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قراءة كتاب The prophete Ionas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him and the right vse also of all the scripture/ and why it was written/ and what is therin to be sought/ and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it/
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

The prophete Ionas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him and the right vse also of all the scripture/ and why it was written/ and what is therin to be sought/ and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it/
ye Gospell or promises which thou metest in ye scripture / beleue fast yt God will fulfill them vn to ye / and that vn to ye vttemost Iott / at the repentaunce of thyne herte / whē thou turnest to hym & forsakest euell / even of his goodnesse & fatherly mercie vn to the / ād not for thy flatterīge hym with ypocritish workes of thyne awne fayninge. So yt a fast faith only with out respecte of all workes / is the forgeuenesse both of the synne which we did in tyme of ignoraunce with luste ād cōsent to synne / & also of all the synne which we doo by chaunce & of frailte / after yt we are come to knowlege ād have professed ye law out of oure hertes. And all dedes serue only for to helpe oure neyboures & to tame oure flesh that we fall not to synne agayne / & to exercice oure soules in vertue / & not to make satisfaction to Godward for ye synne yt is once paste.
¶ And all other stories of ye bible / with out excepciō / are ye practisinge of ye law & of the Gospell / and are true and faitfull ensamples & sure erneste yt God will euen so deale with vs / as he did with thē / in all infirmities / in all temptaciōs / & in all like cases & chaunces. Wherin ye se on ye one syde / how fatherly & tendirly & with all cōpassion god entreateth his electe which submitte them selues as scolers / to lerne to walke in the wayes of his lawes / & to kepe thē of loue. If they forgatt thē selues at a time & wēt astraye / he sought thē out & sett thē agayne with all mercie. If they fell & hurte thē selues / he healed thē agayne with all compassion & tendernesse of hert. He hath ofte brought greate tribulation & aduersite vppon his electe: but all of fatherly loue only / to teach thē & to make them se their awne hertes & ye sinne yt there laye hid / that they might aftirwarde feale his mercie. For his mercie wayted vppon thē / to rid them out agayne / assone as they ware lerned & come to ye knowlege of their awne hertes: so that he neuer cast man awaye how depe so euer he had sinned / saue thē ōly which had first cast ye yocke of his lawes frō their neckes / with vtter diffiaunce & malice of herte.
Which ensamples how cōfortable are they for vs / whē we be fallen in to sinne & God is come vppō vs with a scorge / yt we dispeare not / but repēt with full hope of mercie after ye ensamples of mercie yt are gone before: And therfore they were written for our lernīge / as testifieth Paul Ro. xv. to cōforte vs / yt we might ye better put oure hope & trust in God / whē we se / how mercifull he hath bene in tymes past vn to our weake brethern yt are gone before / in all theyr aduersities / neade / temptaciōs / ye & horrible synnes in to which they now & then fell.
¶ And on ye other side ye se how they yt hardened their hertes & synned of malice & refused mercie yt was offered thē & had no power to repēt / perished at ye later ende with all confusion & shame mercilessely. Which ensamples are very good & necessary / to kepe vs in awe & dreade in tyme of prosperite as thou maist se by Paul. j. Cor. x. that we abyde in the feare of God / & wax not wild and fall to vanities ād so synne ād prouoke God and bringe wrath vppon vs.
¶ And thridly ye se in that practise / how as god is mercifull & longesoferynge / euen so were all his true prophetes & prechers / beringe the infirmities of their weake brethern & their awne wrōges & iniuries with all paciēce & longesoferinge / neuer castinge any of thē of their backes / vn tyll they synned agenst ye holygost / maliciously persecutinge ye open & manifest trouth: cōtrary vn to the ensample of ye Pope / which in sinninge agenst God & to quench ye trueth of his holy spirite / is euer chefe captayne and trōpetblower / to sett other awerke / ād seketh only his awne fredome / liberte / priuilege / welth / prosperite / profite / pleasure / pastyme / honoure & glorie / with ye bondage / thraldome / captiuite / miserie / wretchednesse & vile subiectiō of his brethern: & in his awne cause is so feruent / so steffe & cruell / that he will not sofre one word spoken agenst his false magiste / wily inuenciōs ād iuglynge ypocrisie to be vnaduēged / thongh all christendome shuld be sett to gether by the eares / and shuld cost he cared not how many hundred thousande their lives.
Now yt thou mayst reade Ionas frutefully & not as a poetis fable / but as an obligacō betwene God and thy soule / as an ernist peny geuen ye of God / yt he wil helpe ye in time of nede / if thou turne to him ād as the word of god ye only fode ād life of thy soule / this marke & note. First count Ionas the frend of god ād a man chosen of god to testifie his name vn to ye worlde: but yet a younge scolar / weake & rude / after ye faciō of ye appostles / while Christ was yet with them bodyly. Which though Christ taught thē euer to be meke & to vmble thē selues / yet oft stroue amonge them selues who shuld be greatest. The sonnes of Zebede wold sitt / the one on the right hōde of Christ ād the other on ye lifte. They wold praye / that fire might descēde from heuen / and consume the Samaritanes.
¶ Whē Christ axed who saye men that I am / Peter answered / thou arte the sonne of the lyuinge God / as though Peter had bene as perfecte as an angell. But immediatly after / when Christ preached vn to thē of his deeth & passiō / Peter was angre & rebuked Christe & thought ernestly yt he had raued & not wist what he sayde: as at a nother time / when Christ was so feruētly busied in healinge ye people / yt he had not leyser to eate / they went out to holde him / supposinge that he had bene besyde him selfe. Ande one yt cast out deuels in Christes name / they forbade / because he wayted not on them / so glorious were they yet.
¶ And though christ taughte all waye to forgeue / yet peter after longe goenge to scole / axed wether men shuld forgeue .vij. tymes / thynkinge yt .viij. tymes had bene to moch. And at ye last soper Peter wold have died with christe / but yet within fewe howres after / he denied hym / both cowardly & shamefully. And after ye same maner / though he had so lōge herd that nomā might auenge him selfe / but rather turne ye other cheke to / then to smyte agayne / yet when Christ was in