قراءة كتاب The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen

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The Wonder Island Boys:  The Tribesmen

The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

said Harry, from his perch on the wagon top.

George made his way back again in time to see a half dozen of the savages dart off into the bush to the left. They were from two to three miles distant when first discovered, so that it was difficult to make out their movements distinctly.

The Professor could not see them clearly, so that he also took a position on the top of the wagon. "Do you see any movement to the left of their camp?"

After gazing a while, Harry answered: "It seems that another party is coming up." In a moment more he continued: "Yes, and they appear to be waiting in ambush for them."

George Mayfield and Harry Crandall, together with an aged Professor, had been wrecked on an island, one year before the opening event in this chapter. They were attached to a ship training school that met with disaster in mid-Pacific, and when cast ashore had nothing whatever except the clothing they wore.

By extraordinary energy they began an investigation of the surroundings and discovered many things which not only excited their intense curiosity, but learned that the island was inhabited by one or more tribes of savages. In this helpless state, with no means of defense, and compelled to depend on nature for a supply of food and clothing, they were truly in a pitiful state.

The Professor was a man of profound learning, and knowing that such a condition must be met in a manner which would enable them to cope with the situation, gradually turned the attention of the boys to producing things of use, first making the articles most needed in their impoverished condition, and afterwards adding some wonderful things which enabled them to become bold enough to attempt the exploration of the island.

A brief review of the situation was this: The first consideration was food. A number of vegetables were found, some of them well known, but in a wild state, as well as nuts and fruit. Barley was one of the cereals early discovered, and from that bread was made. Then ramie, a well-known fiber, was found in the early days of their occupation, as well as flax, and a wild species of hemp.

They were surprised to find various ores, clay and slate, and with these began a series of experimental work which was wonderful in its character, as every part of the work had to be carried on with the most primitive sort of tools and appliances.

Among the first adventures in the field of making the useful necessities was the construction of a water wheel; the building of a sawmill, from which lumber was turned out to make their dwelling; a loom was put up which enabled them to weave clothing; and, finally, a wagon, which arose from the desire to utilize a herd of yaks, which they succeeded in capturing.

Before the present adventure a number of useful articles and tools had been made, among which might be mentioned a lathe, a foundry, in which they turned out articles in iron and brass, and this gave them an opportunity to make first a few pistols, and lastly, several guns, with which the present expedition was equipped.

All these things interested the boys, and they took delight in every part of it, and it gave them satisfaction to see the results of their work on every hand. But that which attracted them more intensely were the series of exploits which brought to light the hidden mysteries of the island, and which caused them to name it "Wonder Island."

Four exploring trips had been made by land, and one by sea in a boat which had been specially built for the purpose, and this vessel was wrecked shortly after they had discovered the location of the savages. In the previous expeditions they saw mysterious lights, and had evidences of human beings by the camp fires used by them.

The first crude boat turned out was left at the foot of a high falls in a river to the south of their home, and after the return the boys set out to get the boat. It was missing, and recovered several months afterwards, but to their surprise, when found, it had two oars and rope that were placed there by some one.

On returning from one of the trips their flagpole and staff, which was put up on a high point, called Observation Hill, was missing. Later on a gruesome skeleton was found on the seashore not far from Observation Hill, and the wrecked portions of a boat, and to this may be added the discovery of a lifeboat, similar to their own, among debris on South river, fully ten miles inland, which must have come from the interior.

Fig. 1. The First Boat.Fig. 1. The First Boat.

In this boat was found, accidentally, a note written by a captive in distress, showing that some of the party had been taken by the inhabitants of the island, and this occurrence determined them the more to put themselves in condition to aid the captives.

The last important development grew out of the finding of a cave, or a series of caverns, not far from their home, which contained numerous skeletons and a vast amount of treasure, showing that it was a pirates' cave, but up to this time it had not been fully investigated in view of the more serious need of haste to relieve those who were in the hands of the savages.

Shortly before leaving on the present expedition, and after returning from the expedition by sea, which had wrecked the boat, they were surprised to find a man at their home, who had entirely lost his memory. This happened six weeks before the occurrence in the opening page, and during that time he had not uttered a single word, and seemed to be entirely unconscious of his surroundings.

He was evidently a cultured man, but how he came to the island, or in what manner his faculties were lost, they could get no clue. He had proven himself to be harmless, and in many ways he was of great service to them, and was now with the party, this being the fifth day of the journey, and the distance from their home was from sixty to seventy miles.

It should not be forgotten to mention Red Angel. Over eight months before a baby orang-outan had been captured. He had grown rapidly, and George, the elder of the two boys, had taken a special delight in teaching or training him, and the result was that the imitative quality of the animal made him useful to the party in many ways. Angel was with them also, and was the only amusing element in their days of stress and tension.

The condition before them at this time was one of intense interest. For the first time since their arrival, savages had been seen. From the first view it was apparent that the party sighted were on the point of meeting a hostile tribe, and while it was their intention to journey west to the large stream called by them West River, it was concluded to remain at the present camping place until they could more fully observe the attitude of the natives.

During two days previous the route had been through a dense forest, and they emerged from this only a few hours before, their object being to make their way to the river, as in the vicinity of the stream there was not much wood, and the land was covered with comparatively little underbrush. They felt that with the strongly built wagon, which had been purposely made with a large, thick body, it would be more serviceable to them as a means of defense than the woods, because the forest would serve as places of concealment for their enemies, while adding nothing to their security.

The strange man, who, in the absence of his true name, was called John, noting the different ones climbing to the wagon top, also made his way there, and gazed in the direction pointed out by Harry. He
