Mosque of Mohammed 'Ali
Street Scene
Palace of Gezireh
On Camel-Back
Pyramids of Gizeh
Corner View of the Great Pyramid
The Sphynx
In Central Africa
Suez Canal.
Landing on Suez Canal (Instantaneous)
Post Office, Suez
Yaffa or Jaffa
General View of Jerusalem
Wailing Place of the Jews
Street Scene
Garden of Gethsemane
Dead Sea
Jacob's Well
Great Mosque, Damascus
Kalbadevie Road, Bombay
Tropical Scenery
Heathen Temple
Royal Observatory
Wong Tai Ken
Typical Scene
Totem Poles
Parliament Buildings
San Francisco.
Golden Gate
Market Street, San Francisco
Yosemite Valley.
General View
Glacier Point
Mirror Lake
Big Tree
Salt Lake City.
Great Mormon Temple
Yellowstone National Park.
Pulpit Terrace
Obsidian Cliff
Mammoth Paint Pots
Old Faithful Geyser
Yellowstone Lake and Hot Springs
Yellowstone Falls
Grand Cañon of the Yellowstone
Animas Cañon
Grand Cañon of the Arkansas River
Mountain of the Holy Cross
Manitou and Pike's Peak
Summit of Pike's Peak
Gateway to the Garden of the Gods
Cathedral Spires
Life in Oklahoma
Indian Wigwam, Indian Territory
State Street, Chicago, Ill.
Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Bunker Hill Monument, Boston, Mass.
New York.
Park Row
Brooklyn Bridge
Elevated Railroad
Statue of Liberty
Chestnut Street
Market Street
St. Augustine, Fla.
Fort San Marco
Ponce de Leon
Washington, D. C.
The Capitol
White House
BLARNEY CASTLE, Ireland.—Here are observed the ruins of a famous old fortress, visited by thousands of tourists every year, on account of a tradition which has been attached for centuries to one of the stones used in building the castle. Its walls are 120 feet high and 18 feet thick; but it is principally noted for the "Blarney Stone," which is said to be endowed with the property of communicating to those who kiss its polished surface, the gift of gentle, insinuating speech. The triangular stone is 20 feet from the top, and contains this inscription: Cormack MacCarthy, "Fortis me fieri fecit A. D. 1446." |
LAKES OF KILLARNEY, Ireland.—These are three connected lakes, near the centre of County Kerry. The largest contains thirty islands, and covers an area of fifteen square miles. The beautiful scenery along the lakes consists in the gracefulness of the mountain outlines and the rich and varied colorings of the wooded shores. Here the beholder falters, and his spirit is overawed as in a dream, while he contemplates the power and grandeur of the Creator. The lakes are visited by thousands of tourists annually. The above photograph gives a general view of them. |
DUBLIN, Ireland.—Dublin, the capital and chief city of Ireland, is the centre of the political, ecclesiastical, educational, commercial, military and railroad enterprises of the kingdom. It is the residence of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and it claims a high antiquity, having been in existence since the time of Ptolemy. In the ninth century it was taken by the Danes, who held sway for over two hundred years. In 1169 it was taken back by the English, and seven years later, its history began to be identified with that of Ireland. The city is divided into two parts by the Liffey, which is spanned by nine bridges. This photograph represents Sackville street, one of its principal thoroughfares. |