قراءة كتاب Picturesque Germany First Series

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‏اللغة: English
Picturesque Germany
First Series

Picturesque Germany First Series

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 9

Built by Fr. Weinbrenner in the beginning of the 19th century / From a photograph by the Badischen Denkmäler-Archivs Kratt, Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe in Baden, the birthplace of Viktor von Scheffel

The Choir in the Cathedral at Magdeburg / The Choir, begun in 1208, is the earliest specimen of Gothic architecture in Germany. Nave consecrated in 1363 / From a photograph by the National Messbildanstalt, Berlin

The Choir in the Cathedral at Magdeburg

Picturesque view on the German shores of the North Sea / In the harbor at Hamburg / From a photograph by Schaul, Hamburg

In the harbor at Hamburg

The Karl frescoes in the Town-hall at Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) / Painted by Alfred Rethel in 1840–1862 / Head of the dead Emperor from the fresco “Visit of Otto III to the Grave of Karl the Great” / Sketch in the cabinet of Engravings at Dresden

Alfred Rethel: The Karl frescoes in the Town-hall at Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen)

and decorations
by Julius Nitsche, Munich /
Etchings by F. Bruckmann, Graphische Anstalt,
Munich / Paper from the Scheufelen Paper Factory,
Oberlenningen-Teck, Württemberg / Two-tone
prints by E. T. Gleitsmann, Dresden /
Printed by Carl Gerber,

First Series

The following are in course of preparation: Second Series: German Industries / Third Series: German Landscapes / Fourth Series: German Spas / Fifth Series: German Museums etc. / All these volumes may be obtained at the place as Series 1
