href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@20955@[email protected]#Page_134" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">134.—Madame Kossuth on Woman's Rights, 135.—Story of an English Lord
in Paris, 135.—The Spectator on the sacrilege of Dramatists, |
135.—Tipsey Drollery, 266.—Anthony Benezet and his Rats, |
266.—Descartes and the Ladies, 266.—An American "Characteristic," |
266.—Broussais and Water Cure, 267.—Story of Tom Cooke, 267.—Odd |
Statistics from Portugal, 267.—First Duel in New England, 267.—Ariosto |
and Humbugs, 667.—Ole Bull, 267. |
Opera, The.—By Thomas Carlyle, |
29 |
Owen, John, at Oxford: A Biography, |
80 |
Old Maid's First Love, |
228 |
Pulszky, Francis, |
122 |
Poems, Some Small.—By R. H. Stoddard, |
174, 459 |
Punishment of Gina Montani, |
189 |
Picture Advertising, in South America, |
530 |
Reminiscences of Printers, Booksellers, Authors, |
&c., in New-York—By Dr. John W. Francis, LL.D., |
258 |
Reclaiming of the Angel—By Alice Carey, |
311 |
Red Feather: An Indian Story.—By I. McLellen, |
319 |
Robinson, John, The Pastor of the Pilgrims, |
367 |
Rainbow Making: The Ribbon Factories, |
511 |
Story of Dr. Lindhorst.—By Richard B. Kimball, |
109 |
Soult, The late Marshal, Duke of Dalmatia. (Portrait.), |
145 |
Story, Mr. Justice, With Reminiscent Reflections. By A. Oakey Hall, |
175 |
Smiles and Tears.—By Richard Coe, |
186 |
Song Queen, The.—Written in a Concert Room, by James T, Fields, |
188 |
Story of Gasper Mendez.—By Catherine Crowe, |
362 |
Simms, William Gilmore, LL.D. (With a Portrait.), |
433 |
Sunset: A Sonnet.—By R. S. Chilton, |
443 |
Some Small Poems.—By R. H. Stoddard, |
459 |
Squier, Mr., in Nicaragua, |
474 |
Sequel to the Jewish Heroine, |
491 |
String of Proverbs, A. |
502 |
Scientific Discoveries and Proceedings of Learned Societies.—Papers |
in the Paris Academy of Sciences, 139.—African Expeditions, |
139.—Perpetual Motion, 139.—Grants of Parliament for Scientific |
Purposes, 139.—Balloons in Ancient Nineveh, 139.—Invention for |
Determining Distances, 140.—Interesting Experiments by Professor |
Gorini, 140.—Count Castelnau's Paper on Men with Tails, 140.—Hatching |
Turtles by Artificial Heat, 140.—Process for Contracting Fibres of |
Calico, 280.—Memoir on the Production of Wool, 281.—European |
Experiments in Electro-Magnetism, 281.—Curious Astronomical Fact |
respecting Lalande, 281.—Mr. Squier's Address before the London Royal |
Society of Literature on Mexican Hieroglyphics, 425.—Experiments in |
Photography, 425.—French experiments in Electro-Magnetism applied to |
Locomotives, 425.—Lord Brougham's Optical and Mathematical Inquiries, |
425.—Mr. Lea's work on the Genus Unio, &c., 426.—Catlin's plan for a |
Museum of Mankind, 426.—French Academy on Yellow Fever, |
426.—Dissolution of the Royal Institute of the Netherlands, |
426.—Society of Antiquaries at Copenhagen, 426. |
Taylor and Stoddard, Poems of. (Portrait of R. H. Stoddard.), |
13 |
Trangott Bromme's Views of America and Americans, |
157 |
To Sundry Critics,—By R. H. Stoddard, |
319 |
Threnodia,—By Mrs. R. B. Kimball, |
323 |
The Palaces of Trade, (Six Engravings.), |
435 |