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قراءة كتاب Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948

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‏اللغة: English
Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report
at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948

Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

Horticultural Society, Room 821, Washington Loan and Trust Building, Washington 4, D. C.

* * * * *

President Davidson: You have heard the Secretary's report. Has anyone any revisions or modifications of this report to suggest?

Dr. MacDaniels: I move acceptance with thanks.

(The motion was seconded, a vote taken, and the motion carried unanimously.)

President Davidson: If the Secretary will also read the Treasurer's report, we will proceed with it.

Mr. McDaniel: Mr. Snyder wrote recently, regretting that he would miss this meeting (for reasons of health). He says he can not accept the position of Treasurer another year.

Treasurer's Report for Year September 1, 1947 to September 1, 1948

D. C. SNYDER, Center Point, Iowa


        Dues $1,396.00
        Reports sold 153.75
        Bond Dividends 25.00
        Advertising 5.00
        Miss Jones' Postage Acc't. 36.85
        C. A. Reed Typesetting 32.50
        Miscellaneous 7.60


        Fruit Grower Subscriptions 100.80
        Reports, Stationery etc. 1,105.06
        Secretary's expense 100.30
        Treasurer's expense 58.17
        Reporting Guelph Meeting 25.00
        Miscellaneous 15.60
        Bank service charges and checks returned N.G. 12.90

   Balance gained during year 238.87
   On hand September 1, 1947 1,790.44
   Paid out for Bonds 1,100.00
   Cash total on hand, September 1, 1948 (subject to minor
     bank service charges and checks which may be
     returned) $ 919.31
   Bonds in box at Peoples Bank & Trust Company $2,500.00

* * * * *

President Davidson: You have heard the Treasurer's Report. Any remarks? It is a very good report. It shows that the organization is creeping up financially and in very good condition due to the continuous care that the Secretary and the Treasurer both have used in keeping up with our membership, keeping dues paid up, and so on. I will entertain a motion to accept our Treasurer's Report.

Dr. MacDaniels: I so move.

(The motion was seconded.)

Mr. O'Rourke: It should be accepted for audit.

Dr. MacDaniels: I will accept the amendment.

President Davidson: It is moved now, then, that the report be accepted for audit. Are there any remarks?

(A vote was taken on the motion, and it was carried unanimously.)

President Davidson: The next order of business is the regular business meeting of the Association. I think perhaps the first thing we should do might be to proceed with the election of a Nominating Committee and the Auditing Committee. I believe both, if I am not misinformed, are elective and not appointive. The chair will entertain nominations for the Nominating Committee.

+Nominating Committee Elected+

(The following were nominated for the Nominating Committee: Dr. H. L.
Crane, Harry R. Weber, Dr. Wm. L. Rohrbacher, J. F. Wilkinson, George L.
Slate. Upon motion that the Secretary cast a unanimous ballot for those
nominated, vote was taken and motion carried unanimously.)

President Davidson: Am I correct in saying that the Auditing Committee is elective, rather than appointive by the Executive Committee?

Mr. Silvis: I understood it was three members and just appointed.

Mr. McDaniel: Yes, under Article I of the by-laws, it is appointed.

President Davidson: In that case we will do nothing about that now.

I think perhaps we might proceed with a few resolutions or motions before going to the further order of business. The chair will entertain a motion that the Association give its thanks to Mrs. Baker and her committee of the ladies for their entertainment of last evening and for future entertainment.

Mr. Weber: I so move, Mr. President.

(The motion was seconded, a vote called for, and the motion carried unanimously.)

President Davidson: Also the chair will entertain a motion that the Secretary be instructed to send Dr. Deming our usual affectionate greetings and assure him that his beloved association is still carrying on in the spirit of the founders.

Mr. McDaniel: By the way, I have a letter from Dr. Deming. Should I read that?

President Davidson: That would be fine if you would, yes.

+A Letter from Dr. Deming+

(Secretary's note: We substitute a more recent letter, dated May 9, 1949).

"… You are giving me much consolation for all my broken promises to get out the annual report at an early date. I suggest that you have a lawyer draw up a contract for the printer to get out the report at a given date or forfeit so much per day for all delay. If you don't do that the printer will put you off for something that will give him a little more profit. I don't know that we ever got out a report in plenty of time for the members to get their orders in early or get other benefits from the report if it arrived before planting time.

"I note in the announcement of our Connecticut state medical society that it scheduled a recess of 15 minutes or so at intervals for members to 'view the exhibits.' It looks to me like a good idea….

"Congratulations on the fast work of Joe, Jr. The idea is to get plenty of limbs before letting him bear. Have you tried the sweet buckeye on him? [See page 181.]

"We have Spring here, too, as well as you in Nashville, and it is good.

"I get awfully tired after very little exertion. I'll be 87 on September 1. Too old to undertake any
