قراءة كتاب The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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‏اللغة: English
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864
Devoted To Literature And National Policy

The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

1870, as from 1850 to 1860, total wealth in 1870 would be $3,993,000,000

$1,329,000,000.     Rhode Island.Free State. Delaware.Slave State. Area, 1,306 square miles 2,120 square miles. Population in 1792, 69,110 59,096. Population in 1860, 174,520 112,216. Product in 1859, $52,400,000 $16,100,000. Value of property in 1860, $135,000,000 $46,242,181. Bank capital, $20,865,569 $1,640,675. Copies of press issued in 1860, 5,289,280 1,010,776. Pupils at public schools, 23,130 8,970. Volumes in public libraries, 104,342 17,950. Pupils at colleges and academies, 3,664 764. Percentage of native free adults who cannot read or write, 1.49 23.03. Value of churches, $1,293,700 $340,345.     New Jersey.Free State. South Carolina.Slave State. Area, 8,320 square miles 24,500 square miles. Population in 1790, 184,139 249,073. Population in 1860, 672,035 703,708. Ratio of increase from 1790 to 1860, 265 per cent. 182 per cent. Population per square mile in 1860, 80.77 28.72. Increase of population per square mile from 1790 to 1860, 58.64 per cent. 18.55 per cent. Population in 1860, remaining the same per square mile, if area equal to that of South Carolina, 1,978,650. Population in 1860, remaining the same per square mile, area equal to that of New Jersey, 238,950. Product of 1859, $167,398,003 $46,445,782. Per capita, $249 $66. Farm lands, 1860, improved and unimproved acres, 2,983,531 15,595,860. Value in 1860, $180,250,338 $139,652,508. Agricultural products of 1860, $86,398,000 $39,645,728. Agricultural products of 1860, $86,398,000 $39,645,728. Product per acre, $28.96 $2.54. Improved lands, 1,944,445 acres 4,572,060 acres. Product per acre, $44.43 $8.67. Value of farm lands per acre, $60.42 $8.95. Value of farm lands per acre, $60.42 $8.95.
Value of farm lands, if worth as much per acre as those of New Jersey, $942,660,377. Copies of press issued in 1860, 12,801,412 3,654,840. Percentage of native free adults who cannot read or write, 5.10 12.73. Percentage of native white children at school, 80.56. 26.025. Pupils at colleges, academies, and public schools, 88,244 26.025. Value of churches, $3,712,863 $2,181,476.     Michigan.Free State. Florida.Slave State. Area, 56,243 square miles 59,268 square miles. Population, 1810, 4,762 16,989, Spanish. Population, 1820, 8,765 23,801, Spanish. Population, 1830, 31,639 34,730, Spanish. Population, 1860, 749,113 140,425, Spanish. Population per square mile in 1810, 0.08 0.28. Population per square mile in 1820, 0.15 0.38. Population per square mile in 1830, 0.56 0.58. Population per square mile in 1860, 13.32 2.37 Absolute increase of population from 1830 to 1860, 717,474 105,695. Relative rank in 1830, 25 26. Relative rank in 1860, 16 31. Absolute increase of population from 1850 to 1860 per square mile, 6.25 0.89. Value of total product of 1859, $99,200,000 $12,300,000. Of agriculture alone, $64,000,000 $9,600,000. Total product per capita, $132.04 $87.59. Farm lands improved and unimproved in 1860, 6,931,442 acres 2,849,572 acres. Improved farm lands, 1860, 3,419,861 acres 676,464 acres. Value of lands improved and unimproved in 1860, $163,279,087 $16,371,684. Product per acre, $9.23 $3.01. Product of improved land, $18.71 $14.18. Value of farm lands, 1860, per acre, $23.55 $5.74.   Value of farm lands of Florida, if worth as much per acre as those of Michigan, $67,105,222.

Product of Florida lands, if equal per acre to those of Michigan, in 1859, $26,300,549. Copies of press issued in 1860, 11,606,596 1,081,601. Percentage of native free adults, who cannot read or write, 2.84 9.18. Public libraries, 107,943 volumes 2,660 volumes. Pupils in public schools, academies, and colleges, 112,382 3,129. Percentage of native white children at school, 99.53 35.77.     Wisconsin.Free State. Texas.Slave State. Area, 53,924 square miles
