuine of God himselfe in his word,b left for our instruction in all dogmaticall truth, reproofe and confutation of falshood in opinions, correction for the reforming of misdemeaners in conuersation, doctrine for the guidance of euery estate Politicall, Ecclesiasticall, Oeconomicall. 2. Timoth. 3. 16. Therefore expressely, Thou shalt not suffer a Witch, to
