قراءة كتاب Pagan and Christian Rome

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‏اللغة: English
Pagan and Christian Rome

Pagan and Christian Rome

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@22153@[email protected]#illus-012" class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">28

Mosaic from the church of S. Andrea 29 The Shrine and Altar of Mercurius Sobrius 34 Kantharos in the Court of St. Cæcilia 39 Sample of a Drinking-cup 43 A Granary of Ostia 47 Entablature of the Temple of Concord 53 Fac-simile from the Corpus Insriptionum Latinarum 57 Nemi and the site of the Temple of Diana 60 Portrait Bust of Person cured at Nemi 60 The stern of the ship of the Island of the Tiber 61 Fragment of a Lamp inscribed with the name of Minerva 63 Votive Head 63 The Cliffs under the Citadel of Veii (now called Piazza
d' Armi)
64 A Pelasgic hieron, or platform of altar, at Segni 68 Round Temple of Hercules in the Forum Boarium 69 Ara of Aius Locutius on the Palatine 72 Pillar commemorating the Ludi Sæculares 73 Plan and section of the Altar of Dis and Proserpina 76 The family of Augustus (relief from the Ara Pacis, in the Gallery
of the Uffizi, Florence) 83 View of the Platform of the Temple of Jupiter 88 The Sphinx of Amasis 94 Obelisk of Rameses the Great 95 One of the Provinces from the Temple of Neptune 100 Plan of the Temple of Augustus 103 Remains of the Temple of Augustus (from a sketch by Ligorio) 103 Statue of Semo Sancus 105 Remains of the House of Pudens, discovered in 1870 114 Plan of Pompeian House 114 Remains of the House of Pudens: Front Wall, pierced
by Modern Windows
