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قراءة كتاب Frenzied Finance, Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated

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‏اللغة: English
Frenzied Finance, Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated

Frenzied Finance, Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

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When my story is ended and the great American people, whose simple but proud boast is that they cannot be fooled in the same place by the same methods and the same instruments twice, know as much as I now know of Amalgamated and its relation to the "System" which has for years as boldly, as coarsely, and as cruelly robbed them as the coolie slaves are robbed by their masters—it will be for them to decide whether my story has been, because of the facts which entered into it, so well told that they will not be satisfied with the restitution of the vast sums which the Amalgamated took from them, which United States Steel took from them, and which other financial enterprises took in lesser amounts but by equally flagrant methods; but will demand the overthrow of the "System" itself. It will be for them to decide; and if their decision should be for a conclusive revolt, I shall be amply repaid for the pains and the miseries which must necessarily follow in the wake of a task such as the one I undertook when I decided to tell the story of Amalgamated.


Foreword vii
I. The Tortuous Course of Amalgamated 1
II. The "System's" Method of Finance and Management 5
III. The Men in Power Behind the "System" 13
IV. My Own Responsibility 23
V. The Power of Dollars 33
VI. Construction of "Standard Oil's" "Dollar-Making" Mill 41
VII. Juggling with Millions of the People's Money 52
VIII. "Standard Oil" Invests "Made Dollars" in Gas 56
IX. A Votary of the "System" 60
X. Addicks Comes to Boston 67
XI. How Addicks Captured Boston Gas 71
XII. Stock-Brokers not all Bad 79
XIII. The "System" versus Westinghouse 88
XIV. The Alliance with Addicks 93
XV. The Great Bay State Gas Fight 103
XVI. Peace Negotiations with Rogers 110
XVII. A Memorable Conference 113
XVIII. The Duplicity of Addicks 125
XIX. Enter H. M. Whitney 133
XX. An Awkward Attack of Appendicitis 142
XXI. Bribing a Legislature 149
