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قراءة كتاب Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria

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‏اللغة: English
From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria

Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

National Epos.—§ 4. The oldest known Epic.—§ 5. Berosus' account of the Flood.—§ 6. Geo. Smith's discovery of the original Chaldean narrative.—§ 7. The Epic divided into books or Tablets.—§ 8. Izdubar the Hero of the Epic.—§ 9. Erech's humiliation under the Elamite Conquest. Izdubar's dream.—§ 10. Êabâni the Seer. Izdubar's invitation and promises to him.—§ 11. Message sent to Êabâni by Ishtar's handmaidens. His arrival at Erech.—§ 12. Izdubar and Êabâni's victory over the tyrant Khumbaba.—§ 13. Ishtar's love message. Her rejection and wrath. The two friends' victory over the Bull sent by her.—§ 14. Ishtar's vengeance. Izdubar's journey to the Mouth of the Rivers.—§ 15. Izdubar sails the Waters of Death and is healed by his immortal ancestor Hâsisadra.—§ 16. Izdubar's return to Erech and lament over Êabâni. The seer is translated among the gods.—§ 17. The Deluge narrative in the Eleventh Tablet of the Izdubar Epic.—§§ 18-21. Mythic and solar character of the Epic analyzed.—§ 22. Sun-Myth of the Beautiful Youth, his early death and resurrection.—§§ 23-24. Dumuzi-Tammuz, the husband of Ishtar. The festival of Dumuzi in June.—§ 25. Ishtar's Descent to the Land of the Dead.—§ 26. Universality of the Solar and Chthonic Myths.


Religion and Mythology.—Idolatry and Anthropomorphism.—The Chaldean Legends and the Book of Genesis.—Retrospect

331-336 § 1. Definition of Mythology and Religion, as distinct from each other.—§§ 2-3. Instances of pure religious feeling in the poetry of Shumir and Accad.—§ 4. Religion often stifled by Mythology.—§§ 5-6. The conception of the immortality of the soul suggested by the sun's career.—§ 7. This expressed in the Solar and Chthonic Myths.—§ 8. Idolatry.—- § 9. The Hebrews, originally polytheists and idolators, reclaimed by their leaders to Monotheism.—§ 10. Their intercourse with the tribes of Canaan conducive to relapses.—§ 11. Intermarriage severely forbidden for this reason.—§ 12. Striking similarity between the Book of Genesis and the ancient Chaldean legends.—§ 13. Parallel between the two accounts of the creation.—§ 14. Anthropomorphism, different from polytheism and idolatry, but conducive to both.—§§ 15-17. Parallel continued.—§§ 18-19. Retrospect.


Baer, Wilhelm. Der Vorgeschichtliche Mensch. 1 vol., Leipzig: 1874.

Baudissin, W. von. Studien zur Semitischen Religionsgeschichte. 2 vols.

Budge, E. A. Wallis. Babylonian Life and History. ("Bypaths of Bible Knowledge" Series, V.) 1884. London: The Religious Tract Society. 1 vol.

---- History of Esarhaddon. 1 vol.

Bunsen, Chr. Carl Jos. Gott in der Geschichte, oder Der Fortschritt des Glaubens an eine sittliche Weltordnung. 3 vols. Leipzig: 1857.

Castren, Alexander. Kleinere Schriften. St. Petersburg: 1862. 1 vol.

Cory. Ancient Fragments. London: 1876. 1 vol.

Delitzsch, Dr. Friedrich. Wo lag das Paradies? eine Biblisch-Assyriologische Studie. Leipzig: 1881. 1 vol.

---- Die Sprache der Kossäer. Leipzig: 1885 (or 1884?). 1 vol.

Duncker, Max. Geschichte des Alterthums. Leipzig: 1878. Vol. 1st.

Fergusson, James. Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Restored. 1 vol.

Happel, Julius. Die Altchinesische Reichsreligion, vom Standpunkte der Vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte. 46 pages, Leipzig: 1882.

Haupt, Paul. Der Keilinschriftliche Sintflutbericht, eine Episode des Babylonischen Nimrodepos. 36 pages. Göttingen: 1881.

Hommel, Dr. Fritz. Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens (first instalment, 160 pp., 1885; and second instalment, 160 pp., 1886). (Allgemeine Geschichte in einzelnen Darstellungen, Abtheilung 95 und 117.)

---- Die Vorsemitischen Kulturen in Ægypten und Babylonien. Leipzig: 1882 and 1883.

Layard, Austen H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. (American Edition.) New York: 1853. 1 vol.

---- Nineveh and its Remains. London: 1849. 2 vols.

Lenormant, François. Les Premières Civilisations. Êtudes d'Histoire et d'Archéologie. 1874. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie. 2 vols.

---- Les Origines de l'Histoire, d'après la Bible et les Traditions des Peuples Orientaux. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie. 3 vol. 1er vol. 1880; 2e vol. 1882; 3e vol. 1884.

---- La Genèse. Traduction d'après l'Hébreu. Paris: 1883. 1 vol.

---- Die Magie und Wahrsagekunst der Chaldäer. Jena, 1878. 1 vol.

---- Il Mito di Adone-Tammuz nei Documenti cuneiformi. 32 pages. Firenze: 1879.

---- Sur le nom de Tammouz. (Extrait des Mémoires du Congrès international des Orientalistes.) 17 pages. Paris: 1873.

---- A Manual of the Ancient History of the East. Translated by E. Chevallier. American Edition. Philadelphia: 1871. 2 vols.

Loftus. Chaldea and Susiana. 1 vol. London: 1857.

Lotz, Guilelmus. Quæstiones de Historia Sabbati. Lipsiae: 1883.

Maury, Alfred L. F. La Magie et l'Astrologie dans l'antiquité et en Moyen Age. Paris: 1877. 1 vol. Quatrième édition.

Maspero, G. Histoire Ancienne des Peuples de l'Orient. 3e édition, 1878. Paris: Hachette & Cie. 1 vol.

Ménant, Joachim. La Bibliothèque du Palais de Ninive. 1 vol. (Bibliothèque Orientale Elzévirienne.) Paris: 1880.

Meyer, Eduard. Geschichte des Alterthums. Stuttgart: 1884. Vol. 1st.

Müller, Max. Lectures on the Science of Language. 2 vols. American edition. New York: 1875.

Mürdter, F. Kurzgefasste Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Alten Testaments. Mit Vorwort und Beigaben von Friedrich Delitzsch. Stuttgart: 1882. 1 vol.
