قراءة كتاب The Fifth Leicestershire A Record Of The 1/5th Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment, T.F., During The War, 1914-1919.

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‏اللغة: English
The Fifth Leicestershire
A Record Of The 1/5th Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment, T.F., During The War, 1914-1919.

The Fifth Leicestershire A Record Of The 1/5th Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment, T.F., During The War, 1914-1919.

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2
17. Crossing the Canal 298 18. Fresnoy and Riquerval Woods 325 19. The Last Fight 352 20. Home Again 372     APPENDIX.     I. Officers, Feb., 1915 376 II. Honours 377 III. The Cadre, 1919 379


1. Officers, 1914 Frontispiece.
2. R.S.M.s Small and Lovett, R.Q.M.S. Gorse 34
3. Ypres 35
4. Hohenzollern Memorial 50
5. Vermelles Water Tower 51
6. Lens from the Air 130
7. Officers at Marqueffles 131
8. Red Mill and Riaumont Hill 146
9. Hohenzollern Craters, 1917 147
10. Company Headquarters, Loisne, and Gorre Canal 322
11. Pontruet 323
12. Lieut. J.C. Barrett, V.C. 338
13. The Cadre at Loughborough 339


1. Ypres District 44
2. Bethune District 82
3. Attack on Gommecourt, 1/7/16 130
4. Monchy District 154
5. Lens District 190
6. Attack on Pontruet, 24/9/18 286
7. Advance, 24/9/18 to 11/11/18 314



4th Aug., 1914.25th Feb., 1915.

The Territorial Force, founded in 1908, undoubtedly attracted many men who had not devoted themselves previously to military training, nevertheless it took its character and tone from men who had seen long service in the old Volunteer Force.
