قراءة كتاب The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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‏اللغة: English
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864
Devoted To Literature And National Policy

The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4


At the same rate of increase for the four succeeding decades, the result would be:

In 1870, $36,593,450,585
In 1880, 82,865,868,849
In 1890, 187,314,053,225
In 1900, 423,330,438,288


In 1841, 1,368,127 tons.
In 1851, 3,772,439 "
In 1861, 5,539,812 "

At the same rate of increase as from 1851 to 1861, the result would be:

In 1871, 8,134,578 tons.
In 1881, 11,952,817 "
In 1891, 17,541,514 "
In 1901, 25,758,948 "

Total number of copies of our newspapers and periodicals circulated in the United States in 1860, 927,951,548, exceeding that of all the rest of the world.

Let us now recapitulate the results from our Census, founded on a comparison of the Slave and Free States.

Massachusetts.Free State. Maryland.Slave State.
Area, 7,800 square miles 11,124 square miles.
Population in 1790, 378,717 319,728.
Population in 1860, 1,231,066 687,049.
Products in 1859, $287,000,000 $66,000,000.
Products per capita, $235 $96.
Railroads, 1,340 miles 380 miles.
Railroads cost, $61,857,203 $21,387,157.
Freight of 1860, $500,524,201 $101,111,348.
Tonnage built in 1860, 34,460 tons $101,111,348.
Bank capital, $64,519,200 $12,568,962.
Imports and exports, $58,190,816 $12,568,962.
Value of property, $815,237,433 $376,919,944.
Gross profit on capital, 35 per cent $376,919,944.
Copies of press circulated in 1860, 102,000,760 20,723,472.
Pupils at public schools in 1860, 176,475 33,254.
Volumes in public libraries, 684,015 125,042.
Value of churches, $10,206,000 $3,947,884.
New York.Free State. Virginia.Slave State.
Area, 47,000 square miles 61,392 square miles.
Population in 1790, 340,120 748,308.
Population in 1860, 3,880,735 748,308.
Product of 1859, $606,000,000 $120,000,000.
Per capita, $156 $75.
Gross profit on capital, 34 per cent 15 per cent.
Value per acre of farm lands, $38.26 $11.91.
Railroads, 2,842 miles 1,771 miles.
Railroads, cost of construction, $138,395,055 $64,958,807.
Freight in 1860, $579,681,790 $110,000,000.
Canals, 1,038 miles 178 miles.
Canals, cost, $67,567,972 $7,817,000.
Tonnage built in 1860, 31,936 4,372.
Bank capital, $111,441,320 $16,005,156.
Exports and imports, 1860, $394,045,326 $7,184,273.
Copies of press circulated in 1860, 320,980,884 26,772,518.
Pupils at public schools in 1860, 675,221 67,428.
Volumes in public libraries, 1,760,820 88,462.
Value of churches, $21,539,561 $2,002,220.
Percentage of native free population who cannot read or write, 1.87 19.90.

Compare the column as regards Virginia with the returns for Pennsylvania, and the result is nearly as remarkable as that of New York.

Pennsylvania, area 46,000, population in 1790, 434,373; in 1860, 2,900,115. Products of 1859, $399,600,000, per capita, $138, profit on capital, 22 per cent. Value of farm lands per acre, $38.91. Railroads, 2,690 miles, costing $147,483,410. Canals, 1,259 miles, costing $42,015,000. Tonnage built in 1860, 21,615 tons. Bank capital, $25,565,582. Exports and imports, $20,262,608, Copies of press circulated in 1860,116,094,480. Pupils at public schools, 413,706. Volumes in public libraries, 363,400. Value of churches, $11,853,291.

Illinois.—Free State. Missouri.—Slave State.
Area, 55,405 square miles 67,380 square miles.
Population, 1810, 12,282 20,845.
Population, 1860, 1,711,951 1,182,012.
Ratio of increase from 1810 to 1860, 13,838 per ct. 5,570.
Railroads in operation in 1860, 2,868 miles 817 miles.
Ditto, 1st of January, 1864, 3,080 miles 914 miles.
Value of farm lands, 1860, $432,531,072 $230,632,126.
Canals, 102 miles none.
Ratio of increased value of property from 1850 to 1860, 458 per cent. 265 per cent.
At same ratio from 1860 to
