قراءة كتاب The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen

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The Wonder Island Boys:  The Tribesmen

The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

the one you have just brought in. You will also notice that the three that were shot in the last attack have the arrows and headdress different from the others."

It thus appeared that by force of circumstances they had been thrown into the paths of these two warring factions, and had become the enemy of both.

But now something must be done to carry out the determination to rescue their fellows. How to reach the savages was the problem. They had shown hostility from the first. It was evident they were far from the usual habitations of the tribes. They must have their villages farther to the south and probably west of the present location.

The only course was to go forward, in the hope that friendly relations might still be established, notwithstanding the unfortunate circumstances of the night.

During the entire day there was not a sign of either of the parties. The Professor gave his views by stating that if they went forward at once the chances of getting into favorable communication would be improved, and if they could capture one of them it would go far toward putting them on the right track.

They remained another night at the river, and early in the morning the stream was crossed and the course of the wagon directed to the south. In less than half an hour they came upon the scene of the fight between the two tribes which took place the day before.

Here it was made plain that the two tribes had different weapons and dissimilar articles of clothing, and numerous odds and ends were gathered in the hope that some clue might be discovered as to the white people who were, no doubt, on the island.

Nothing of value in this direction was picked up, although there was confirmative evidence that the savages had in their possession trinkets which were taken from captives, and which made the necessity of their journey still more opportune.

Directly to the front of them was a forest, and to the right an incline, rather free from wood, and the course was changed in order to gain the elevation. This was reached about four in the afternoon, and in another hour they were at the crest of the hill. This gave them an unobstructed view to the south and west, and there, in the distance, was made out what appeared to be huts, or evidences of human habitations.

The first care was to select a camping spot, which was as much in the open as possible, and the utmost care exercised to guard against surprises.

But what had become of the savages in the rear? It was impossible to obliterate the tracks of the wagon, so they might be easily followed.

"I believe the hostile attitude of the two warring parties is, after all, a factor in our favor, because if both try to follow us they are bound to again come into contact with each other, so we may be free from that worry."

"Isn't it likely that one or the other may send messengers to the village, if what we see beyond is any evidence, and thereby bring all of them against us?" Harry ventured to ask.

"That is a probability I have been considering, and our only course is to resist their attacks, and, as I have stated, endeavor to capture one of them, so we can establish communications."

Camp was made for the night, but there was no disturbance, and there was a visible relief in the minds of all as morning approached and no signs of an enemy in either quarter.

The yaks were hitched up shortly after breakfast, and the long, sloping descent began. Angel was ahead swinging from tree to tree, and before they had proceeded a mile began chattering from the tree top, in his peculiar way betokening alarm. George ran up, called him down, and started forward. Angel followed, chattering more vigorously, and when George turned in another direction he ceased, thus showing conclusively the direction of the alarm, and it was well they profited by it, for now within fifteen minutes the savages were plainly seen.

They came forward, fully fifty or more, working their way cautiously along, and, no doubt, fully aware of the location of the wagon and its occupants. The crucial time had come, and George rushed back to the wagon, but before he had fully reached it a scouting party well in advance of the main body came within hailing distance.

The Professor, as before, walked out from the wagon, and held up his hand as a token of peace, but to this they made no response, but continued their cautious forward movement, creeping from one vantage point to the next, and the wagon was then turned so that its rear end was toward the oncoming savages.

Harry was directed to drive the team toward a cluster of bush at the right, and they were urged forward with all haste. The yak is a fast-moving animal, and started forward on a run, soon gaining the shelter selected. It should be stated that when the team, which had been named Jack and Jill, was first broken in, the animals were taught to be driven by means of lines, and this was now of great service to them.

With their bolos they cut out a space at one side of the undergrowth, into which the yaks were driven and thus afforded protection, and the guns were taken out and arranged in order to enable them to be readily handled.

Before all preparations had been completed the main body came up, and all breathlessly awaited the attack. They halted several hundred feet away, and the Professor sought by means of signs to indicate his peaceful intent, but this did not have the least effect, as arrangement for an assault was manifested by the preparations which were now plainly perceptible.

The Professor retreated to the wagon, and his cautioning words were: "Do not fire excitedly or wildly, and be careful not to fire at too long range. Furthermore, shoot the leaders, or those who appear to take the lead. Another thing, fire and reload. Do not take the loaded guns which are in reserve, because we may need them later on, at a more critical time. These will be very serviceable if they attempt to rush us. In that event we shall have six guns and two pistols to meet them with."

Contrary to expectations no immediate attempt was made to attack, and the Professor again tried to attract them by signs. For a time no further hostile movement was made, and it began to look as though his efforts would win; but suddenly, with a concerted movement, the bows were swung upward, and arrows began to fall dangerously near.

As no movement was made on the part of the Professor and his party, the savages mistook its meaning, and a charge was made. "Now deliberately pick your man and fire." No sooner had the order been given before all fired, and four fell, two of them being, without doubt, the chiefs, as the howling was beyond all description.

A second volley was not necessary. The two wounded men were surrounded and carried off. The others lay where they fell, and after a short pause another rush was made, this time much nearer to the wagon. It was fortunate that the pause was long enough to enable them to reload. On they came, and when within seventy-five feet, the Professor gave the order for another volley. At this distance there was no excuse for a miss. The leader was a powerful specimen, with a distinctive badge, and the Professor announced that he intended to use him as a mark, and he was the first to fall, together with three more.

Thus, at two shots, one-fifth of their fighting force was disabled. "Now let us charge," said the Professor, and John divining the meaning was the first to leap from the wagon. The main body of the savages broke for cover, but several, more venturesome than the rest, sought to carry away the wounded chief. When one of them turned to discharge his arrow, John raised his gun to his shoulder, as each of them had taken one of the reserve guns, but
