قراءة كتاب The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852

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‏اللغة: English
The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852

The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3
132.—Baucher's Horsemanship, 132.—Heroes and Martyrs of the Missionary Enterprise, 132.—Gutzkow's Ritter Vom Geiste, 268.—Henry Taylor reviewed in the Grenzboten, 268.—Germany in the Revolutionary Period of 1522, 268.—Reading Poems, 268.—German views of Carlyle's Life of Sterling, 268.—Curious German work on Shakspeare, by Veshe, 269.—The Gothic Runic Alphabet, 269.—Fac Simile of an Ancient copy of the Gospels, 269.—German Historical Monuments, 269.—Hagberg's Swedish version, of Shakspeare, 269.—German version of Dunlap's History of Fiction, 269.—The Vagabonds, by Holtei, 269.—New German Poems, 269.—Richers on Nature and Spirit, 270.—German Domestic Legends, 270.—Fecknor's Zend Avista, 270.—Rappert's Negromancer Virgilius, 270.—German Temperance Tales, 270.—Nichl on Civil Society, 270.—Correspondence of Goethe and Knebel, 270.—New Collection of Eastern MSS. at Berlin, 270.—German versions of Longfellow, Dr. Mayo, and Bunyan, 270.—Recent German Historical Literature, 271.—German Booksellers, 271.—Wholesale system of acquiring Languages, 271.—Adolf Stahr's Prussian Revolution, 271.—Schleisenger's Wanderings through London, 271.—Arabic MS. of Euclid, 271.—New work by Baron Eötvös, 271.—Wagner's Journey to Persia, 271.—Continuation of Humboldt's Kosmos, 271.—German work on Kossuth, 271.—Cheever's Sandwich Islands, in German, 271.—Silvio Pellico, 271.—Clemens Brentano, 271.—New Books on Scandinavia, 272.—The Widow of Weber, 272.—Professor Nuytz, 272.—Maria Monk in Germany, 272.—Works of Kepler, 272.—Works Prohibited in Russia, 272.—Liebeck, on Landscape Gardening, 272.—Cotta's new edition of Faust, 272.—Writings of Spalatin, 272.—Scientific Works from China, 272.—Biot's Translation of an Ancient Chinese History, 273.—The Library of Cardinal Mezzofanti, 273.—Michelet, 273.—Nicolas and Ritter, 273.—Works of Paganini, 274.—Philarete Chasles on American Literature, 274.—Lafuente's History of Spain, 274.—New Paris edition of Fenimore Cooper, 274.—Guizot on Shakspeare, 274.—Paris by a Hungarian, 274.—Villegos, the Spanish Historian, 274.—Tranion on Land Tenure, 274.—Lady Bulwer's New Novel, 274.—New Works on French History, 275.—Count Joseph de Maistro, 275.—Don Antonio Saco, on Cuba, 275.—New edition of Turner's Anglo Saxons, 275.—John Howard Hinton on the Voluntary Principle in America, 275.—New Discussions as to Junius, 275.—Smith's Natural History of the Human Species, 275.—Bonynge's Wealth of America, 276.—The Past and it's Legacies, by J. D. Nourse, 276.—Head's Bundle of French Sticks, 276.—Legends of Alexander in the East, 414.—Hofner, on Dresses of Christians, in the Middle Ages, 414.—German Version of Popular Nomenclature of American Plants, 414.—German Works on History, 414.—Count Von Hugel on India, 414.—Von Rommer's Historical Pocket Book, 415.—The Art Journal, 415.—Beeker's Roman Antiquities, 415.—Ennemoser's Inquiries Respecting the Human Soul, 415.—New Edition of Brackhaus's Lexikon, 415.—Sources of Popular German Songs, 415.—Saupe's Schiller and his Paternal House, 416.—German Military Books, 416.—Thirtieth Volume of the Library of Collected German Literature, 416.—Biography of Karl Lachmann, 416.—History of German Literature, 416.—Ludwig Kossuth, 416.—Behse's History of the Austrian Court, 416.—Forty Questions addressed to Mahomet, by the Jews, 416.—Böckh's Political Economy of the Athenians, 416.—Hettner's Æsthetic Inquiries into the Modern Drama, 416.—Lepsius on Egyptian Theology, 417.—History of the Russian Empire, 417.—Bavarian Traditions. 417.—S. Didung, 417.—Zahn's Pompeii, 417.—Miss Bremer's American Homes, 417.—A German Wandering Jew, 417.—Mittermaier on American Systems of Punishment, 417.—History of Costumes, 417.—Amyot and the Old French Translators, 417.—Silvio Pellico's Works in France, 417.—History of the Bastile, 418.—Count Montalembert, 418.—Greek Professorship of Edinburgh, 418.—Dr. Smith's Pilgrimage to Palestine, 418.—Turkish Grammar, 418.—Bulwer's Poems, 418.—Lady Bulwer's Letters to the Morning Post, 418.—Memoir of Lord Jeffrey, 418.—New Candidate for the authorship of Junius, 419.—Unpublished papers of Torquato Tasso, 419.—Bancroft's History, 419.—Palfrey's Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities, 420.—Howadji in Syria, 420.—The History of Classical Literature by R. W. Browne, 420.—Thompson's Literature of the Southern States, 420.—Poems of Winthrop Mackworth Praed, 420.—New Book by G. W. Curtis, 420.—R. H. Stoddard, 420.—Schopenhauer's "Little Philosophical Writings," 549.—Wachsmuth's History of Civilization, 550.—German Theology, 550. Wagner's Journey to Persia, 550.—Roman Catholic Missions, 551.—Professor Brandes on the Mormons, 551.—Constitutions of the Country Towns in Saxony, 551.—Gottleib Fichte's Ethics, 551.—Memoirs Of the Margravine of Bayreuth, 552.—Fannbacher's Recollections of Greece, &c., 552.—Remains of Klaproth, 552.—Daumer's Poems, 552.—Gutzkow's Bitter vom Geiste, 552.—New Scandinavian Literature, 553. Philology and Politics In Denmark, 553.—Poems
