قراءة كتاب A Bit of Sunshine
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
Soon the drops be-gan to fall, but their car-riage had a top, and they had with them rugs, so that they were not hurt at all. Kate, as she peeped out, saw that all were not so safe. A girl and a boy were crouched close un-der a bush by the road-side.
"They will not get ve-ry wet," said mam-ma, "for the cloud is near-ly passed by, and the sun shines once more."
"Are we not near home?" she said to pa-pa, "it is get-ting late, I think. There goes a girl with her pail to drive the cows to the yard to be milked. Kate must have her sup-per when we get back, and her bed-time is sev-en o'clock, you know."
"It is on-ly five now," said pa-pa; "we can have a good hour more, and Kate won't mind, I fan-cy, if she is a lit-tle late for once."
"No, in-deed," said Kate; "I think a-ny way I am get-ting much too big to go to bed at sev-en."
"There is a lit-tle girl," said mam-ma, as she looked in at the door of a house that they were pass-ing, "that thinks bed-time is not far off."
"She's on-ly a ba-by," said Kate with great in-dig-na-tion, "and I am quite a large lit-tle wo-man."
Pa-pa and mam-ma both laughed at Kate's tone. She did not like to be laughed at at all, and so, to change the sub-ject, as they went by a house, called out, "Why, what are that boy and girl do-ing at that hogs-head?"
"Fish-ing," said pa-pa so-ber-ly.
"In a hogs-head!" said Kate. "Who ev-er caught fish in such a place? No, they must be sail-ing chips. Yes," she went on, as she stretched her short neck up as far as she could, "that is what they are do-ing; I can see the chips."
Just then pa-pa called out, "What in the world is this com-ing down the road? Whoa! my boys, stead-y," he said to his hors-es as they be-gan to prick up their ears. The next min-ute they saw what it was. A dog came to-ward them at full speed, howl-ing with fright, while close at his heels was a cat wild with rage. Her ears were laid back, and she meant to catch and scratch the dog if she could. But he was too fleet for her, and as they looked they saw puss give up the chase and climb up on a fence.
"Well," said pa-pa, "I think that dog has had a les-son. He will not trou-ble that cat a-gain, I am sure. I won-der what he did to make her so an-gry. Per-haps he teased her kit-tens."
"There," said Kate, a few min-utes la-ter, "there is a dog that is not go-ing to be driv-en by a cat. Just look, mam-ma, he wants to get some of that ba-by's sup-per." Mam-ma looked up, and on the porch of a house saw just what you see in this pic-ture—a fat small boy with a slice of bread and but-ter, while a dog al-most as big as the boy