align="left">274,356 square miles.
Population in 1840, 30,749 |
80,983. (Republic.) |
Population in 1860, 775,881 |
604,215. |
Population per square mile in 1840, 0.57 |
0.29. |
Population per square mile in 1860, 8.99 |
2.20. |
Increase per square mile from 1840 to 1860, 8.42. |
1.91. |
Absolute increase of population from 1850 to 1860 per square mile, 8.99 |
1.41. |
Value of total product of 1859, $101,375,000 |
$52,749,000. |
Of agriculture alone, $72,875,000 |
$46,499,000. |
Total product per capita, $130.39 |
$87.30. |
Farm lands improved and unimproved, 7,899,170 acres |
23,245,433 acres. |
Improved farm lands, 1860, 3,746,036 acres |
2,649,207 acres. |
Value of lands improved and unimproved in 1860, $131,117,082 |
$104,007,689. |
Product per acre of improved and unimproved lands in 1859, $9.22 |
$2.00. |
Product per acre of improved lands in 1859, $19.45 |
$17.56. |
Value of farm lands per acre, $16.59 |
$4.47. |
Value of farm lands of Texas, if worth as much per acre as those of Wisconsin, $385,641,733.
Product of Texas lands in 1859, if equal per acre to those of Wisconsin, $214,212,892. |
Copies of press issued in 1860, 10,798,670 |
7,855,808. |
Percentage of native free adults who cannot read or write, 1.04 |
11.84. |
Public libraries, 21,020 volumes |
4,230 volumes. |
Pupils in colleges and public schools, 61,615 |
11,500. |
Percentage of native white children at school, 74.90 |
45.82. |
Indiana.—Free State. |
Tennessee.—Slave State. |
Area, 33,809 square miles |
45,600 square miles. |
Population, 1790, none |
35,791. |
Population, 1800, 4,875 |
105,602. |
Population, 1860, 1,350,428 |
1,109,801. |
Product of 1859, $175,690,628 |
$99,894,070. |
Agricultural, $132,440,682 |
$82,792,070. |
Total product, per capita, $130.10 |
$90.01. |
Product of agriculture, per capita, $90.68 |
$74.60. |
Population per square mile in 1800, 0.14 |
2.31. |
Population per square mile, 1860, 39.63 |
24.34. |
Absolute increase of population, from 1850 to 1860, per square mile, 10.72 |
2.35. |
Relative rank in 1800, 20 |
15. |
Relative rank in 1860, 6 |
10. |
Farm lands improved and unimproved, 16,315,776 acres |
20,355,934 acres. |
Improved do., 8,161,717 acres |
6,897,974 acres. |
Value of farm lands, $344,903,776 |
$272,555,054. |
Ditto, per acre, $21.13 |
$13.39. |
Value of product per acre of improved and unimproved farm lands, $8.17 |
$4.06. |
Ditto, of Improved farm lands, $16.26 |
$12. |
Volumes in public libraries, 68,403 |
22,896. |
Pupils at public schools and colleges, 168,754 |
115,750. |
Free States of 1790. |
Slave States of 1790. |
Namely: Massachusetts (then including Maine), Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. |
Namely: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. |
Area, 169,668 square miles |
300,580 square miles. |
Population in 1790, 1,968,459 |
1,961,372. |
Population in 1860, 10,594,168 |
7,414,684. |
Population per square mile in 1790, 11.60 |
6.50. |
Population per square mile in 1860, 62.44 |
24.66. |
Increase of population per square mile, from 1790 to 1860, 50.84 |
18.14. |
Free States of 1860. |
Slave States of 1860. |
Area, 835,631 square miles |
888,591 square miles. |
Farm lands, 161,462,000 acres |
248,721,062 acres. |
Value, $4,067,947,286 |
$2,570,466,935. |
Value per acre, $25.19 |
$10.46. |
Total product of 1859, namely: of agriculture, manufactures, mines, and fisheries, $4,150,000,000 |
$1,140,000,000. |
Per capita, $217 |
$93. |
Copies of press issued in 1860, 760,034,360 |
167,917,188. |
By Table 157 (Census of 1850), ratio of native white adults who cannot read or write, 4.12 per cent. |
17.23 per cent. (more than 4 to 1). |
Same Tables for Census of 1860, partially estimated, 3.21 per cent |
17.03 percent. (more than 5 to 1). |
Whole additional value of all the Slave States, whether farm lands or unoccupied, if worth as much per acre as those of the Free States, $5,859,246,616.
Total value of products of the Slave States in 1859, if equal per capita to those of the Free States, $2,653,631,032.
Deduct actual products of 1859, $1,140,000,000.
Absolute increase of 1859, if Free States $1,513,631,032.
That is, the additional value of the actual products of the Slave States, caused by emancipation, $1,513,631,032. |
Total value of all the property, real and personal, of the Free States in 1860, $10,852,081,081. |
Ditto, of all the Slave States, including slaves,