Connecticut Seed Leaf. 385
Havana Tobacco. 387
Virginia Tobacco. 388
Ohio White Tobacco. 389
Latakia Tobacco (Syria). 393
Orinoco Tobacco (Venezuela). 397
Shiraz Tobacco (Persia). 398
Spanish Tobacco. 400
Japan Tobacco. 402
Old Connecticut Tobacco Shed. 406
Modern Connecticut Tobacco Shed. 407
Stripping Room. 408
Modern Virginia Shed. 409
Virginia Shed, 150 years ago. 410
Ohio Tobacco Shed. 412
Persian Tobacco Shed. 414
Making the Plant Bed in Connecticut. 418
Covering Plant Bed. 424
A Tobacco Ridger. 430
Drawing the Dirt Around the Foot. 432
Transplanting. 433
Transplanting. 434
American Transplanter. 437
The Worms. 438
Worming Tobacco. 439
Topping. 442
Suckering. 445
Cutting the Plants. 446
Putting on Lath. 447
Carrying to the Shed. 448
Stripping. public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@24471@[email protected]#img160" title="Link to image" class="pginternal"