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قراءة كتاب The Conuercyon of swerers (The Conversion of Swearers)

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Conuercyon of swerers
(The Conversion of Swearers)

The Conuercyon of swerers (The Conversion of Swearers)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

loue humylyte

Blessyd be ye that loue trouthe and pacyence

Blessyd be ye folowynge werkes of equyte

Blessyd be ye that loue well abstynence

Blessyd be ye vyrgyns of excellence

Blessyd be ye which loue well vertue

Blessyd be ye whiche do the worlde eschue

Blessyd be ye that heuenly Ioye do loue

Blessyd be ye in vertuous gouernaunce

Blessyd be ye whiche do pleasures reproue

Blessyd be ye that consyder my greuaunce

Blessyd be ye whiche do take repentaunce

Blessyd be ye remembrynge my passyon

Blessyd be ye makynge petycyon

Blessyd be ye folowynge my trace

Blessyd be ye louynge trybulacyon

Blessyd be ye not wyllynge to trespace

Blessyd be ye of my castycacyon

Blessyd be ye of good operacyon

Blessyd be ye vnto me ryght kynde

Blessyd be you whiche haue me in your mynde

Blessyd be ye leuynge yll company

Blessyd be ye hauntynge the vertuous

Blessyd be ye that my name magnefy

Blessyd be ye techynge the vycyous

Blessyd be ye good and relygyous

Blessyd be ye in the lyfe temperall

Whiche applye yourselfe to Ioye celestyall

The brytyll worlde ryght often transmutable

Who wyll in it his lyfe in tyme well spende

Shall Ioye attayne after inestymable

For in the worlde he must fyrst condyscende.

To take grete payne as his power wyll extende

Agaynst the worlde the flesshe and the deuyll

By my grete grace for to withstande theyr euyll

For who can be a gretter fole than he

That spendeth his tyme to hym vncertayne

For a breuyat pleasure of worldly vanyte

Than after that to haue eternall payne

Who of the worlde delyteth and is fayne

Shall after sorowe and cry ve ve

In an other worlde quante sunt tenebre

Who is wyser than he that wyll applye

In the worlde to take payne by due dylygence

After shorte payne to come to grete glorye

Whiche is eterne moost hye of excellence

Where he shall se my grete magnyfycence

With many aungelles whiche for theyr solace

Insacyately do beholde my face

Regarde no Ioye of the erthly consystory

For lyke as Phebus dothe the snowe relente

So passeth the Ioyes of the worlde transytory

Tyme renneth fast tyll worldly lyfe be spente

Consyder this in your entendemente

Blessed be they that my worde do here

And kepe it well, for they are to me dere

Therfore good brederne your hertes enclyne

To loue and drede me that am omnipotent

Bothe god and man in Ioye celestyne

Beholde my body all to torne and rente

With your spytefull othes cruell and vyolent

I loue you ye hate me ye are to harde herted

I helpe you ye tere me lo how for you I smerted

Mercy and peace dyde make an vnyte

Bytwene you and me but trouthe & ryghtwysnesse

Do nowe complayne byddynge my godheed se

How that ye breke the lege of sothfastnesse

They tell me that by Iustyce doubtelesse

I must take vengeaunce vpon you sykerly

That by your swerynge, agayne me crucefye

For at the request of good mercy and peace

I haue forborne you longe and many a daye

Þet more and more your synnes do encrease

Wherfore my Iustyce wyll no more delaye

But take vengeaunce for all your proude araye

I warne you ofte ye are nothynge the better

But ye amende my vengenaunce shall be gretter
