affirmes, 1. Cor. 8. 4. is nothing, Ergo, the Papists in worshipping S. George which is nothing, commit (euen themselues being Iudges) abominable Idolatrie.
af Can. sanct. Roman. dist. 15. ag Rom. 14. 23. ah Tit. 3. 11. ai Missal. Roman. ex Con. Triden. decret. restit. in festo Georgij. |
As they worship some who were no men, so many who were not akholy men, as a reuerend alDoctor of our Church accutely, Non martyres domini sed mancipes diaboli: the Souldiour who peirced Christs holy side was a Pagan,am neither doth any storie which is authenticall speake of his conuersion, and yet they worship him vnder the name of S. Longinus, or Longesse, March 15. Papias (as anEusebius and aoHierome report) held the heresie of the Millenarians, and yet he is honoured as a saint in the Romane Calender vpon the 22. of Februarie. Becket was a bad subiect in his life, and no good Christian at his death, in that hee commended himselfe and the cause of his Church vnto S. apDenys and our Lady. Yet S. Thomas of Canterburie was honoured at Canterburie in the daies of popish ignorance more then either the worlds Sauiour, or the blessed Virgine his mother: in which relation I appeale to the records of that Church, as also to the very stones vnder his shrine worne with the knees and hands of such as came thither to worship him. Boccace reporteth how one Sir Chappelet a notorious Italian Vsurer and Cousoner came to be honoured as a Saint in France. Sanders among them is a saint, albeit he liued in plotting, and dyed in acting rebellion against his gracious Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth of famous and blessed memorie. Nay Dauus is Diuus, Saul is among the Prophets, pater personatus, father Parsons all the daies of his life was a perpetual Martyr, as his fellow aqRibadeneira termeth him: and yet one (who sometime was his inner man, and knew him as I presume, better then euer did Ribadeneira) transposing the letters of Robertus Parsonius Iesuita, found this anagramme, Personatus versuti oris abi: the wit-foundred drunkard, Henry Garnet (who did not according to the Counsell of arPaul vse vino modico: but as asPaulinus pretily modio) that lecherous treacherous Arch-priest, Arch-traitor, Arch-diuell in concealing, if not in contriuing: in patronizing, if not in plotting the powder intended massacre, is returned a Saint from beyond the seas with atà sancte Henrice intercede pro nobis: his action is iustified, his life commended, his death honoured, his miracles and memorie celebrated by that Ignatian spirit, (auportentum nominis portentum hominis, hauing a great deale of name, though a very little modestie) Andreas Eudæmon Ioannes Cydonius: but notwithstanding his apologie, the saintship of Henry Garnet is so buffeted by the replies and antilogies of our accuratlie learned diuines, as that his straw face will hereafter hardly be worth a straw. Catesbie, Winter, Rookwood, and the rest of the Cole-saints and hole-saints (who laboured in the diuels mine by the Popes mint) are numbred among the holy ones also: Babilon and Egypt praise God in them, and for them. I haue heard much of roaring gentlemen in London and Canterburie, but if the Lord himselfe had not watched ouer his Church, if the Lord himselfe had not written England in the axpalmes of his hands, if the Lord himselfe had not kept King Iames as the ayapple of his eye, azif the Lord himselfe had not been on our side (now may Gods Israell in England say) if the Lord himselfe had not been on our side, when they rose vp against vs, if the Lord himselfe had not (out of his vnspeakeable goodnesse toward vs and our posteritie) broken their snares, and deliuered our soules out of that horrible gunpowder pit; these bellowing Buls of Basan, and Canon-mouthed hell-hounds would haue made on this day such a roare, that all Christendome should haue felt it, and the whole world haue feared it. baO Lord God of all power, blessed be thy name, which hast this day brought to nought the enemies of thy people,bb so let all thine enemies perish. O Lord, that ourbc mouthes may be filled with laughter and our tongue with ioy. Sint diui modo non viui, let England hang such, although afterward Rome hallow such, he that hath an eye to see without the spectacles of a Iesuit, will affoord as good credit to the register at Tiburne as to the Calender of Tyber: for if these be Martyrs, I wonder who are Murtherers? If these be Saints, I pray you who are Scythians? If these bee Catholikes, who are Canibals? |
ak Dr. Sutclif examin. of Rom. cap. 7. al Dr. Abbot Antilog. pag. 3. am Sutclif. vbi sup. an Hist. lib. 3. cap. vlt. ao Catalog. scrip. in vita pap. ap Houenden annal. part. poster. pag. 298. aq Catalog. scrip. Iesuit. in vita Parsonij. ar 1. Tim. 5. 23. as Epist. lib. 3. epist. 6. at Sheldon preface before his motiues. au Eliens. epist. lector. ante resp. ad Bellar. apol. ax Esay 49. 16. ay Deut. 32. 10. az Psal. 124. ba Judith. 13. 4. bb Iudges 5. 31. bc Psalm. 126. 2. |
I passe to the second exposition of these wordes, O praise God in his sanctitie, so Munster, Pagninus, Beza, Tremelius and our old translation heere, Praise God in his holinesse: now God is holy formaliter & effectiuè, holy in himselfe, and making other holy; the Lord is glorious in holinesse Exod. 15. 11. Wheras other Gods are famous for their vnholinesse, Venus was a wanton, Mercurius a theefe, Iupiter a monsterous adulterer, an ingenious man (asbd Basile writes) would blush to report that of beastes, which the Gentiles haue recorded of their Gods. If such imputations are true saith beAugustine, quàm mali how wicked are these Gods: if false quàm malè how wretched and foolish are these men, adoring the same things in the temple, which they scoffe at in the theater, in turpitudinebf nimium liberi, in superstitione nimium serui: so that their Gods are not as our God, euen our enemies being Iudges Deut. 32. 31. there is none holy as the Lord 1. Sam. 2. 2. calledbg often in holy Scripture the holy one, yea thrice holy; holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts Esay. 6. 3. his bhname is holy, his bilaw is holy, his bkspirit is holy, his will holy, his