قراءة كتاب The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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‏اللغة: English
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864
Devoted To Literature And National Policy

The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

align="left">274,356 square miles.

Population in 1840, 30,749 80,983. (Republic.) Population in 1860, 775,881 604,215. Population per square mile in 1840, 0.57 0.29. Population per square mile in 1860, 8.99 2.20. Increase per square mile from 1840 to 1860, 8.42. 1.91. Absolute increase of population from 1850 to 1860 per square mile, 8.99 1.41. Value of total product of 1859, $101,375,000 $52,749,000. Of agriculture alone, $72,875,000 $46,499,000. Total product per capita, $130.39 $87.30. Farm lands improved and unimproved, 7,899,170 acres 23,245,433 acres. Improved farm lands, 1860, 3,746,036 acres 2,649,207 acres. Value of lands improved and unimproved in 1860, $131,117,082 $104,007,689. Product per acre of improved and unimproved lands in 1859, $9.22 $2.00. Product per acre of improved lands in 1859, $19.45 $17.56. Value of farm lands per acre, $16.59 $4.47.   Value of farm lands of Texas, if worth as much per acre as those of Wisconsin, $385,641,733.

Product of Texas lands in 1859, if equal per acre to those of Wisconsin, $214,212,892. Copies of press issued in 1860, 10,798,670 7,855,808. Percentage of native free adults who cannot read or write, 1.04 11.84. Public libraries, 21,020 volumes 4,230 volumes. Pupils in colleges and public schools, 61,615 11,500. Percentage of native white children at school, 74.90 45.82.     Indiana.Free State. Tennessee.Slave State. Area, 33,809 square miles 45,600 square miles. Population, 1790, none 35,791. Population, 1800, 4,875 105,602. Population, 1860, 1,350,428 1,109,801. Product of 1859, $175,690,628 $99,894,070. Agricultural, $132,440,682 $82,792,070. Total product, per capita, $130.10 $90.01. Product of agriculture, per capita, $90.68 $74.60. Population per square mile in 1800, 0.14 2.31. Population per square mile, 1860, 39.63 24.34. Absolute increase of population, from 1850 to 1860, per square mile, 10.72 2.35. Relative rank in 1800, 20 15. Relative rank in 1860, 6 10. Farm lands improved and unimproved, 16,315,776 acres 20,355,934 acres. Improved do., 8,161,717 acres 6,897,974 acres. Value of farm lands, $344,903,776 $272,555,054. Ditto, per acre, $21.13 $13.39. Value of product per acre of improved and unimproved farm lands, $8.17 $4.06. Ditto, of Improved farm lands, $16.26 $12. Volumes in public libraries, 68,403 22,896. Pupils at public schools and colleges, 168,754 115,750.     Free States of 1790. Slave States of 1790. Namely: Massachusetts (then including Maine), Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Namely: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Area, 169,668 square miles 300,580 square miles. Population in 1790, 1,968,459 1,961,372. Population in 1860, 10,594,168 7,414,684. Population per square mile in 1790, 11.60 6.50. Population per square mile in 1860, 62.44 24.66. Increase of population per square mile, from 1790 to 1860, 50.84 18.14.     Free States of 1860. Slave States of 1860. Area, 835,631 square miles 888,591 square miles. Farm lands, 161,462,000 acres 248,721,062 acres. Value, $4,067,947,286 $2,570,466,935. Value per acre, $25.19 $10.46. Total product of 1859, namely: of agriculture, manufactures, mines, and fisheries, $4,150,000,000 $1,140,000,000. Per capita, $217 $93. Copies of press issued in 1860, 760,034,360 167,917,188. By Table 157 (Census of 1850), ratio of native white adults who cannot read or write, 4.12 per cent. 17.23 per cent. (more than 4 to 1). Same Tables for Census of 1860, partially estimated, 3.21 per cent 17.03 percent. (more than 5 to 1).   Whole additional value of all the Slave States, whether farm lands or unoccupied, if worth as much per acre as those of the Free States, $5,859,246,616.

Total value of products of the Slave States in 1859, if equal per capita to those of the Free States, $2,653,631,032.

Deduct actual products of 1859, $1,140,000,000.

Absolute increase of 1859, if Free States $1,513,631,032.

That is, the additional value of the actual products of the Slave States, caused by emancipation, $1,513,631,032. Total value of all the property, real and personal, of the Free States in 1860, $10,852,081,081. Ditto, of all the Slave States, including slaves,
