قراءة كتاب Amateur Gardencraft: A Book for the Home-Maker and Garden Lover

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‏اللغة: English
Amateur Gardencraft: A Book for the Home-Maker and Garden Lover

Amateur Gardencraft: A Book for the Home-Maker and Garden Lover

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

have written from the standpoint of the amateur, for other amateurs who would make the improvement of the home-grounds a pleasure and a means of relaxation rather than a source of profit in a financial sense, believing that what I have to say will commend itself to the non-professional gardener as sensible, practical, and helpful, and strictly in line with the things he needs to know when he gets down to actual work.

I have also tried to make it plain that much of which goes to the making of the home is not out of reach of the man of humble means—that it is possible for the laboring man to have a home as truly beautiful in the best sense of the term as the man can have who has any amount of money to spend—that it is not the money that we put into it that counts so much as the love for it and the desire to take advantage of every chance for improvement. Home, for home's sake, is the idea that should govern. Money can hire the work done, but it cannot infuse into the result the satisfaction that comes to the man who is his own home-maker.

But not every person who reads this book will be a home-maker in the sense spoken of above. It will come into the hands of those who have homes about which improvements have already been made by themselves or others, but who take delight in the cultivation of shrubs and plants because of love for them. Many of these persons get a great deal of pleasure out of experimenting with them. Others do not care to spend time in experiments, but would be glad to find a short cut to success. To such this book will make a strong appeal, for I feel confident it will help them to achieve success in gardening operations that are new to them if they follow the instruction to be found in its pages. I have not attempted to tell all about gardening, for there is much about it that I have yet to learn. I expect to keep on learning as long as I live, for there is always more and more for us to find out about it. That's one of its charms. But I have sought to impart the fundamental principles of it as I have arrived at a knowledge of them, from many years of labor among trees, and shrubs, and flowers—a labor of love—and it is with a sincere hope that I have not failed in my purpose that I give this book to

The Home-Maker and the Garden-Lover.

The Author.


The Lawn: How to Make It and How to Take Care of It 17
Planting the Lawn 34
Shrubs 49
Vines 68
The Hardy Border 81
The Garden of Annuals 97
The Bulb Garden 116
The Rose: Its General Care and Culture 128
The Rose as a Summer Bedder 149
The Dahlia 156
The Gladiolus 166
Lilies 172
Plants for Special Purposes 176
Arbors, Summer-Houses, Pergolas, and other Garden Features 189
Carpet-Bedding 205
Flowering and Foliage Plants for Edging Beds and Walks 216
Planning the Garden 223
The Back-Yard Garden 220
The Wild Garden 234
The Winter Garden 243
Window and Veranda
