قراءة كتاب The Torch Bearer: A Camp Fire Girls' Story

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‏اللغة: English
The Torch Bearer: A Camp Fire Girls' Story

The Torch Bearer: A Camp Fire Girls' Story

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 1

The Torch Bearer


The Torch Bearer

A Camp Fire Girls’ Story. Illustrated, 12mo, net $1.00.

The author of “The Bishop’s Shadow” and “The Scout Master of Troop 5” has scored another conspicuous success in this new story of girl life. She shows conclusively that she knows how to reach the heart of a girl as well as that of a boy.

The Scout Master of Troop 5

By author of “The Bishop’s Shadow.” Illustrated, 12mo, cloth, net $1.00.

“The daily life of the city boys from whom the scouts are recruited is related, and the succession of experiences afterward coming delightfully to them—country hikes, camp life, exploring expeditions, and the finding of real hidden treasure. The depiction of boy nature is unusually true to life, and there are many realistic scenes and complications to try out traits of character.”—N. Y. Sun.

The Big Brother of Sabin Street

Containing the story of Theodore Bryan (The Bishop’s Shadow). Illustrated, 12mo, cloth, net $1.00.

“This volume is the sequel to the Story of Theodore Bryan, ‘The Bishop’s Shadow,’ which came into prominence as a classic among boys’ books and was written to supply the urgent demand for a story continuing the account of Theodore’s work among the boys.”—Western Recorder.

The Bishop’s Shadow

Illustrated, cloth, net $1.00.

“A captivating story of dear Phillips Brooks and a little street gamin of Boston. The book sets forth the almost matchless character of the Christlike bishop in most loving and lovely lines.”—The Interior.

The Torch Bearer
The Torch Bearer



A Camp Fire Girls’ Story



Author of “The Bishop’s Shadow,”

“The Scout Master of Troop 5,”

Etc., Etc.


New York   Chicago   Toronto

Fleming H. Revell Company

London and Edinburgh

Copyright, 1913, by

New York: 158 Fifth Avenue
Chicago: 125 N. Wabash Ave.
Toronto: 25 Richmond St., W.
London: 21 Paternoster Square
Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street

M. N. T.


The Torch Bearer Frontispiece
“At Last a Tiny Puff of Smoke Arose” 14
“Soon the Flames Began to Blaze and Crackle, Filling the Air with a Spicy Fragrance” 20
A Group of Girls Busy Over Beadwork 34
“We Pull Long, We Pull Strong” 78
“Wood had Been Gathered Earlier in the Day” 90
A Favorite Rendezvous At the Camp 212
“Just Think of the Lookout This Very Minute!” 220


I. The Camp in the Forest 11
II. Introducing the Problem 24
III. The Camp Coward Dares 31
IV. The Poor Thing 44
V. Wind and Weather 65
VI. A Water Cure 77
VII. Honours Won 88
VIII. Elizabeth At Home
