of the rod; a lever actuating a plunger in a vertical line, to find how much a given amount of motion of the long arm will actuate the plunger
226 |
Two levers upon their axles or shafts, the arms connected by a link and one arm connected to a rod |
227 |
A lever arm and cam in one piece on a shaft, a shoe sliding on the line, and held against the cam face by the rod, to find the position of the face of the shoe against the cam |
228 |
To find the amount of motion imparted in a straight line to a rod, attached to an eccentric strap |
229 |
Examples in drawing the cut off cams employed instead of eccentrics on river steamboats in the Western and Southern States. Different views of a pair of cams |
232 |
The object of using a cam instead of an eccentric |
234 |
Method of drawing or marking out a full stroke cam |
237 |
Illustration of the lines embracing cut off cams of varying limits of cut-off |
240 |
Part played by the stroke of the engine in determining the conformation of cut-off cams; manner of finding essential points of drawings of cutoff cams |
241 |
A cam designed to cut off the steam at five-eighths of the piston stroke |
244 |
Three-fourths and seven-eighths cams |
246 |
Necessary imperfections in the operations of cut-off cams |
247 |
Drawing representing the motion which a crank imparts to a connecting rod |
249 |
Plotting out the motion of a shaper link quick return |
250 |
Plotting out the Whitworth quick return motion employed in machines |
253 |
Finding the curves for moulding cutters |
257 |
Arrangement of idle pulleys to guide bolts from one pulley to another; representation of a cutting tool for a planing machine |
264 |
Drawings for photo-engraving |
Drawing for an engraver in wood; drawings for engravings by the wax process |
268 |
Engraving made by the wax process from a print from a wood engraving; engravings of a boiler drilling machine |
269 |
Coloring the journals of shafts; simple shading; drawing cast-iron, wrought iron, steel and copper |
277 |
Points to be observed in coloring and shading; colored drawings to be glued around their edges to the drawing board; to maintain an even shade of color; mixing colors |
278 |
To graduate the depth of tint for a cylindrical surface |
279 |
The size and use of brushes; light in shading; example for shading a Medart pulley |
280 |
Brush shading |
281 |
To show by the shading that the surfaces are highly polished; representation of an oil cup; representation of an iron planing machine |
282 |